legal challenges of cyber security in space
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Mrs. Kinga Kolasa-Sokolowska, Poland
- Year
- Abstract
In the world of global connectivity and interdependent infrastructure, the issue of cyber security has become a serious concern, both at the national and international level. The number of cyber security incidents is rapidly increasing almost in every sector of economy. Cyber risks pose a significant threat also to the space technology. Highly technical industry as space is particularly attractive target for the perpetrators of cyber attacks not only because of the severity of the damage to be caused, but also because of the sector’s vulnerability to such malicious actions. Seen in this light, the proposed paper focuses on two legal problems associated with the cyber security. Firstly, whether the current legal framework is sufficient to provide cyber security to the expanding number of actors involved in space business (in the era of the progressing commercialization of space). Secondly, whether existing rules can prevent the humanity from cyber warfare among the nations (given the fact that certain countries are already developing their cyber warfare capabilities). In terms of the formal requirements: this work has not been previously presented or published by the Author; attendance in Guadalajara is assured.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document