rootbrowseIAC-16E1session 44. In Orbit - Postgraduate Space EducationPapers1. DTUsat the Ideal CDIO project2. ESA Academy – The Education Programme for University students3. Incorporating Human Space Exploration in to Industrial Design School Curriculum4. Lessons Learned in the Creation of a Multi-disciplinary Space Studies Program in the UAE.5. Mars Treatymaking Workshop Results and Insights from ISU SSP166. Micro-satellite Technology Education and Practice in RCSSTEAP, China7. Robotic Planetary Exploration Analogue Missions at the International Space University, Latest Results8. Satellite-based experiments for a graduate program in telecommunications engineering technology9. SEEDS, the international post-graduate master program for space exploration10. SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE SPACE STUDIES PROGRAM – STRENGTHENING SPACE SKILLS IN THE GLOBAL SOUTH11. Space Technology Education & Training Exchange Platform Open to the World12. The International Space Education on Post-graduate Level in Beihang University