Overview of SFBTRR40:Fundamental Technologies for Development of Future Space-Transport-System Components
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Since 2008, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding within SFB TRR 40 a multi-university research program on research and technologies for future generations of space transportation systems in more than 20 individual Ph.D. projects. Researchers from RWTH Aachen, TU Braunschweig, TU München, UniBW München and University of Stuttgart cooperate with German Aerospace Center (DLR) institutes in Braunschweig, Göttingen, Köln, Stuttgart and Lampoldshausen and with Ariane Group in Ottobrunn. The main objective of SFB TRR40 is to increase the level of understanding of dominating phenomena in propulsion systems, to improve and develop design tools, to prepare the scientific basis for innovative technologies. The achievements of this program will provide significant gains in efficiency and reliability of future propulsion systems and as such contribute to maintain the capability for an independent European access to space. In each of the three different funding phases the program has been focused on different aspect. While during the first phase main emphasis has been put explorative research looking into fundamental modeling, development of critical methods and tools and analyses of innovative concepts. The second phase has seen application-focused modeling attempts and efforts towards consolidation of technologies, tools and innovations. In the third phase, the majority of the projects will work towards establishing an integrated simulation environment, demonstration of technologies and on hardware demonstration. Throughout all three phases, the program is kept its structure of five topical areas which cover all aspects of a thrust chamber: i.e. structure cooling, aft-body flows, combustion chamber, nozzle and thrust chamber assembly. This keynote will briefly touch the achievements of the first two funding phases and will focus on the most recent major achievements in structural cooling, aft-body flows and its interaction with nozzles flows, combustion instabilities, heat transfer and demonstrator design issues.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document