Astro-Tourisms: A Concept and Possibility In Nepal
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Mr. Sabin Gautam, Nepal, Pokhara Astronomical Society
- Year
- Abstract
Night sky has been always thrilling part of human endeavor and throughout human civilization concept of stargazing also get upgrade for different purposes and insight. Pokhara Astronomical Society (PAS) is an educational initiative continuously organizing Night Sky Observations Program (star parties) since its establishment in 2012. Human nature its self always curious to travel different place to explore new culture, environment and entertain themselves. Likewise, concept of Astro-tourisms will be best for people who want to be familiar with celestial object and celestial events. Using portable telescope, Astronomical laser light and some mobile application we had conducted stargazing program at some tourist visiting places and during the trek at high mountains. We believed that the night sky observation and star party program will be new sector which eventually create novel way of enhancing Tourisms in Nepal. Conjoining modern astronomical concept with Hindu mythology, stargazing would be more interesting for delighting the veils of stars. Astrophysicist, astrophotographer, amateur astronomer and even general astronomy lover travel a long distance to defect the effect of light pollution to observe the clear night and capture the event. However this is emerging ideas but has a huge possibility in Nepal, with high altitude places with minimum light pollution. Within this paper I will discuss about some initial program that we had already done and future possibility along with challenges for the nourishment of Astro-Tourisms practices in Nepal. I believe, this IAU session will be one of best platform to promote our concept and invite huge number of people to capture the amazing view of night sky in conjunction with their suggestion. Key words: Nepal, Astro-Tourisms, Stargazing, PAS
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document