rootbrowseIAC-19C4session 11. Propulsion System (1)Papers1. KEYNOTE: Prometheus: Precursor of low-cost rocket Engine2. Assessment of MON-25/MMH Propellant System for Deep-Space Engines3. 60 Years DLR Lampoldshausen – The European Research and Test Site for Chemical Space Propulsion Systems4. firing tests of le-9 development engine for h3 launch vehicle5. Development status of booster stage liquid rocket engine of KSLV-II program6. DEVELOPMENT TESTS OF RD815 ENGINE PREBURNER DEMONSTRATOR7. Anomaly Detection of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine using System Invariant Analysis Technology8. VINCI UPPER STAGE ENGINE QUALIFICATION FOR ARIANE 69. Main Results from Orion European Service Module Propulsion Subsystem Qualification Testing10. Water Propulsion - The ultimate Green Technology11. Numerical Study on Performances of an Electric Pump-fed Cycle Rocket Engine12. preliminary study on expander cycle methane engine for post-kslv 2 program13. Qualifying an Additively Manufactured Liquid Rocket Engine for Hot-Fire Readiness. Testing and Validation of a Prototype 3d Printed Liquid Bi-Propellant Rocket Engine. Testing of LOX Methane Engine in High Altitude Test Facility