rootbrowseIAC-07C4session 33. Propulsion TechnologyPapers1. Development Of A Hydrogen Turbopump Demonstrator2. Numerical Calculations Of A Turbine With Partial Admission Nozzles In A Turbopump Of Liquid Rocket Engine Using The Frozen Rotor Method3. The Numerical and Experimental Study on Characteristics of Local Heat Transfer Enhancement for the High Pressure Thrust Chamber4. Methane Heat Transfer Characterization For Regenerative- or Convectively-cooled Liquid Rocket Engine Applications5. Orthogonal Experimental Investigation of a Gaseous Hydrogen / Gaseous Oxygen Coaxial Injector6. Experimental Investigations Of COAX SWIRL Injectors For Hydrocarbons7. Experimental Research On Atomization And Combustion Of Gas/liquid Coaxial Swirling Nozzle Under Normal Pressure8. effect of variation of chamber geometry on the performance of a small scale bipropellant thruster9. An Intelligent Damage-mitigating Control Method For Liquid-propellant Rocket Engines