rootbrowseIAC-19D2session 55. Technologies for Future Space Transportation SystemsPapers1. Advanced Morphing Space Transportation System from Space to Earth with Trimmed Flight for Wider Cross Range and Down Range2. An Innovative Navigation Scheme for Reusable Launch Vehicle using Multi-Source Information Fusion3. Architectures of Hybrid Navigation Systems (HNS) for Reusable Space Transportation Systems4. An Effective Piston Pressurization System for Spacecraft Bipropellant Tanks5. Developments on Low Cost Manufacturing Methods for Cylindrical Launcher Structures6. CMC/Metallic technology for the reusable Space Rider Body Flap Assembly7. Design and Manufacturing Status of Advanced Structures for Reusable Launch Systems Demonstrators with Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies (RETALT)8. Autophage reusable SSTO launch vehicle9. Self-Supporting Multi-Layer Insulation for Launch Vehicles10. Enhancing Critical RLV-technologies: Testing Reusable Cryo-Tank Insulations11. Low cost Avionics for a European micro Launcher12. The Application of Laser Communication in Future Launch Vehicle