rootbrowseIAC-20E7session 44. Application of space law to cyber activitiesPapers0. Introduction to Session E7.4.1. Cyber activities and challenges on states responsibility in space law5. When Cyber Activities are Space Activities: Definitions are Key6. cyberattacks and the need for a new legal regime7. The Outer Space and Cyber-Attacks: Attributing Responsibility under International Space Law8. Cybersecurity in outer space: Combating perils of the final frontier9. Space law challenges for recovery of damage, inflicted to space objects by cyber means10. CYBER ATTACK ON SPACE ASSETS AND THE APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 51 OF THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER11. GNSS Jamming and Spoofing under National and International Law12. Satellite jamming for governmental purposes: what do telecommunications and space law say about its legitimacy?13. Terrestrial Cyber Activity of Non-Governmental Actors and State Responsibility Under Outer Space Treaty Article VI