The H2020 ReDSHIFT project: a successful European effort towards space debris mitigation
- Paper number
- Author
Dr. Alessandro Rossi, Italy, IFAC-CNR
- Coauthor
Dr. Elisa Maria Alessi, Italy, IFAC-CNR
- Coauthor
Dr. Giulia Schettino, Italy, IFAC-CNR
- Coauthor
Dr. James Beck, United Kingdom, Belstead Research Ltd
- Coauthor
Dr. Ian Holbrough, United Kingdom, Belstead Research Ltd
- Coauthor
Mr. Thorn Schleutker, Germany, DLR (German Aerospace Center)
- Coauthor
Mr. Federico Letterio, Spain, Deimos Space SLU
- Coauthor
Mr. Gonzalo Vicario de Miguel, Spain, Deimos Space S.L.
- Coauthor
Dr. Jonathan Becedas Rodríguez, Spain, Elecnor Deimos
- Coauthor
Mr. Florio Dalla Vedova, Luxembourg, LuxSpace Sarl
- Coauthor
Dr. Hedley Stokes, United Kingdom, PHS Space Ltd
- Coauthor
Dr. Camilla Colombo, Italy, Politecnico di Milano
- Coauthor
Dr. Ioannis Gkolias, Italy, Politecnico di Milano
- Coauthor
Prof. Franco Bernelli-Zazzera, Italy, Politecnico di Milano
- Coauthor
Dr. Narcís Miguel Banos, Italy, Politecnico di Milano
- Coauthor
Dr. Scott Walker, United Kingdom, University of Southampton
- Coauthor
Mr. Federico Romei, United Kingdom, University of Southampton
- Coauthor
Prof.Dr. Kleomenis Tsiganis, Greece
- Coauthor
Ms. Despoina Skoulidou, Greece, Aristotle Uiniversity of Thessaloniki
- Coauthor
Prof. Enrico Stoll, Germany, TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space Systems
- Coauthor
Mr. Volker Schaus, Germany, TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space Systems
- Coauthor
Ms. Rada Popova, Germany, Institute of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne
- Coauthor
Mr. Youngkyu Kim, Germany, University of Cologne
- Coauthor
Prof. Alessandro Francesconi, Italy, University of Padova - DII/CISAS
- Coauthor
Dr. Lorenzo Olivieri, Italy, CISAS "G. Colombo" - University of Padova
- Coauthor
Prof. Simone Gerardin, Italy, University of Padova
- Year
- Abstract
The ReDSHIFT (Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies) project was concluded on March 31, 2019. It was a 3-year project that displayed an impressive level of collaboration between 13 European partners, aimed at studying, implementing and testing novel solutions for space debris mitigation. The main results can be summarized as: \begin{enumerate} \item A complete mapping of the LEO to GEO space was performed and the cartography was exploited to devise ``dynamical'' disposal strategies for any orbital regime. \item The possibility to exploit area augmentation devices (e.g., solar and drag sails) was studied both from the dynamical and the hardware point of view. \item A prototype small spacecraft ``debris compliant'' was designed and assembled exploiting the advantages offered by the additive manufacturing procedures. After a first round of environmental tests the initial spacecraft design was revised and a new design, optimized for 3D printing, was obtained. \item Several parts, including a solar/drag sail container, an in-orbit attach mechanism for sail module and new debris shields, were designed, 3D printed and tested. The sail mechanisms underwent deployment and mechanical tests, while the shields were tested with hypervelocity impacts. \item The materials and components of the spacecraft were tested for Design for Demise (D4D). \item A software tool (whose web version is now publicly available on the project website: encompassing all the above findings was produced. The software shall help the users to conceive a ``debris compliant'' space mission from the design to the disposal phase. \item A number of possible improvements to the international space regulations and standards, stemming from the projects findings, were analyzed and identified. \end{enumerate} A comprehensive summary of all the above results will be presented with a specific focus on the latest final achievements, mainly itemized in points 3, 4, 6 and 7 above. The research leading to these results has received funding from the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020-PROTEC-2015) under REA grant agreement n. [687500]- ReDSHIFT.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-19,A6,4,6,x53158.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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