Space Legislation of Luxembourg
- Paper number
- Author
Prof. Mahulena Hofmann, Luxembourg, University of Luxembourg
- Year
- Abstract
Luxembourg is State Party both of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and the 1972 Liability Convention. Until 2017, space activities under its jurisdiction were authorized and supervised under the 1991 Law on Electronic Media. The recent enlargement of the scope of space activities from space communication to other forms of uses of outer space, including space resources activities, required profound changes of the national legislation. The first outcome of these efforts is the adoption of the 2017 specific law on space resources activities which contains a regime of authorization of space resources missions, the second step being the elaboration of a draft of general space law of Luxembourg. The contribution analyses these developments: First, it discusses the relation of the two documents, as well as the view of the Conseil d´État of Luxembourg of February 2019 on the draft of the general space law. Second, it explains how they implement the Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty, and how the draft general law intends to open the path for the ratification of the 1975 Registration Convention by Luxembourg. It concludes by stressing the inspiring role played by the UN 2013 National Space Legislation Resolution.
- Abstract document
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IAC-19,E7,3,8,x50691.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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