rootbrowseIAC-19B2session 44. Mobile Satellite Communications and Navigation TechnologyPapers1. MDASat – a nanosatellite constellation to improve the South African maritime domain awareness capability2. Rubidium Pulsed Optically Pumped Clock for Navigation Satellites3. lightweight deployable X/Ku-band antenna for land-mobile satellite communication4. Next Generation Hybrid Satellite-5G Networks5. The evolutions of the Galileo Return Link Service6. Analyzing the soil condition for the Agriculture using GNSS7. The TARDIS experiment: an innovative VOR-based system for HAPS backup positioning and attitude determination8. Innovative tracking systems test on-board a stratospheric balloon: the STRAINS Experiment9. automated relative state determination in a multi-satellite array using gps with no ground stations10. Single-Satellite Real-Time Positioning of Balloon and Helicopter for Aerial Exploration in Extraterrestrial Atmosphere11. integrity enhancement method for airborne multi-Sensor assisted satellite navigation landing system