rootbrowseIAC-18B6session 33. Mission Operations, Validation, Simulation and TrainingPapers1. THE LISA PATHFINDER MISSION IN-ORBIT EXPERIENCE AND OUTLOOK FOR LISA2. Actual use of Differential Drag for Formation Flying3. Flight Results of MarconISSta - An RF Spectrum Analyzer aboard the ISS to improve frequency sharing and satellite operations4. What can go wrong, will go wrong: the bug-out procedures tested during ICAres-1 analog Mars mission at the Lunares habitat in Pila, Poland5. The Mars Terrain Simulator: an indoor analogue facility to validate and simulate ExoMars Rover Operations and to support the ExoMars Surface Mission6. Challenges in the definition, validation and simulation of the ground operations of the ExoMars 2020 Rover surface mission at the Rover Operations Control Centre (ROCC)7. DANCE: a Frictionless 5 DOF Facility for GNC Proximity Maneuvering Experimental Testing and Validation8. ATENA: an advanced solution for the simulation and validation of nanosatellite operations9. Space Payload Test System: A flexible software suite for TMTC management from development to integration and operation mission phases10. Simulation for goal-based mission continuation on-board interplanetary spacecraft11. In-flight calibration of nanosatellite’s inertia tensor: the algorithm and requirements for on-board sensors