rootbrowseIAC-08A4session 22. SETI II - Interdisciplinary Aspects of SETIPapers1. Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Aspects of SETI2. SETI TERMINOLOGY: DO WE INTERPRET SETI TERMS CORRECTLY?3. Unpacking The Great Transmission Debate4. Correcting for Interdependence of Terms in the San Marino Scale5. A Post-Detection Decipherment Strategy6. Planning for Contact: Fantasy Documents or Guidelines for Action?7. ETI: from imagination to reality8. Aliens Among Us: learning disability as an analog for extraterrestrial intelligence9. NEARBY EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATING CIVILIZATIONS AND THE “REVERSE SETI” ARGUMENT10. Large-size Message Construction for ETI Recursivity in Lingua Cosmica Aleander Ollongren Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CA Leiden, Holland11. What Does It Mean to Be Human?: Reflections on the Portrayal of Human Nature in Interstellar Messages