the impact of space related non governmental organisations in developing space law and policy and space exploration
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Mr. Sidhant Sharma, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Year
- Abstract
A non-governmental organisation is an organisation which is neither a part of the government nor falls into the category of organisations that carry out their objectives for profit. NGOs operate with the intention to have an impact on public policy and society in relation to the particular field they are dedicated towards. Some renowned examples of NGOs who have made such an impact includes WWF and Amnesty International. This paper will give a comprehensive outline on the impact that space related NGOs have made in developing space law and policy and enhancing space exploration. In order to do that, this paper will firstly consider the major reasons for why NGOs are important in developing and enhancing space law and policy and space exploration. Various space related NGOs, their practices and objectives will be considered in detail to give a clear reference on the impact that they have had in the development of space law and policy and space exploration. This will include consideration of space related NGOs like IISL, Secure World Foundation and Space Generation Advisory Council. Lastly, after concluding on the impact of space related NGOs in space law, policy and space exploration, this paper will consider whether the impact of these NGOs has been substantial and if not, then through what ways and policies can it be further enhanced.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document