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    IAC-11 — 62nd International Astronautical Congress

    V. Virtual Forums


    Kathleen Coderre
    Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company)United States

    V.1. Flight Operations Virtual Forum

    V.2. Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee Virtual Forum

    V.3. Human Space Endeavours Virtual Forum

    V.4. Space Communications and Navigation Virtual Forum


    The symposium jointly organized by the International Academy of Astronautics and the International Astronautical Federation addresses all aspects of space life sciences research and practice in human and robotic spaceflight, from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to the universe beyond, and from the Big Bang to the lives of future explorers on other planets of our solar system.


    Peter Graef
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Ronald J. White
    Montana Technological UniversityUnited States

    A1.1. Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space

    This session considers psychosocial, interpersonal, cultural, cognitive, circadian/sleep and human factors issues and countermeasures related to human spaceflight and space exploration.


    Nick Kanas
    University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)United States

    Peter Suedfeld
    University of British ColumbiaCanada


    Vadim Gushin
    Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)Russian Federation

    A1.2. Human Physiology in Space

    This session focuses on all aspects of spaceflight physiology that relate to human health and to the countermeasures employed to maintain health and performance.


    Inesa Kozlovskaya
    State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation

    Satoshi Iwase
    Aichi Medical UniversityJapan


    Hanns-Christian Gunga
    Charité Universitätsmedizin BerlinGermany

    A1.3. Medical Care for Humans in Space

    The session focuses on medical care for astronauts including operational medicine aspects, countermeasure development and applications as well as needs for future care for astronauts during long term stays in space and missions to and on Moon and Mars. A further focus will lie on medical care for passengers and operators of commercial suborbital and orbital space flights.


    Rupert Gerzer
    Skoltech Space CenterRussian Federation

    Anatoly I. Grigoriev
    Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation


    Patrik Sundblad

    A1.4. Radiation Fields, Effects and Risks in Human Space Missions

    The major topics of this session are the characterisation of the radiation environment by theoretical modelling and experimental data, radiation effects on physical and biological systems, countermeasures to radiation and radiation risk assessment.


    Günther Reitz
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Giovanni De Angelis
    Skolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyRussian Federation


    Nicole Buckley
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    A1.5. Astrobiology and Exploration

    Astrobiology plays a key role in the preparation of space exploration endeavours to find life in our solar system and beyond. Investigating habitability constraints and instrument technology to search for organic compounds and life provides support to current and future robotic missions to inner and outer solar system bodies as well as human exploration missions targeting the Earth-Moon-Mars space. The session invites papers of astrobiological content supporting space exploration.


    Petra Rettberg
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Pascale Ehrenfreund
    International Space University (ISU)France


    Inge ten Kate
    SETI InstituteUnited States

    A1.6. Life Support and EVA Systems

    This session will address strategies, solutions and technologies in providing for human requirements during future deep space and planetary/lunar surface exploration.


    Chiaki Mukai
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Bernhard Koch
    DLR VO-R Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Terrence G. Reese
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A1.7. Biology in Space

    This session focuses on the molecular and cellular systems in plants and animals to analyse the mechanisms of gravisensitivity in ground-based and space flight experiments.


    Catharine Conley
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Ludmila Buravkova
    SSC RF Institute for bio-medical problems RASRussian Federation


    Jancy C. McPhee
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space CenterUnited States

    A1.8.-E1.7. Living In Space - Education And Outreach In Space Life Sciences and infrastructure development for capacity building

    This is a joint session of IAA Commission II on Space Life Sciences and the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee. This interdisciplinary session focuses on all aspects of education and outreach activities related to space life and material sciences including the International Space Station.


    Andrea Boese
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Marilyn Steinberg
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Lyn Wigbels
    American Astronautical Society (AAS)United States


    Rachid Amekrane
    Airbus DS GmbHGermany

    Marlene MacLeish
    United States

    Chrysoula Kourtidou-Papadeli
    Greek Aerospace Medical AssociationGreece


    The objective of this Symposium is to highlight and discuss the state of the art in microgravity physical sciences and processes as well as to prepare the future orbital infrastructure. Session topics cover all microgravity sciences disciplines (materials sciences, fluid sciences, combustion science, fundamental physics, multi-phase flows), current results and research perspectives, together with relevant technology developments.


    Antonio Viviani
    Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Italy


    Marcus Dejmek
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    A2.1. Gravity and Fundamental Physics

    This session is devoted to the search of new fields of research in condensed matter physics and gravitational physics including cryogenic fluids, critical fluids, equivalence principle, atomic clock, plasma crystals.


    Francois Gonzalez
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Joachim Richter
    RWTH AachenGermany


    Bernard Zappoli
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    A2.2. Fluid and Materials Sciences

    The main focus of the session is on perspective research fields in fluid and materials sciences, multi-phase and chemically reacting flows including theoretical modelling, numerical simulations, and results of pathfinder laboratory and space experiments.


    Raimondo Fortezza
    Telespazio S.p.A.Italy

    Nickolay N. Smirnov
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation


    Jean-Claude Legros
    Université Libre de BruxellesBelgium

    A2.3. Microgravity Experiments from Sub-orbital to Orbital Platforms

    This session presents recent results of microgravity experiments from all disciplines using different microgravity platforms, including drop towers, parabolic aircrafts, sounding rockets and capsules.


    Ziad Saghir
    Ryerson UniversityCanada

    Raffaele Savino
    University of Naples "Federico II"Italy


    Vladimir Pletser
    Blue AbyssUnited Kingdom

    A2.4. Science Results from Ground Based Research

    This session is focused on the results of ground based preparatory experiments from all disciplines.


    Valentina Shevtsova
    University of MondragonSpain

    Antonio Viviani
    Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Italy


    Nickolay N. Smirnov
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation

    A2.5. Facilities and Operations of Microgravity Experiments

    This session is devoted to new diagnosis developments, new instruments definition and concepts for the future, ground and flight operation (telescience, robotics, hardware & software).


    Marcus Dejmek
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Peter Hofmann
    OHB System AG - MunichGermany

    A2.6. Microgravity Sciences onboard the International Space Station and Beyond

    Aimed to the presentation of results obtained from large orbital platforms, in particular the ISS, as well as preparation scenarios for further long term flight opportunities. The session includes description and performance of ground and in-orbit infrastructures.


    Rodolfo Monti
    University of Naples "Federico II"Italy

    Kenol Jules
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Christoph Pütz
    Astrium Space TransportationGermany

    A2.7. Microgravity Processes onboard Large Space Platforms

    The session is aimed to the presentation of applications on the ISS and other large orbital platforms, including accommodations of facilities and experiments as well as science planning, operational scenarios and simulations.


    Peter Hofmann
    OHB System AG - MunichGermany

    Christoph Pütz
    Astrium Space TransportationGermany


    Qi Kang
    National Microgravity Laboratory, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.China

    A2.P. Microgravity Sciences and Processes - Poster Session


    This Symposium covers the current and future robotic missions and material plans for initiatives in the exploration of the Universe from Space. The emerging field of Astrobiology or origins of the Universe and Solar Systems are included in all sessions where appropriate.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    A3.1. Space Exploration Overview

    This Session covers Space Exploration strategies and architectures, as well as technology roadmaps. Papers of both national and international perspectives are invited, as are papers dealing with the emerging area of commercial space exploration activities.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Luc Frécon
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Robert D. Richards
    International Space University (ISU)United States

    Eun-Sup Sim
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of

    A3.2.P. Moon Exploration - Poster Session


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    A3.2A. Moon Exploration – Part 1

    This session will address current and future lunar missions. The session will address orbital missions, robotic surface missions, as well as life sciences on the Moon, resource utilisation and preparatory activities for future solar system exploration.


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    A3.2B. Moon Exploration – Part 2

    This session will address current and future lunar missions. The session will address orbital missions, robotic surface missions, as well as life sciences on the Moon, resource utilisation and preparatory activities for future solar system exploration.


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    A3.3.P. Mars Exploration - Poster Session

    A3.3A. Mars Exploration – Part 1

    The planet Mars is being explored now and in the coming years with multiple robotic missions from a variety of nations. This Session will cover current results from ongoing Mars missions and the designs for proposed Mars missions including expected experiments. Papers on any aspects of the search for evidence of extant or extinct Martian life, and forward and backward contamination are particularly welcome.


    Vincenzo Giorgio
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Walter Faulconer
    United States


    Marc D. Rayman
    NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    A3.3B. Mars Exploration – Part 2

    The planet Mars is being explored now and in the coming years with multiple robotic missions from a variety of nations. This Session will cover current results from ongoing Mars missions and the designs for proposed Mars missions including expected experiments. Papers on any aspects of the search for evidence of extant or extinct Martian life, and forward and backward contamination are particularly welcome.


    Vincenzo Giorgio
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Walter Faulconer
    United States


    Marc D. Rayman
    NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    A3.4. Small Bodies Missions and Technologies

    This Session will present the missions and technological aspects related to the exploration of small bodies including a search for pre-biotic signatures.


    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland

    Stephan Ulamec
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Marc D. Rayman
    NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    A3.4.P. Small Bodies Missions and Technologies - Poster Session

    A3.5. Solar System Exploration

    This Session covers robotic missions for Solar System exploration (inner and outer planets and their satellites, and space plasma physics) except the Earth, Moon, Mars, and small bodies covered in other sessions of this symposium. Papers covering both new mission concepts as well as the associated specific technologies are invited.


    Junichiro Kawaguchi
    Australian National University (ANU)Australia

    Mariella Graziano
    GMV Aerospace & Defence SAUSpain


    James Middleton

    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    A3.5.P. Solar System Exploration - Poster Session


    This symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics deals with the scientific, technical and interdisciplinary aspects of the search for extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) including a discussion of all kinds of contacts. The technical side is not limited to the microwave window, but includes also optical and any kind of radiation. The interdisciplinary aspects include all societal implications, risk communication and philosophical considerations of any kind of discovery or contact.


    Seth Shostak
    SETI InstituteUnited States

    Claudio Maccone
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)Italy

    A4.1. SETI I : SETI Science and Technology

    All technical aspects involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, including current and future search strategies.


    H. Paul Shuch
    The SETI League, Inc.United States

    Seth Shostak
    SETI InstituteUnited States


    Carol Oliver
    University of New South WalesAustralia

    A4.2. SETI II : SETI and Society

    All aspects concerning the societal implications of extraterrestrial intelligence are considered, including public reaction to a discovery.


    Alex Antonites
    SETI LeagueSouth Africa

    Douglas Vakoch
    SETI Institute and California Institute of Integral StudiesUnited States


    John Traphagan
    University of Texas at AustinUnited States


    This Symposium covers the strategic plans, architectural concepts and technology development for future human exploration of the Solar System.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Wendell Mendell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A5.1. Near Term Strategies for Lunar Surface Infrastructure

    This session will look at the study of Lunar Surface infrastructure elements to support human exploration from a lunar outpost or sortie missions. Papers are invited to discuss technology roadmaps as well as interfaces to allow international cooperation and lunar surface activities.


    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Wendell Mendell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    A5.2. Long Term Scenarios for Human Moon/Mars Presence

    Many studies of human Moon and Mars missions have been conducted in the 35 years since the first Apollo Moon landing. Utilization and colonization of the Moon and Mars will require that a long term, sustainable strategy be developed - and followed. In addition, future lunar and Mars enterprise must be considered as part of an evolving space infrastructure that can utilize the goods and services stemming from colonies to enhance or enable ever more ambitious human and robotic space exploration goals. This session will address strategic aspects of political, philosophical, legal and commercial “enablers”, including technological road maps and benefits to humanity that might result from human exploration and ultimately colonization. A goal of the session is the advancement of a strategy leading toward self-supporting colonies.


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    Uwe Apel
    Hochschule BremenGermany


    Nadeem Ghafoor
    Avalon SpaceCanada

    A5.3.-B3.6. Joint session on Human and Robotic Partnerships to Realize Space Exploration Goals

    This session seeks papers on new systems and technologies for future human missions to the Moon and Mars, and the role of human and robotic partnerships in areas such as human surface mobility systems (rovers); habitat/infrastructure construction; robotic assistants; and, precursor activities such as sample returns, in-situ plant growth and food and fuel production demonstrations. This session also welcomes papers considering how the roles of humans, machines and intelligent systems are likely to evolve in the coming years and the corresponding impact on complex missions.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Anthony R. Gross
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Massimiliano Bottacini
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    A5.4. Going beyond the Earth-Moon system: Human Missions to Mars, Libration points, and NEO’s

    This session will explore short duration human missions to destinations beyond the Earth-Moon system. Papers are invited to discuss program architectures and technology roadmaps as well as the issues of scientific and political motivations and international cooperation.


    Ernst Messerschmid
    University of StuttgartGermany

    Lionel Suchet
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Gerhard Schwehm
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    The Symposium will address the complete spectrum of technical issues of space debris: measurements, modelling, risk assessment in space and on the ground, reentry, hypervelocity impacts and protection, mitigation and standards, and Space Surveillance.


    Nicholas L. Johnson
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    A6.1. Measurements

    This session will address advanced ground and space-based measurement techniques, relating processing methods, and results on the derived spatial and temporal distribution of debris.


    Thomas Schildknecht
    SwissSpace AssociationSwitzerland

    Vladimir Agapov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation


    Patrick Seitzer
    University of MichiganUnited States

    A6.2. Modelling and Risk Analysis

    This session will address the characterization of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogues, and active avoidance.


    Carmen Pardini

    Darren McKnight
    LeoLabsUnited States


    Carsten Wiedemann
    TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space SystemsGermany

    A6.3. Hypervelocity Impacts and Protection

    The session will address passive protection, shielding and damage predictions. Shielding aspects will be supported by experimental and computational results of HVI tests. Use of HVI techniques for debris mitigation.


    Sergey Meshcheryakov
    TSNIIMASHRussian Federation

    Frank Schäfer
    Fraunhofer EMIGermany


    James Hyde
    Barrios Technology/ESC Group - NASAUnited States

    A6.4. Mitigation and Standards

    This session will focus on the definition and implementation of debris prevention and reduction measures and vehicle passive protection. The session will also address space debris mitigation guidelines and standards that exist already or are in preparation at the national or international level.


    Fernand Alby
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Richard Crowther
    Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryUnited Kingdom


    V. Adimurthy
    Indian Space Researh OrganisationIndia

    A6.5. Space Debris Removal Issues

    This session will address active removal techniques “ground and space based”


    Heiner Klinkrad
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Seishiro Kibe
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    John Opiela
    Jacobs Technology, ESCGUnited States

    A6.6. Space Debris Detection and Characterisation


    Fabrizio Piergentili
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    Vladimir Kouprianov
    University of North Carolina at Chapel HillUnited States


    Mark Mulrooney
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    At a time when further progress in space astronomy requires the development of very ambitious projects increasingly demanding in terms of technology requirements but also requesting more and more international collaboration, it seems appropriate to arrange an international symposium involving the main actors of this field of space research, the scientific community, space industry and space agencies. Capitalising on the on-going activities involving COSPAR and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to establish science and technology driven astronomy road maps at worldwide level for the post 2015 decade, the broad objective of the symposium will be to promote the exchange of information and ideas related to new technologies for the space astronomy missions of the future. The symposium will extend over 2 days and consist of both invited talks and contributed papers. The programme will cover long term scientific priorities in space astronomy worldwide and prospects for future missions including space agency and academia long range plans and will also address associated technology needs for both instruments and platforms. In the initial plenary session the prime scientific motivations and needs in different fields of Space Astronomy will be reviewed with the type of missions required. This will be followed by invited and contributed talks on the space agency long term views with emphasis on their technology plans. This session will also include a talk on the technology developments foreseen for future ground based facilities. The following two sessions will see invited talks focussing on each of the different scientific topics identifying the required technological developments. For each topic, ample time will be devoted to contributed talks on the related technology studies and developments within industry and research laboratories. A full session will follow addressing the lessons learned from past missions and current projects under development. Finally, the symposium will end with a round table discussion on how to improve interaction between industry, the scientific community and agencies in the technology preparation of future missions.


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    A7.1. Long Term Perspective


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    A7.2. Technology Needs (1)


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    A7.3. Technology Needs (2)


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    A7.4. Technology Needs (3)


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    A7.5. Lessons Learned


    Sergio Volonte
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    This Symposium focuses on space missions which deal with collecting information about the Earth and its environment. Session topics deal with all aspects of Earth Observation missions including the policy and infrastructure of international cooperation and coordination, the emergence of commercial systems to satisfy market needs, the technical descriptions of new missions and sensors to be used, data processing and GIS, environmental applications and global change studies and the use of space-based technologies.


    John Hussey
    ConsultantUnited States

    Pierre Ranzoli

    B1.1. International Cooperation in Earth Observation Missions

    Focus is on efforts being made by governments, agencies and society to achieve coordination, cooperation and compatibility in the development of space-based Earth observation systems. Presentations are encouraged which involve cooperative efforts with developing countries. Papers on current and ongoing missions involving coordination among commercial, government and other entities are especially encouraged.


    John Hussey
    ConsultantUnited States

    Pierre Ranzoli


    Brent Smith
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    B1.2. Future Earth Observation Systems

    Emphasis is on technical descriptions of planned and new space systems and missions for experimental and operational Earth observation. Descriptions of new concepts and innovative Earth observation systems are encouraged.


    Benoit Boissin
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Gilles Corlay


    Bruce K. Quirk
    U.S. Geological SurveyUnited States

    B1.3. Earth Observation Sensors and Technology

    Focus is on sensors now being developed or tested for all aspects of Earth observation. Particular emphasis is on new sensors for meeting the growing demand of user markets.


    Andrew Court
    TNOThe Netherlands

    Yean Joo Chong
    National University of SingaporeSingapore, Republic of


    Luigi Bussolino
    Bussolino and AssociatesItaly

    B1.4. Earth Observation Data Management Systems

    Earth Observation Data Acquisition, Communication, Processing, Dissemination and Archiving.


    Bruce K. Quirk
    U.S. Geological SurveyUnited States

    Carlo Ulivieri
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly


    Pierre Ranzoli

    B1.5. Earth Observation Applications and Economic Benefits

    Earth Observation value-added products.


    Luigi Bussolino
    Bussolino and AssociatesItaly

    Paul Kamoun
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Yean Joo Chong
    National University of SingaporeSingapore, Republic of

    B1.6. Improving Earth Observation thru Data Sharing

    Focus on improving earth observation data sharing plans, methods and systems.


    Jan Kolar
    Czech Space OfficeCzech Republic

    Brent Smith
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States


    Paul Kamoun
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    This symposium examines developments in technology, applications and systems as they relate to fixed and mobile communication services, satellite broadcasting, position determination, navigation and timing, and interactive multimedia provisioning.


    Joe M. Straus
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Otto Koudelka
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)Austria

    B2.1. Advanced Technologies

    Future promising space communication and navigation technologies will be presented, as applied to existing and developing systems.


    Edward W. Ashford
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)United States

    M.G. Chandrasekhar
    Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd.United States


    Elemer Bertenyi
    Canadian Aeronautics and Space InstituteCanada

    B2.2. Advanced Systems

    Advanced satellite communications and applications will be presented.


    Robert Prevaux
    MaxarUnited States

    Ryutaro Suzuki
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)Japan


    Morio Toyoshima
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)Japan

    B2.3. Fixed and Broadcast Communications

    Advances in fixed and broadcast systems will be presented, including Ka band operation and radio/television direct-to-user applications.


    Otto Koudelka
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)Austria

    Desaraju Venugopal
    Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd.India


    Moon-Beom Heo
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of

    B2.4. Mobile Satellite Communications and Navigation Technology

    New and emerging technologies for mobile and personal satellite communications and navigation will be presented.


    Robert D. Briskman
    Sirius XM RadioUnited States

    Jean-Paul Aguttes
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Desaraju Venugopal
    Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd.India

    B2.5. Space Navigation Systems and Services

    New and emerging systems for satellite-based position, navigation and timing will be presented, including end user applications.


    Calin Rosetti
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)France

    Rita Lollock
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Dipak Srinivasan
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    B2.6. Near-Earth and Interplanetary Communications

    Systems with relative motion between space and ground segments, in both near-earth and interplanetary environments, will be discussed, with particular emphasis on unique concepts, techniques, and technologies.


    Manfred Wittig
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Ramon P. De Paula
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    A. Bhaskaranarayana
    Indian Space Researh OrganisationIndia


    The symposium addresses all aspects of human space endeavours including the design, development, operations, utilization and future plans of space missions involving humans. The scope covers past, present and future space endeavours.


    John Uri
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space CenterUnited States

    Carlo Mirra
    Airbus Defence & SpaceThe Netherlands

    B3.1. Overview Session (Present and Near-Term Human Space Flight Programs)

    The session provides the forum for “Overview” papers and presentations on present and evolving Human Space programs in and beyond Low Earth Orbit. It is anticipated that this Session will include the current status of the International Space Station, the future plans of those nations with an autonomous or evolving human space flight program and the spacecraft being developed to support them, and other human space flight programs including those under development as commercial ventures. Technical papers to be presented are expected to portray the latest development of these programs.


    Graham Gibbs
    Canadian Space Agency (RETD)Canada

    John Uri
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space CenterUnited States


    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    B3.2. How Can We Best Apply Our Experience to Future Human Missions?

    This session shall provide a forum for the exchange of the experience of previous human space flight missions like Apollo, Skylab, Soyuz, Salyut, Mir, Space Shuttle and ISS, and provide insight into how this information can be best used for designing future missions. Technical papers to be presented are expected to show the direct relationship between past missions and their potential influence on newly designed missions. Special attention will be given to cost reduction efforts with enhanced crew and vehicle safety.


    Dieter Sabath
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Sergey K. Shaevich
    Khrunichev State Research & Production Space CenterRussian Federation


    Gene Rice
    RWI - Rice Wigbels Int'lUnited States

    B3.3. ISS Utilisation

    This session will address utilization of the International Space Station, providing the opportunity to discuss achievements, plans and outlook of ISS utilization. Topics for discussion include payloads, experiments, research, manufacturing, and other on-orbit activity and its related planning and operations. Scientific and industrial utilization applications and engineering research and technology demonstrations, as well as uses of ISS as test bed for exploration are appropriate items of discussion. Included are discussions of utilization accommodations, and new or proposed facilities or elements, as well as future uses of ISS.


    Carlo Mirra
    Airbus Defence & SpaceThe Netherlands

    Kevin D. Foley
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States


    Shannon Ryan
    Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)Australia

    B3.4.-B6.6. Sustainable Operations of the ISS - Joint Session of the Human Space Endeavours and Space Operations Symposia

    This session will address key challenges and their solutions related to operations of the International Space Station as an integrated facility, its systems and its elements. Topics to be discussed include recent operational problems and solutions, cost reduction for affordability, new and proposed facilities or elements, and ground segment operations and planning. Also included would be topics such as logistics and logistics planning, transportation, sustainment, and the geopolitical value as a tool for promoting international cooperation.


    Maria Stella Lavitola
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Bob Chesson
    ESA (retired)United Kingdom


    Rachid Amekrane
    Airbus DS GmbHGermany

    B3.5. Astronauts: Those Who Make It Happen

    This session is designed to review and discuss issues related to a key element of Human missions: the Astronauts. Papers are solicited covering topics such as how to select astronauts, astronaut safety, decision making process during space flight, actions at contingency situations onboard, functional roles and responsibilities of crewmembers and Mission Control Centre, physical and cognitive impacts of long duration space flight, extravehicular activity and space vehicle maintenance, astronaut as a researcher and test-pilot in space, design and utilizations of suits and tools, recreation and entertainment in weightlessness, astronauts’ roles and challenges in surface operations (Moon, Mars and other planets), astronauts’ involvement in space program development (DDT&E), and considerations for the international nature of crews.


    Igor V. Sorokin
    S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaRussian Federation

    Alan T. DeLuna
    American Astronautical Society (AAS)United States


    Tai Nakamura
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    B3.6.-A5.3. Joint session on Human and Robotic Partnerships to Realise Space Exploration Goals

    This session seeks papers on new systems and technologies for future human missions to the Moon and Mars, and the role of human and robotic partnerships in areas such as human surface mobility systems (rovers); habitat/infrastructure construction; robotic assistants; and, precursor activities such as sample returns, in-situ plant growth and food and fuel production demonstrations. This session also welcomes papers considering how the roles of humans, machines and intelligent systems are likely to evolve in the coming years and the corresponding impact on complex missions.


    Anthony R. Gross
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada


    Mark Hempsell
    The British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    B3.7. Enablers for the Future Human Missions

    This session is designed to examine the potential evolution of key elements of future Human missions, especially those driven by affordability and sustainability requirements. Papers are solicited that address how to shape the future of technologies, logistics, processes, procedures, etc. to enable future human space mission objectives that will include exploration, commercial initiatives, tourism, and industrial processes.


    Martin Zell
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Lionel Suchet
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Gi-Hyuk Choi
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of

    B3.8.-E7.7. Joint IAF/IISL Session on Policy and Law of Human Space Missions

    This session hosts papers on topics related to the political and legal aspects of international collaboration in future human space missions and programmes such as the ISS lifetime extension, post ISS activities in LEO or Lunar Exploration. The session provides a forum to discuss the current regulatory framework and implementation of such programmes during their development and operation phases. In addition, papers may address the effects of extending the duration and partnership of the ISS programme, as well as the lessons learned from past collaborative programmes such as Interkosmos or the Shuttle-Spacelab.


    Cristian Bank

    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany


    « Small Satellite Missions » refers to the class of missions conducted using satellites weighing less than 1000 kg. For clarity, we further classify small satellites as microsats if they weigh less than 100 kg; nanosats if they weigh less than 10 kg; and pico or cubesats if they weigh less than 1 kg. This Symposium, organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), addresses Small Satellite missions and projects in Science, Exploration, and Technology for government, industry, and academic programmes. The Symposium scope encompasses space science (B4.2), earth observation (B4.4), and exploration (B4.8) missions, as well as the cross-cutting topics of small satellite programmes in developing countries (B4.1), cost-effective operations (B4.3), affordable and reliable space access (B4.5), emerging and promising technologies (B4.6A and B4.6B), and cross-platform compatibility applications and standards (B4.7).


    Rhoda Shaller Hornstein
    United States

    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    B4.1. 12th UN/IAA Workshop on Small Satellite Programmes at the Service of Developing Countries

    This workshop is organized jointly by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN/OOSA) and the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). It shall review the needs that could be satisfied and results achieved by developing nations through using small satellites. National space plans and examples of application results and benefits shall be included. The workshop shall also review benefits of international cooperation and transferring technology and lessons learned from space developed countries. A special emphasis will be placed on programmes and plans in African countries.


    Sias Mostert
    Space Commercial Services Holdings (Pty) LtdSouth Africa

    Sergei Chernikov
    United Nations Office for Outer Space AffairsAustria


    Petr Lala
    Czech Space OfficeCzech Republic

    Pierre Molette

    B4.2. Small Space Science Missions

    This session will address the current and near-term approved small/micro/nano missions whose objective is to achieve returns in the fields of Earth science, solar, interplanetary, planetary, astronomy/astrophysics observations, and fundamental physics. Emphasis will be given to results achieved, new technologies and concepts, and novel management techniques.


    Stamatios Krimigis
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Denis J.P. Moura
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    B4.3. Small Satellite Operations

    This session covers the planning for, and execution of, cost-effective approaches for Small Satellite Operations, with emphasis on new missions with new models of operation to reduce mission lifecycle costs and to minimize the cost impact of mission extensions. Papers addressing innovation, an entrepreneurial approach to new business opportunities, novel finance and business models, management techniques, and international cooperation in support of Small Satellite Operations are particularly encouraged. Papers that discuss the application of novel technology to mission operations, such as automation and autonomy, constraint resolution, and timeline planning, as well as reports on missions recently accomplished and lessons learned, are also welcome. For papers not addressing small satellites, please refer to Symposium B6.


    Peter M. Allan
    STFCUnited Kingdom

    Karen McBride
    University of California, Los AngelesUnited States

    B4.4. Small Earth Observation Missions

    We call for papers that will present information to decision makers, scientists, engineers, and managers about cost-effective small satellite missions, instruments, technologies, and designs of both current and planned Earth- and near-Earth missions. This session addresses the technologies, applications and missions achieved through the use of small, cost-effective satellites to observe the Earth and near-Earth space. Innovative cost-effective solutions to the needs of the science and applications communities are sought. Satellite technologies suited for use on small satellites including those in the single to multiple cubesat range are particularly encouraged. Satellite or technology development efforts that use of innovative launch opportunities such as the developing space tourism market hold significant promise: papers addressing these evolving opportunities would be welcomed.


    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Amnon Ginati
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Klaus Briess
    Technische Universität BerlinGermany

    B4.5. Access to Space for Small Satellite Missions

    A key challenge facing the viability and growth of the small satellite community is affordable and reliable space access. This is achieved through dedicated launches, ride-shares, piggyback launches, and spacecraft propulsion technologies to reach final operational orbit. Topics of interest for this session include utilization of dedicated launches, ride-share systems, auxiliary payload systems, separation and dispenser systems, and small spacecraft sub-system development that will enable efficient small satellite access to space and orbit change (e.g., propulsion systems). Includes lessons learned from users on technical and programmatic approaches. For a discussion of small launchers concepts and operations, please refer to session D2.7.


    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    Jeff Emdee
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    B4.6A. Generic Technologies for Small/Micro Platforms

    This session covers emerging and promising generic technologies for small and micro platforms. Real-life examples are particularly encouraged, both recently launched and shortly to be launched (next 3 years).


    Nicholas Waltham
    Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryUnited Kingdom

    Philip Davies
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    B4.6B. Generic Technologies for Nano/Pico Platforms

    This session covers emerging and promising generic technologies for nano and pico platforms. Real-life examples are particularly encouraged, both recently launched and shortly to be launched (next 3 years).


    Nicholas Waltham
    Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryUnited Kingdom

    Philip Davies
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom


    Joost Elstak
    ICEYEThe Netherlands

    B4.7. Space Systems and Architectures Featuring Cross-Platform Compatibility

    Ideas are solicited for Modular, Reconfigurable, Adaptable systems (spacecraft, ground systems and networks) that feature cross-platform compatibility as a way to achieve mission lifecycle effectiveness. Applications are sought in Science, Exploration, Commerce, and other areas requiring rapid but stable system design and deployment. System-enabling plug-and-play interface definitions and recommendations for standardization (mechanical, electrical, software and fluids) are particularly desirable.


    Jaime Esper
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Marco D'Errico
    Seconda Universita' di NapoliItaly


    Peter Mendham
    United Kingdom

    B4.8. Hitchhiking to the Moon

    Based on the significant number of robotic lunar missions of the last decade, a dramatically increased interest in exploration of the Moon for the purpose of developing a permanent human and robotic presence, both for science and space exploration objectives can be expected for the next decades. This renewed interest is broad and international, involving space agencies from the USA, Europe, China, India, Japan, Russia, Germany, UK, and others. Efforts like NASA Lunar Science Institute's (NLSI) rapidly growing global network of affiliates - academic and research institutions who each act as nodes within an existing network of own partners - create demands for additional payload and flight opportunities, particularly from countries who just started their involvement in lunar exploration and science. In the future, it is expected that there will be more opportunities for ride-sharing or secondary or tertiary payload opportunities to be flown to the Moon, even as part of commercial enterprises like Google Lunar X-PRIZE missions. Examples from recent years are ESA's SMART-1 mission launched as a co-passenger opportunity from GTO, ISRO’s Chandrayaan spacecraft offering its platform as an opportunity to fly international instruments to the Moon or NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft providing an opportunity for a secondary payload to the Moon, in the form of the LCROSS lunar impactor mission. This session provides a forum for the exchange of ideas for such small payloads to be demonstrated at the Moon, by ‘Hitch-hiking a ride’ to the Moon. Examples of such payloads or missions include but are not limited to: micro-spacecraft orbiters, CubeSats, small probes, penetrators, micro-landers, hard landers, micro-rovers, secondary payload surface science instruments, distributed network landers, and many more. The focus of this session is on new mission concepts, technology readiness and ride-sharing requirements.


    Leon Alkalai
    Mandala Space VenturesUnited States

    Rene Laufer
    Luleå University of TechnologySweden


    Adam Baker
    Rocket Engineering Ltd.United Kingdom


    Space systems are more and more involved in the delivery of global utilitarian services to end-users. The concept of Integrated Applications encompasses the simultaneous use of basic space services and technologies. This symposium will address various aspects of integrated applications. Integrated applications combine different space systems (Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications, etc) with airborne and ground-based systems to deliver solutions to local, national and global needs. They exploit the synergies between different data sources to provide the right information at the right time to the right user in a cost-effective manner and deliver the data to users in a readily usable form. The goal of the symposium is to enable the development of end-to-end solutions by connecting the communities that are driving toward end-to-end solutions with those that are developing enabling technologies for integrated applications. For the purposes related to the small satellites, please refer also to the session B4.4.


    Amnon Ginati
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    B5.1. Integrated Applications End-to-End Solutions

    The session will be a forum for end-to-end solutions, including case studies, proof-of-concept missions, and current projects that provide, or could provide, innovative user-driven solutions. Applications that combine ground- and space-based data sources with models to address specific user requirements will be presented. These examples can cover a variety of domains, like disaster/crises monitoring and management, energy, food security, space situational awareness, transportation, health, etc. The user needs, the structure of the user communities, the value chain, the business case, the sustainability of the solutions are among the many aspects that can be considered. Examples of projects with established partnerships and fluent working relationships between space and non-space stakeholders shall be presented.


    David Y. Kusnierkiewicz
    The John Hopkins UniversityUnited States

    Amnon Ginati
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Boris Penne
    OHB System AGGermany

    B5.2. Tools and Technology in support of Integrated Applications

    The session will focus on specific systems, tools and technology in support of integrated applications and address the various issues associated with the design of space and ground systems, the kind of data they collect, how they collect data, and how the data are integrated and distributed to address key user needs. Possible topics include: ground-truthing of space data; innovative, low-cost tools for space data distribution and access; new ways of distributing integrated data products; data fusion and visualization tools especially those using COTS systems; managing integrated applications programs; education and outreach for integrated programs; etc…


    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Carsten Tobehn
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    David Y. Kusnierkiewicz
    The John Hopkins UniversityUnited States


    The Space Operations Symposium addresses operations concepts and cost reductions, and training. The topics address all aspects of manned and un-manned space operations from low-earth and geosynchronous orbit, to lunar and planetary missions as well as supporting ground systems and new space initiatives. For the papers dedicated to the small satellites, please refer also to the session B4.3.


    H. Neal Hammond
    Space Bridges, LLCUnited States

    Manfred Warhaut

    B6.1. Human Spaceflight Operations Concepts

    This session focuses on the operations concepts which are unique to human spaceflight. Papers may address any phase in the entire mission lifecycle from concept development, to ground operations, to in flight (vehicle and ground segments), to recovery and post mission analysis.


    Michael McKay
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Mario Cardano
    Thales Alenia Space FranceItaly


    Helmut Luttmann
    Airbus Defence and Space - Space SystemsGermany

    B6.2. New Operations Concepts

    Operations costs often become the constraining factor for a mission – especially long duration missions. This session addresses concepts for operating new types of missions, improving mission output in quality and quantity, as well as reducing costs in the commercial, governmental, and academic, market segments space enterprises.


    Geneviève Campan
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Thomas Kuch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Akira Tsuchida
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Japan

    B6.3. Training Relevant for Operations, including Human Spaceflight

    This session addresses the broad topic of training. It includes training of ground operations, flight control, and flight personnel. It also includes training requirements and plans for newcomers in the operations domain.


    Paolo Ferri

    John Auburn
    Astroscale LtdUnited Kingdom


    Adam Williams
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    B6.4. Flight Control Operations Virtual Forum

    This session is a virtual forum (not a paper session) co-sponsored by the Space Operations Committee and the Workforce Development/Young Professionals Program Committee. The forum targets hands-on flight control/operations personnel from multiple international organizations with objectives of sharing best practices, lessons learned, and issues.


    Kathleen Coderre
    Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company)United States

    Katja Leuoth
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    B6.6.-B3.4. Sustainable Operations of the ISS - Joint Session of the Human Space Endeavours and Space Operations Symposia

    This session will address key challenges and their solutions related to operations of the International Space Station as an integrated facility, its systems and its elements. Topics to be discussed include recent operational problems and solutions, cost reduction for affordability, new or proposed facilities or elements, and ground segment operations and planning. Also included would be topics such as logistics and logistics planning, transportation, sustainment, and the geopolitical value as a tool for promoting international cooperation.


    Maria Stella Lavitola
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Bob Chesson
    ESA (retired)United Kingdom


    Rachid Amekrane
    Airbus DS GmbHGermany


    This symposium addresses advances in orbital mechanics, attitude dynamics, guidance, navigation, and control of single or multi-spacecraft systems as well as space robotics.


    Uwe Feucht
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Erick Lansard
    Satellite Research Center, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)Singapore, Republic of

    C1.1. Mission Design, Operations and Optimization - Part 1

    The theme covers design, operations and optimization of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    Yury Razoumny
    RUDN UniversityRussian Federation


    Johannes Schoenmaekers
    European Space Operations CentreGermany

    C1.2. Mission Design, Operations and Optimization - Part 2

    The theme covers design, operations and optimization of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    David Spencer
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Michèle Lavagna
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly


    James O'Donnell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight CenterUnited States

    C1.3. Orbital Dynamics - Part 1

    This theme discusses advances in orbital dynamics, orbit determination, and orbit control. It includes orbital dynamics associated with constellations and formation flying.


    Jeng-Shing (Rock) Chern
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Canada

    Filippo Graziani
    G.A.U.S.S. SrlItaly


    Josep J. Masdemont
    Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Spain

    C1.4. Orbital Dynamics - Part 2

    This theme discusses advances in orbital dynamics, orbit determination, and orbit control. It includes orbital dynamics associated with constellations and formation flying.


    Gianmarco Radice
    Singapore, Republic of

    Jean-Paul Berthias
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Kathleen Howell
    Purdue UniversityUnited States

    C1.5. Attitude Dynamics - Part 1

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as attitude sensors and actuators. The theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies including tethered systems and space robots.


    Kazuya Yoshida
    Tohoku UniversityJapan

    Bang Hyochoong
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)Korea, Republic of


    Arun Misra
    Mc Gill Institute for Aerospace Engineering (MIAE)Canada

    C1.6. Attitude Dynamics - Part 2

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as attitude sensors and actuators. The theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies including tethered systems and space robots.


    Anna Guerman
    Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies (C-MAST)Portugal

    Gerard Gomez
    University of BarcelonaSpain


    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    C1.7. Guidance, Navigation and Control - Part 1

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Eberhard Gill
    Delft University of TechnologyThe Netherlands

    Alfred Ng
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada


    Fuyuto Terui
    Kanagawa Institute of TechnologyJapan

    C1.8. Guidance, Navigation and Control - Part 2

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Othon Winter
    São Paulo State University - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)Brazil

    Johannes Schoenmaekers
    European Space Operations CentreGermany


    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    C1.9. Guidance, Navigation and Control - Part 3

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including rendezvous and docking.


    Weihua Zhang
    National University of Defense TechnologyChina

    Saburo Matunaga
    Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan


    Bernard Lübke-Ossenbeck
    OHB System AG-BremenGermany


    This Symposium provides an international forum for recent advancements in assessment of the latest technology achievements on space structures, structural dynamics, and materials. The Symposium addresses the design and development of space vehicle structures and mechanical/thermal/fluidic systems. Future advances in a number of space systems applications for space power, space transportation, astrodynamics, space exploration, space propulsion, and space station will depend increasingly on the successful application of innovative materials and the development of structural concepts - particularly those relating to very large deployable (and assembled) space structures. For these applications to occur, increased interaction between these technology communities, and collaboration among technologists and mission planners needs to be pursued. Substantial improvements are essential in a wide range of current technologies, including nanotechnologies, to reduce projected costs and increase potential scientific returns from respective mission system applications. Papers in this symposium will review the projected advances in materials and space structures in this domain for advanced space systems applications.


    Constantinos P. Stavrinidis
    IABG Industrieanlagen - Betriebsgesellschaft mbHGermany

    Pavel M. Trivailo
    RMIT University, AustraliaAustralia

    C2.1. Space Structures I - Development and Verification (Space Vehicles and Components)

    The topics to be addressed include evaluation of analysis versus test results, spacecraft and launch vehicles system and subsystems e.g. pressurized structures, tanks, loads introduction, primary structures, fluidic equipment, control surfaces; examination of both on-ground and in-orbit testing, launch dynamic environment as related to structural design, space vehicles development and launch verification such as sine, random and acoustic vibration testing, and lessons learned.


    Alwin Eisenmann
    IABG Industrieanlagen - Betriebsgesellschaft mbHGermany

    Andreas Rittweger
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany


    Jean-Alain Massoni
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance

    C2.2. Space Structures II - Development and Verification (Deployable and Dimensionally Stable Structures)

    The topics to be addressed include evaluation of analysis versus test results for deployable and dimensionally stable structures e.g. reflectors, telescopes, antennas; examination of both on-ground and in-orbit testing, thermal distortion and shape control, structural design, development and verification; lessons learned.


    Paolo Gasbarri
    University of Rome “La Sapienza”Italy

    Jean-Alain Massoni
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Pierre Rochus
    CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)Belgium

    C2.3. Space Structures - Dynamics and Microdynamics

    The topics to be addressed include dynamics analysis and testing, modal identification, landing and impact dynamics, pyroshock, test facilities, vibration suppression techniques, damping, micro-dynamics, in-orbit dynamic environment, wave structural propagation, excitation sources and in-orbit dynamic testing.


    Peter M. Bainum
    Howard UniversityUnited States

    Ijar Da Fonseca


    Harijono Djojodihardjo
    Bandung Institut of TecnologyIndonesia

    C2.4. New Materials and Structural Concepts

    The topics to be addressed include advanced materials and structural concepts of space vehicles of expendable and future reusable transportation systems. Space vehicle structural applications of high temperature and cryogenic materials, nano-materials, advanced composites, ceramics, and high temperature superconducting materials are areas of particular interest.


    Marc Lacoste

    Yuriy Moshnenko


    Luigi Scatteia
    PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory (PwC)France

    C2.5. Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures

    The focus of the session will be on application of smart materials to spacecraft and launch vehicle systems, novel sensor and actuator concepts and new concepts for multi- functional and intelligent structural systems. Also included in the session will be new control methods for vibration suppression and shape control using adaptive structures as well as comparisons of predicted performance with data from ground and in-orbit testing.


    Michael Eiden
    ESA (retired)Germany

    Junjiro Onoda


    Paolo Gaudenzi
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    C2.6. Space Environmental Effects and Spacecraft Protection

    The focus of the session will be on space environmental effects and spacecraft protection. The effects of vacuum, radiation, atomic oxygen, spacecraft charging, thermal cycling, dissociation, meteoroids and space debris impact on space systems, materials and structures, and microelectronics will be addressed. Protective and shielding technologies, including analysis simulation and testing of debris impact, and susceptibility of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) micro-electronics to space radiation will be covered.


    Minoo Dastoor
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Akira Meguro
    Tokyo City UniversityJapan


    Giuliano Marino
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    C2.7. Space Vehicles – Mechanical/Thermal/Fluidic Systems

    The topics to be addressed include novel technical concepts for mechanical/thermal/fluidic systems and subsystems of launchers, manned and unmanned spacecraft, re-entry vehicles and small satellites. Advanced subsystems and design of future exploration missions will be covered considering issues arising from material selection, cost efficiency and reliability, and advancements in space vehicle development with respect to engineering analysis, manufacturing, and test verification.


    Brij Agrawal
    Naval Postgraduate SchoolUnited States

    Oleg Alifanov
    MAIRussian Federation


    Guoliang Mao
    Beijing Institute of AerodynamicsChina

    C2.8. Specialized Technologies, including Nanotechnology

    Specialized material and structures technologies are explored in a large variety of space applications both to enable advanced exploration, and science/observation mission scenarios to perform test verifications relying on utmost miniaturization of devices and highest capabilities in structural, thermal, electrical, electromechanical/ optical performances offered by the progress in Nanotechnology. Examples are the exceptional performances at nano-scale in strength, electrical, thermal conduction of Carbon nanotubes which are experiencing first applications at macro-scale such as nano-composite structures, high efficiency energy storage wheels, MEMS and MOEMS devices. Molecular nanotechnology and advances in manipulation at nano-scale offer the road to molecular machines, ultracompact sensors for science applications and mass storage devices. The Session encourages presentations of specialized technologies, in particular of nanomaterial related techniques and their application in devices offering unprecedented performances for space applications.


    Mario Marchetti
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    Pierre Rochus
    CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)Belgium


    Pavel M. Trivailo
    RMIT University, AustraliaAustralia

    C2.9. Advancements in Materials Applications and Rapid Prototyping

    The topics to be addressed include advancements in materials applications, and novel technical concepts in the rapid prototyping of mechanical systems.


    Thierry Romeuf
    EADS AstriumFrance

    Franz-Josef Kahlen
    University of Cape TownSouth Africa


    Yeong-Moo Yi
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of


    Reliable energy systems continue to be key for all space missions. The successful future exploration and development of space depends on the research into and deployment of new, more affordable and more reliable energy sources of diverse types ranging from the very small to the extraordinarily large. Moreover, the continuing support of government-sponsored space activities by the public will require that these activities serve human needs in obvious ways. One visionary way to achieve the latter goal is to provide non-polluting, economical energy from space to terrestrial users. The Space Power Symposium will address all aspects of space power systems, covering the whole range of such systems from power generation, energy conversion and storage, power management, power transmission and distribution at system and sub-system levels including commercial considerations, with an emphasis on new, advanced concepts. It will thus also include but not be restricted to topics such as advanced solar and nuclear systems for spacecraft power and propulsion, novel power generation and energy harvesting, and examine the prospects for using space-based power plants to provide energy remotely to the Earth or other planets.


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    C3.1. Space-based Solar Power Architectures – New Governmental and Commercial Concepts and Ventures

    This session deals with all aspects of architectures and concepts for space-based solar power plants. It will be structured in two half-sessions, one focusing on governmental activities and one concentrating on the increasingly active commercial ventures in this domain. By doing so, it provides a unique joint platform to gather these two very different approaches and contribute to a cross-fertilisation between the two communities. Topically it will include all system-level, architectural, organizational and commercial aspects of solar power from space, including modelling and optimisation. While primarily focused on concepts delivering solar power for terrestrial needs, space-to-space architectures will also be covered.


    Nobuyuki Kaya
    Kobe UniversityJapan

    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Joe T. Howell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight CenterUnited States

    C3.2. Technologies and Experiments related to Wireless Power Transmission

    This session focuses on all aspects of wireless power transmission systems. It includes laser as well as microwave-based wireless power transmission technologies, and transmission in the near-field up to the very far-field. Furthermore, the session covers all types of experiments, and ground and space-based demonstrations related to wireless power transmission concepts, including emitter/receiver antenna architectures and deployment. Theoretical as well as applied research papers on the subject are within the scope of this session.


    Henry W. Brandhorst
    Auburn UniversityUnited States

    Massimiliano Vasile
    University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom


    Ivan Bekey
    Bekey Designs, Inc.United States

    Frank Steinsiek
    Airbus Defense and SpaceGermany

    C3.3. Advanced Space Power Technologies and Concepts; Part 1

    This session covers all type of advanced space power technologies and concepts. These include technologies and concepts related to power generation and harvesting, power conditioning, management and distribution, energy storage, and energy generation. Power systems for micro- and nano- spacecraft are included as well as large power systems for telecom spacecraft and novel power architectures for planetary, asteroid and lunar exploration scenarios.


    Joe T. Howell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight CenterUnited States

    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    C3.4. Advanced Space Power Technologies and Concepts; Part 2

    This session covers all type of advanced space power technologies and concepts. These include technologies and concepts related to power generation and harvesting, power conditioning, management and distribution, energy storage, and energy generation. Power systems for micro- and nano- spacecraft are included as well as large power systems for telecom spacecraft and novel power architectures for planetary, asteroid and lunar exploration scenarios.


    Susumu Sasaki
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), ISASJapan

    Frank Steinsiek
    Airbus Defense and SpaceGermany


    Nobuyuki Kaya
    Kobe UniversityJapan

    Massimiliano Vasile
    University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom

    C3.5.-C4.7. Joint session on Nuclear Propulsion and Power

    This session includes papers addressing all aspects related to nuclear power and propulsion for space applications.


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands





    The Space Propulsion Symposium addresses sub-orbital, earth to orbit, and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, sold and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems. The Symposium is concerned with component technologies, the operation and application to missions of overall propulsion systems and unique propulsion test facilities.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    C4.1. Propulsion Systems I

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Liquid Rocket Engines.


    Max Calabro
    The Inner ArchFrance

    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Walter Zinner

    C4.2. Propulsion Systems II

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Solid and Hybrid Propulsion.


    Jean-François Guery
    Safran SMEFrance

    I-Shih Chang
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Toru Shimada
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C4.3. Propulsion Technology

    This session includes all science and technologies supporting all aspects of space propulsion. The emphasis in this session is posed in particular on components for propulsion.


    John Harlow
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited Kingdom

    James Free
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Didier Boury
    ArianeGroup SASFrance

    C4.4. Electric Propulsion

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of electric propulsion technologies, systems and applications.


    Garri A. Popov
    Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAIRussian Federation

    William W. Smith
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited States


    Rafael Spears
    L-3 CommunicationsUnited States

    C4.5. Hypersonic and Combined Cycle Propulsion

    This session includes papers dealing with use of air in earth-to-orbit propulsion.


    Shigeru Aso
    Kurume Institute of TechnologyJapan

    Norbert Puettmann
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Salvatore Borrelli
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    C4.6. Missions Enabled by new Propulsion Technology and Systems

    Many missions are precluded by limitations on current propulsion technologies and systems. The session will explore concepts for new missions that can be enabled by specific advancements in propulsion and/or integration of various propulsion technologies and systems.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    David Micheletti
    Universal Technical Resource ServicesUnited States


    Mariano Andrenucci
    Independent consultantItaly

    C4.7.-C3.5. Joint Session on Nuclear Propulsion and Power

    This session includes papers addressing all issues of nuclear power and propulsion in space applications.


    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    Harvey J. Willenberg
    American Aerospace Advisors, Inc.United States


    Paul A. Czysz
    HypertechUnited States

    C4.8. Advanced Propulsion: "Non Electric Non Chemical”

    This session is dedicated to all future and advanced propulsion technologies. The session includes in particular all concepts and application that cannot be classified as chemical or electric.


    Claudio Bruno
    United States

    Jacques Gigou
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Davina Di Cara
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Innovative Space Systems for Future and Current Missions and Applications.


    Tibor S. Balint
    Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Marco Guglielmi
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    D1.1. Innovative and Visionary Space Systems Concepts

    Dreams of yesterday are a reality today. Dreams of tomorrow need to be looked at today to make them real in the future. With emerging new technologies, it is now possible to conceptualise new and innovative space systems and new potential applications for the future. This session will explore innovative technologies, services, software and concepts for space systems for the future.


    Mauricio Moshe Guelman
    Asher Space Research Institute, Technion, I.I.T.Israel

    Robert L. Henderson
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States


    Peter Dieleman
    Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)The Netherlands

    D1.2. Enabling Technologies for Space Systems

    This session will focus on innovative, technological developments that are usually high risk, but which have the potential to significantly enhance the performance of existing and new space systems. Enabling innovative technologies for space applications often result from spin-ins which will be discussed during the session, together with potential spin-offs. Examples include instrumentation, biotechnology, components, micro- and nano-technology, MEMS, advanced new structures and software techniques.


    Xavier Roser
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance

    Jean-Paul Aguttes
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Eiichi Tomita
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    D1.3. System Engineering Tools, Processes & Training (I)

    This session will focus on state-of-the-art system engineering methodologies, design techniques, tools, processes, and training that reduce the time and cost, and improve the quality of space system design. Of special interest are multi-disciplinary methods, tools, and processes including modelling and simulation used to define system architectures to improve risk management, safety, reliability, testability, quality of life cycle cost estimates, and to improve the training of system engineers.


    Geilson Loureiro
    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)Brazil

    Xavier Roser
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Ming Li
    China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China

    D1.4. Space Systems Architectures

    The subject of this session is current and future space system architectures to increase performance, efficiency, reliability, and flexibility of application. Topics of interest include the design of flight and ground system (hardware & software) architectures and the partitioning of functions between them, small satellite constellations and formations (swarms), and the use of on-board autonomy and autonomous ground operations.


    Peter Dieleman
    Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)The Netherlands

    Reinhold Bertrand
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany


    Franck Durand-Carrier
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    D1.5. Lessons Learned in Space Systems

    Experiences, both positive and negative, that have been encountered in space systems (hardware & software) design, development and operation. End-to-end lessons learned and impacts on cost, schedule and performance, in the areas of (among others): international cooperation, the use of COTS products, partitioning of functions between flight and ground systems, the extent and fidelity of simulations, integration, test and operations.


    Anne Bondiou-Clergerie

    Klaus Schilling
    Zentrum für TelematikGermany


    Takashi Hamazaki
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    D1.6. System Engineering Tools, Processes and Training (2)

    This session will focus on state-of-the-art system engineering methodologies, design techniques, tools, processes, and training that reduce the time and cost, and improve the quality of space system design. Of special interest are multi-disciplinary methods, tools, and processes including modelling and simulation used to define system architectures to improve risk management, safety, reliability, testability, quality of life cycle cost estimates, and to improve the training of system engineers.


    Takashi Hamazaki
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Franck Durand-Carrier
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Reinhold Bertrand
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany


    Topics should address worldwide space transportation solutions and innovations. The goal is to foster understanding and cooperation amongst the world’s space-faring organizations.


    Richard W. Tyson
    University of Alabama in HuntsvilleUnited States

    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France


    John M. Horack
    The Ohio State University College of EngineeringUnited States

    D2.1. Launch Vehicles in Service or in Development

    Review of up to date status of launch vehicle currently in use in the world or under short term development.


    Christian Dujarric
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Col. Jose Duarte
    Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE)Brazil


    Ray F. Johnson
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    D2.2. Launch services, Missions, Operations and Facilities

    Review of the current and planned launch services and support, including economics of Space Transportation Systems, financing, insurance, licensing. Advancements in ground infrastructure, ground operations, mission planning and mission control for both expendable and reusable launch services.


    Patrick M. McKenzie

    Ulf Palmnäs
    Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)Sweden


    Yves Gerard
    Airbus Defence & SpaceFrance

    D2.3. Upper Stages, Space Transfer, Entry and Landing Systems

    Discussion of existing, planned or new advanced concepts for cargo and human orbital transfer. Includes current and near term transfer, entry and landing systems, sub-systems and technologies for accommodating crew and cargo transfer in space.


    Luigi Bussolino
    Bussolino and AssociatesItaly

    Harry A. Cikanek
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States


    Kenneth Bruce Morris
    Booz Allen HamiltonUnited States

    D2.4. Future Space Transportation Systems

    Discussion of future system designs and operational concepts for both expendable and reusable systems for Earth-to orbit transportation and exploration missions.


    Ramakrishnan Sundaram
    Indian Space Researh OrganisationIndia

    Walter Faulconer
    United States


    Norbert Puettmann
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    D2.5. Future Space Transportation Systems Technologies

    Discussion of technologies enabling new reusable or expendable launch vehicles and in-space transportation systems. Emphasis is on hardware development and verification before flight.


    Yoshifumi Inatani
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Sylvain Guédron
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    William R. Claybaugh, II
    Orbital Sciences CorporationUnited States

    D2.6. Future Space Transportation Systems Verification and In-Flight Experimentation

    Discussion of system, subsystems and technologies flight testing for Future Space Transportation Systems. Emphasis is on flight experimentation/verification and test experience.


    Giorgio Tumino
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Charles E. Cockrell Jr.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Michael L. Burris
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    D2.7. Small Launchers: concepts and operations

    Discussion of existing, planned or future Small Launchers and On-orbit transfer systems for small payloads (from 500 kg to as low as 1 kg into Low Earth Orbit). Includes innovative solutions such as airborne systems, evolutions from sub-orbital concepts and flexible, highly reactive concepts. Includes piggy-back solutions based on larger launchers. Includes mission operations,associated operations and specific constraints.


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    Shayne Swint
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight CenterUnited States


    Markus Jaeger
    Airbus Defence & Space, Space SystemsGermany

    D2.8. Heavy lift launchers capabilities and new missions

    The session will address heavy lift capabilities, existing or under study, for new science, human exploration and other missions. The session will also deal with worldwide needs, requirements and potential solutions as well as related enabling technologies for heavy lift launchers.


    Martin Sippel
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Daniel L. Dumbacher
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States


    Oleg Ventskovsky
    Yuzhnoye SDO European Representation in BrusselsUkraine

    D2.9. Private Human Access to Space: Sub-orbital and Orbital missions: Joint session D2 with Commercial Spaceflight Safety Commission D6

    Systems, Technical solutions, Legal aspects, Market analysis, Insurance, Regulatory constraints, Spaceports…


    Douglas O. Stanley
    National Institute of Aerospace (NIA)United States

    Jens Lassmann


    This 9th Symposium is organized by the International Academy of Astronautics. The international discussion of future directions for space exploration and utilization is fully underway, including activities involving all major space-faring nations. Decisions are now being made that will set the course for space activities for many years to come. New approaches are needed that establish strategies, architectures, concepts and technologies that will lead to sustainable human and robotic space exploration and utilization during the coming decades. This Symposium will examine the possible paths, beginning with current capabilities such as the International Space Station, which may lead to ambitious future opportunities for space exploration, discovery and benefits.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Alain Pradier
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    D3.1. Strategies and Architectures to Establish a “Stepping Stone” Approach to our Future in Space

    Future scenarios for sustainable space exploration and utilization will unfold in the context of global conditions that vary greatly from those of the 1950s-1970s. It is likely that space-faring countries will pursue their goals and objectives in a step-wise fashion, rather than through massive, geo-politically driven programs (such as those that typified the Moon race of the 1960s). As a result, it is important that the international community engage in an ongoing discussion of strategies to establish a “stepping stone” approach to our future in space. Such a strategy should involve sustainable budget levels and multiple-purpose system-of-systems capabilities that lead to a diverse range of future activities of broad benefit to humanity and would represent a substantial departure from past models for major space programs. Moreover, nearer term developments, such as those in the Earth’s neighborhood should be structure to best support later evolution and reconfiguration to pursue still more ambitious missions–such as continuing robotic exploration Mars and targets beyond, and the search for Earth-like planetar around nearby stars. This session will address strategies and approaches that may allow a new paradigm–a “stepping stone” approach– to be established among the space-faring countries. Papers are solicited in these and related areas.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    D3.2. Concepts, Technologies, Infrastructures and Systems for the Exploration and Utilisation of Space

    In order to realize future, sustainable programs of space exploration and utilization, a focused suite of transformational new systems concepts and supporting technologies must be advanced during the coming decade. The technical objectives to be pursued should be drawn from a broad, forward looking view of the technologies and systems needed, but must be sufficiently well focused to allow tangible progression—and dramatic improvements over current capabilities—to be realized in the foreseeable future. This session will address cross cutting considerations in which a number of discipline research topics and/or technologies may be successful synthesized to enable a transformation new systems concept to be achieved. Papers are solicited in these and related areas.


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    Scott Hovland
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Hiroshi Yamakawa
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    D3.4. Space Technology and Systems Management Practices and Tools

    The effective management on space technology and systems development is critical to our future success in space exploration and utilization. This joint session (new in 2007) in two parts provides a unique international forum to further the development of a family of ‘best practices’ in this important field. Specific areas of potential interest include: (1) Technology Management Methodologies and Best Practices; (2) R&D Management Software Tools and Databases; (3) Systems Analysis Methods and Tools; and, (4) Particular topics could include: Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), Technology Readiness Assessments, Technology R&D Risk Management, etc. Either more theoretical discussions, or examples of applications of R&D management tools to specific R&D programs and projects are of interest for the session.


    Paivi Jukola
    Aalto UniversityFinland

    Peter Swan
    Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI)United States


    Christopher Moore
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    This 9th Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics deals with concepts for the far future exploration of outer space.


    Giuseppe Reibaldi
    Moon Village Association (MVA)Austria

    Hans E.W. Hoffmann

    D4.1. Human Exploration in Deep Space

    This session will cover concept, strategies and technology to make possible the Human exploration to Near-Earth Objects, Lagrange Points and beyond Mars.


    Alain Dupas
    European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFrance

    Paivi Jukola
    Aalto UniversityFinland


    Kenol Jules
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    D4.2. Public/Private Innovative Initiatives in Human Spaceflight Round Table

    This session will cover innovative system concepts in human spaceflight activities, to reduce the costs of space launch and in-orbit infrastructures while increasing utilization. The complementary roles of industry and governments shall be discussed in the second part of the session.


    Horst Rauck
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    Ramakrishnan Sundaram
    Indian Space Researh OrganisationIndia


    Dana G. Andrews
    Andrews SpaceUnited States

    D4.4. Space Elevators and Tethers

    This session will cover the identification of key technologies readiness and possible development strategies for space elevators and tethers.


    Peter Swan
    Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI)United States

    Robert E Penny
    Cholla Space SystemsUnited States


    David Raitt
    The Netherlands


    This 44th Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics addresses management approaches, methods, design solutions and regulations to improve the quality, efficiency, and collaborative ability of space programs. All aspects are considered: risk management, complexity of systems and operations, knowledge management, human factors, economical constraints, international cooperation, norms, and standards.


    Jeanne Holm
    City of Los AngelesUnited States

    D5.1. A Big Challenge : Safety in Aerospace Missions

    A large challenges exists in reaching a good level of safety for space mission and operations (including space tourism) with stringent cost limitation. This session will address all aspects of the development philosophy, mitigation of risks, risk and cost index of development of novel transportation systems, test procedures, and operations to meet this challenge for every kind of aerospace mission. Lessons learned are welcome for all steps in lifetime.


    Manola Romero

    Alexander S. Filatyev
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation


    Garett Smith
    Cosmica SpacelinesFrance

    D5.2. Knowledge Management and Collaboration in Space Activities

    Working on complex space missions requires virtual teaming, learning lessons from the past, transferring knowledge from experts to younger generations, and developing deep expertise within an organization. • How are aerospace organizations managing the ability to share knowledge to develop new missions? • What solutions are in place to work securely across corporate and international boundaries? • How is knowledge captured, shared, and used to drive innovation? This session focuses on the processes and technologies that organizations are using to sustain, energize and invigorate their ability to learn, innovate, and share knowledge within and amongst organizations for sustainable, peaceful exploration of space. Case studies and defined approaches will discuss: - Analysis of successful projects and innovations in the application of knowledge management - Grounded research in knowledge and risk management - Capture of technical expertise and lessons learned from previous successful projects that are applicable to new programs and focus on driving innovation Methods that allow data, information or knowledge exchange within or amongst organizations in support of actual programs or missions are of particular interest.


    Jeanne Holm
    City of Los AngelesUnited States

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom


    Lionel Baize
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    D5.3. Space Weather Prediction and Protection of Space Missions from Its Effects

    Space missions are affected by the fluctuating solar activity and local space environment. New exploration programs, especially manned programs, stress the need for real "space weather forecasts". This session will deal with: - Space environment and effects: modelling and ground testing - Lessons learned from space mission failures due to the space environment - Space solar activity and space weather measurements - Space weather prediction - Standardization and data policy for space weather


    Jean-Francois Roussel
    Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)France

    Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan


    Topics should address commercial safety and regulatory policy issues for orbital and suborbital space transportation and spaceports. The goal is to identify issues common to commercial operators of both human and robotic space vehicles to increase international safety and interoperability.


    John Sloan
    Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST)United States

    Mattias Abrahamsson
    Swedish Space CorporationSweden

    D6.1. Commercial Spaceflight Safety and Emerging Issues

    Discussion of emerging issues in commercial spaceflight safety for spaceports and orbital and suborbital space transportation. Includes regulations, policy, interoperability, case studies, lessons learned and other safety issues for commercially operated space transportation.


    John Sloan
    Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST)United States

    Mattias Abrahamsson
    Swedish Space CorporationSweden


    Julia Tizard
    Virgin GalacticUnited Kingdom


    This symposium deals with activities, methods and techniques for formal and informal space education at different educational levels, space outreach to the general public, space workforce development, etc. Each of the sessions in the symposium features an invited key note speaker followed by presentation of selected papers. Symposium sessions may also include panel discussions. When submitting abstracts for consideration, please note that: • Papers should have clear education or outreach content – technical details of projects, even if carried out in an educational context, will not usually qualify. • Papers reporting on programmes/activities that have already taken place will usually be received more favourably than those dealing with concepts and plans for the future. • More weight will usually be given to papers that clearly identify target groups, benefits, lessons-learned, good practice and that include measures of critical assessment. • Papers covering topics/activities which have been reported at a prior IAC must state this explicitly and detail both the additional information to be presented and the added value that will result.


    Chris Welch

    E1.1. Lift Off - Primary and Secondary Space Education

    This session will focus on all aspects of primary and secondary (K-12) space education.


    Kerrie Dougherty

    Jeong-Won Lee
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of


    Shamim Hartevelt-Velani
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    E1.2. On Track - Undergraduate And Postgraduate Space Education

    This session will focus on all aspects of undergraduate and (post)graduate space education


    Naomi Mathers
    Space Industry Association of AustraliaAustralia

    Marilyn Steinberg
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada


    Anne Elisabeth Brumfitt
    Space Qualified LtdAustralia

    E1.3. Enabling The Future – Developing the Project Management and the Technical Space Workforce

    This session will focus on the challenges, opportunities and innovative approaches to developing the current and future global space workforce. It will explore strategies for how we can learn together and explore together.


    Edward J. Hoffman
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    Amalio Monzon
    Airbus Defence and SpaceSpain

    Lewis L. Peach, Jr.
    United States

    E1.4. Calling Planet Earth - Space Outreach To The General Public

    This session will focus on activities that aim to promote awareness and understanding of space in the general public. At IAC2011, this session will feature the E1 Space Education and Outreach Symposium Keynote by Bill Nye (‘the Science Guy’), science educator, comedian and television presenter and now Executive Secretary of The Planetary Society.


    Olga Zhdanovich
    ModisThe Netherlands

    Gulnara T. Omarova
    Astrophysical InstituteKazakhstan


    Carol Christian
    STScIUnited States

    E1.5. New Worlds - Innovative Space Education And Outreach

    This session will focus on novel and non-standard methods of space education and outreach in non-traditional areas and to non-traditional target groups.


    Jean-Daniel Dessimoz

    Vera Mayorova
    Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussian Federation


    Mabel J. Matthews
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    E1.6. Water From Space: Societal, Educational and Cultural Aspects

    This session organised by the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee is co-sponsored by the IAF Technical Committee on the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS). In this inter-disciplinary session we wish to explore the societal, educational and cultural contexts of space, investigate the way in which these contexts engage with each other and with space activities and foster a dialogue between scientists/engineers, artists, cultural practitioners and thinkers active in these fields. For IAC2011, we particularly encourage submissions related to the topic of water and space.


    Annick Bureaud

    Adrian Meyer
    Space School AfricaSouth Africa

    Chris Welch


    Bee Thakore
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United Kingdom

    E1.7.-A1.8. Living In Space - Education And Outreach In Space Life Sciences and infrastructure development for capacity building

    This is a joint session of the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee and IAA Commission II on Space Life Sciences. This interdisciplinary session focuses on all aspects of education and outreach activities related to space life and material sciences including the International Space Station.


    Andrea Boese
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Marilyn Steinberg
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Lyn Wigbels
    American Astronautical Society (AAS)United States


    Rachid Amekrane
    Airbus DS GmbHGermany

    Marlene MacLeish
    United States

    E1.8. Space Education and Outreach


    Shamim Hartevelt-Velani
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Chris Welch


    Presentation of space-related papers by undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international student competition.


    Marco Schmidt
    University WuerzburgGermany

    Stephen Brock
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    E2.1. Student Conference – Part 1

    Undergraduate and graduate level students (no more than 28 years of age) present papers on any subject related to space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the work of the author(s) (no more than two students). The students presenting in this session will compete in the 41st International Student Competition. French, German, US, British and Canadian students submitting abstracts for the sessions E2.1 and E2.2 shall apply via the national coordinators: for France: Benedicte Escudier at: benedicte.escudier@supaero.fr for Germany: Marco Schmidt at: schmidt.marco@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de for USA: Stephen Brock at: stephenb@aiaa.org for Great Britain: Chris Welch at: c.s.welch@kingston.ac.uk for Canada: Jason Clement: Jason.Clement@asc-csa.gc.ca The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Rachid Amekrane
    Airbus DS GmbHGermany

    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France


    Carsten Holze
    machtwissen.de AGGermany

    E2.2. Student Conference – Part 2

    Undergraduate and graduate level students (no more than 28 years of age) present papers on any subject related to space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the work of the author(s) (no more than two students). The students presenting in this session will compete in the 41st International Student Competition. French, German, US, British and Canadian students submitting abstracts for the sessions E2.1 and E2.2 shall apply via the national coordinators: for France: Benedicte Escudier at: benedicte.escudier@supaero.fr for Germany: Marco Schmidt at: schmidt.marco@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de for USA: Stephen Brock at: stephenb@aiaa.org for Great Britain: Chris Welch at: c.s.welch@kingston.ac.uk for Canada: Jason Clement: Jason.Clement@asc-csa.gc.ca The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Marco Schmidt
    University WuerzburgGermany

    Thomas Snitch
    University of MarylandUnited States


    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    E2.3. Student Team Competition

    Undergraduate and graduate level student teams present papers on any subject related to space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the work of the authors (three or more students). Students presenting in this session will compete for the Hans von Muldau Team Award. The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Stephen Brock
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    Naomi Mathers
    Space Industry Association of AustraliaAustralia


    Thomas Snitch
    University of MarylandUnited States


    This symposium, organized by the International Academy of Astronautics, will provide a systematic overview of the current trends in space policy, regulation and economics, by covering national as well as multilateral space policies and plans. Specific focus for 2011: space policies for Africa, and Long Term Sustainability of Space Activities, the latter of which is related to the topics of two new IAA Cosmic Study projects: Orbital Debris Removal and Space Weather. The symposium also integrates the 26th IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal roundtable, which deals with Space Debris Remediation


    Sergio Camacho
    Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Latin American and The Caribbean (CRECTEALC)Mexico

    Max Grimard
    World Space Week AssociationFrance

    E3.1. National and International Space Policies and Programmes for African Development

    This session will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of current space policies, programmes and initiatives that aim at supporting the development of Africa. Speakers from African countries and organizations will present their needs and plans, while others from non-African countries and international organizations are invited to present their space policies, programmes and initiatives.


    Max Grimard
    World Space Week AssociationFrance

    Joseph O Akinyede
    African Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education in English (ARCSSTE-E)Nigeria


    Christina Giannopapa
    European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)Czech Republic

    E3.2. International Space Exploration Policies and Programmes

    Space exploration is an important space policy domain that has been gaining momentum in recent years topping the space S&T policy agenda in many countries. Space-faring countries and international organizations have long been involved in human and robotic exploration but emerging space actors are increasingly getting involved in the field as well. International cooperation plans and partnerships are also increasingly leading to a new space exploration context. This session will provide a forum to reflect on the trends in space exploration and present the latest developments in the field.


    Nicolas Peter
    International Space University (ISU)France

    Pascale Ehrenfreund
    International Space University (ISU)France


    Paul Guthrie
    Bryce Space and TechnologyUnited States

    E3.3. The space economy in emerging space countries

    More than 50 countries are operating satellites worldwide and many more have become active users of space applications: they are all actors in the global space economy. This session aims to provide a picture of emerging space countries as both users and developers of space systems and applications. Topics of interest include: incentives to attract commercial space activities in some of these countries, specific economic models that are put in place, and new markets opening up (e.g. telecom, navigation, remote sensing).


    Claire Jolly
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)France

    Lulu Makapela
    CSIR – South African Council for Scientific and Industrial ResearchSouth Africa


    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    E3.4. Assuring the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities

    The long-term sustainability of space activities is a matter of common concern for all current and future space actors. The increasing number of countries and private operators operating space systems and the growing amounts of space debris raise important questions about continuing to operate spacecraft in Earth orbit over the long term. Frequency management to prevent interferences, and influence of space weather are other critical issues This session, which will support the activities of the Working Group on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, will explore the policies guidelines and application of the legal provisions of the outer space treaties that will be needed to assure long-term sustainability.


    Agnieszka Lukaszczyk
    Planet Labs Inc.The Netherlands

    Peter Martinez
    Secure World FoundationUnited States


    Richard Crowther
    UK Space AgencyUnited Kingdom

    E3.5.-E7.6. 26th IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal Roundtable: Towards Space Debris Remediation (Invited Papers only)

    Space debris mitigation has received a global recognition and regulatory framework through the 2007 Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of UNCOPUOS. The next step in securing a space environment, where the threat through space debris is limited to the greatest extent, is putting in place space debris remediation measures. Building on the results of an IAA study on this topic technical, policy and regulatory aspects will be investigated in this interdisciplinary roundtable composed of selected experts in the respective fields.


    Kai-Uwe Schrogl
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)France

    Wendell Mendell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Nicola Rohner-Willsch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    E3.6. IAA 2010 Space Summit Reporting and Way Forward

    At the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the International Academy of Astronautics has organised, on November 17, 2010, a Heads of Space Agencies Summit in Washington. 30 space agencies heads welcomed a Declaration on four key domains where space is playing a key role : Human space flight, Robotic exploration, Climate change and green systems, and Disaster management. This Declaration was the result of four IAA study groups on these topics. The session will allow the chairs of these study groups to deliver a comprehensive reporting of their findings and the associated recommendations. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the next steps towards the implementation of these recommendations.


    Max Grimard
    World Space Week AssociationFrance

    Sergio Camacho
    Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Latin American and The Caribbean (CRECTEALC)Mexico


    Corinne M. Jorgenson
    Advancing SpaceUnited States


    50th anniversary of the first manned spaceflights. History of space science, technology and development, rocketry and personal memoirs. The history of rocketry and astronautics of South Africa. The entire spectrum of space history, at least 25 years old, is covered.


    Christophe Rothmund
    Airbus Safran LaunchersFrance

    A. Ingemar Skoog

    Philippe Jung
    Airbus SASFrance

    Philippe Cosyn
    Independent scholarBelgium

    E4.1. 50th Anniversary of Manned Space Flight

    Memoirs, political and industrial history and overviews of the first manned spaceflight projects in the USSR and the USA.


    Yasunori Matogawa
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Kerrie Dougherty


    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Philippe Cosyn
    Independent scholarBelgium

    E4.2. Memoirs and Organisational histories

    Autobiographical and biographical memoirs of individuals who have made significant original contributions to the development and application of astronautics and rocketry. History of government, industrial, academic & professional societies & organisations long engaged in astronautical endeavours.


    Marsha Freeman
    21st Century Science & TechnologyUnited States

    Hervé Moulin


    Theo Pirard
    Space Information CenterBelgium

    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    E4.3. Scientific & Technical History

    Historical summaries of space programs, satellite and rocket projects, and technical and scientific achievements in the field of astronautics and rocketry.


    Philippe Jung
    Airbus SASFrance

    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland


    Christophe Rothmund
    Airbus Safran LaunchersFrance

    William Cuthbert Jones
    Executive Intelligence Review News ServiceUnited States

    E4.4. History of South African contribution to astronautics

    Special session with invited and proposed speakers. This session will cover the origin (technical and political aspects) of the modern space programme of South Africa.


    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States



    Christophe Rothmund
    Airbus Safran LaunchersFrance



    This 22nd symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics will review the impact and benefits of space activities on the various segments and aspects of society, including arts and culture, society’s expectations from space, human life in space, space exploration and tourism, as well as knowledge transfer. As technology transfer is a key to exploiting the space activities by society, there are multiple sessions supporting this need.


    Geoffrey Languedoc
    Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI)Canada

    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States

    E5.1. Habitation Throughout the Solar System

    The session welcomes papers on all aspects of the challenges of emplacing, sustaining, and growing accommodations for human habitation at diverse inner solar system destinations: high Earth orbits, Lagrange points, planetary orbits, the Moon's surface, Near Earth Objects, the moons of Mars, Mars' surface, and free space. These places share characteristics of the need for basic protection from radiation, vacuum, and thermal conditions in space, but vary widely in their remoteness, proximity to natural bodies and resources, and socio-psychological impact. Their needs for architectural solutions, including pressurized volume, shielding, life support techniques, food production, transportation access, and social accommodation will stretch concepts and technologies for space architecture.


    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States

    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States


    Anna Barbara Imhof
    Liquifer Systems Group (LSG)Austria

    A. Scott Howe
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    E5.2. Verifying and Validating the Impact of Technology Transferred from Space

    Discover critical elements that support the application of space technologies beyond the space program. Understand how current and upcoming trends in space technology applications impact how the space program is valued. Our panel will share stories regarding technologies from the space program that have and can transform and shape our future. This will be based on diverse perspectives from select industry sectors that have benefitted much from the space program; sources that validate space technology being applied to new products; and activities that highlight the facts. Innovators, entrepreneurs, and program managers will present papers on the overarching theme based on background knowledge, objectives, purposes, outcomes, and going forward to inform the greater public and private interests.


    Kevin Cook
    Space FoundationUnited States

    Nona Cheeks
    retired from NASA GSFCUnited States


    Peter Swan
    Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI)United States

    E5.3. The Effect of Space Visualization Tools in Commercial Markets

    This session will focus on the effects of space visualization tools applied to commercialization products. The purpose is to heighten the awareness of space innovators about the affect the scientific visualization models, tools, systems, results have had on advancing the state-of-the-art in the medical technology industry sector. The objective is to encourage innovator’s participation in being more proactive in identifying applications of their technology beyond the space use. Additionally, it should encourage more innovators, program and project managers to help identify and advance space technology to commercial applications. It is also an opportunity of broadening the awareness for conference attendees about the substantial effect scientific visualization tools have had in the medical device industry.


    Kevin Cook
    Space FoundationUnited States

    Nona Cheeks
    retired from NASA GSFCUnited States


    Peter Swan
    Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI)United States


    The symposium will address creative business approaches to serving government and private sector customers, as well as government options for encouraging this activity. The symposium will address the general role of government in encouraging space industry applications, new business models in traditional space industry applications (e.g. satellite-based services involving Earth observation, navigation and communications), and new space industry applications (e.g., space tourism, space-industrialization, space resource utilization).


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    E6.1. The General Role of Government in Encouraging Space Industry Applications

    Governments around the world implement policies, conduct procurements, and employ other methods to create a strong business community, based on emerging as well as mature industries and industry sectors. These actions may target different types of risks (e.g., technical or market risk), with the ultimate goal of meeting the needs or goals of one or more different government organizations, not just the national space agencies. This session will provide descriptions and updates of how the various government programs and activities are being employed to encourage space industry applications for the benefit of citizens.


    Douglas Comstock
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Aude de Clercq
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    E6.2. New Business Models in Traditional Space Industry Applications

    Traditional space applications and markets (e.g., satellite communications) have progressed past the phase of emergence and into their growth or mature phases. To remain viable, they must continually evolve in technology and business strategy, adapting to a variety of ever-changing factors (e.g., new customer bases, substitute products, new entrants to the market). Companies react to such changes by entering into strategic alliances, agreements, and collaborations, or by integrating within their markets--either horizontally or vertically. This session will discuss how the actors within traditional space applications are positioning, or re-positioning, themselves within key markets, to ensure long-term survival by providing continuity of service to their customers.


    Max Grimard
    World Space Week AssociationFrance

    Richard Brook
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom


    Aude de Clercq
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    E6.3. New Space Industry Applications

    This session will discuss new markets involving space, such as space tourism, space industrialization, space resource utilization, etc. Specific examples of business ventures will be highlighted, addressing private investment as well as entrepreneurial business plan development.


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    Kevin Stube
    The Planetary SocietyUnited States


    This Symposium organized by the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPACE LAW (IISL) addresses various aspects of the law of outer space and is structured in 5 sessions.


    Corinne M. Jorgenson
    Advancing SpaceUnited States

    Mark Sundahl
    Cleveland State UniversityUnited States

    E7.1. Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law & 3rd Young Scholars Session

    In the first part of this session, the IISL will invite a prominent speaker to address the members of the Institute and other congress attendants on a highly topical issue of broad interest. The second part of this session will be dedicated to the space lawyers of the future, in that young scholars (under 35 years old) are invited to present a paper on “Space Law – Future Challenges and Potential Solutions,” although other topics are also acceptable.


    Maurice N. Andem

    Tanja Masson-Zwaan
    International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden UniversityThe Netherlands


    Diane Howard
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)United States

    E7.2. Legal Issues of Commercial Human Spaceflight

    The first sub-orbital spaceflights for tourists will soon take off and, possibly within a few years, such flights will be offered by various operators from a number of places around the globe. This session will deal with legal and regulatory issues of commercial spaceflight, both on an international and on a national level. Such issues include liability, certification and safety requirements, as well as issues related to the spaceflight services private operators may start offering to public customers.


    Frans G. Von der Dunk
    University of Nebraska, College of LawThe Netherlands

    Steven Freeland
    Western Sydney UniversityAustralia


    Michael Dodge
    Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill UniversityCanada

    E7.3. Africa: Space Law and Applications - Past, Present, and Future

    Africa is an emerging-space faring continent. This session addresses Africa’s past and current activities in remote sensing, telecommunications, launch, and GPS/GNSS and the law and regulations catalyzed by these activities. Particular activities that may be addressed in this session include remote sensing in Morocco and Nigeria; launches in Algeria, Kenya, and South Africa; and telecommunications continent-wide. This session will also look to the future and consider the role of space law in developing nations.


    Tare Brisibe

    Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz
    University of MississippiUnited States


    Lulu Makapela
    CSIR – South African Council for Scientific and Industrial ResearchSouth Africa

    E7.4. Environmental Aspects of Space Law and of Space Activities

    It is well known that the international legal order for space activities came into existence before international environmental law began to develop. Therefore, it is useful to take stock of existing international (space) law with regard to environmental protection for space as well as for space activities. Papers are invited that investigate the lex lata of environmental protection for space activities and make proposals de lege ferenda. Thereby, the interaction between space law and general international law should be taken into consideration.


    Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
    Leuphana UniversityGermany

    Martha Mejia-Kaiser
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Germany


    Upasana Dasgupta
    Universite LavalCanada

    E7.5. Recent Developments in Space Law

    In this session, papers are invited to address legal aspects of the most recent developments in space activities that have taken place since the other session topics were determined, i.e. since March 2010 only. In addition, papers are invited to address two special issues: (1) the legal aspects of GNSS and (2) Articles 6 and 7 of the Outer Space Treaty.


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Sang-Myon Rhee
    Seoul National UniversityKorea, Republic of


    Angeline Asangire Oprong
    University of BremenGermany

    E7.6.-E3.5. 26th IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal Roundtable: Towards Space Debris Remediation (Invited Papers only)

    Space debris mitigation has received a global recognition and regulatory framework through the 2007 Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of UNCOPUOS. The next step in securing a space environment, where the threat through space debris is limited to the greatest extent, is putting in place space debris remediation measures. Building on the results of an IAA study on this topic technical, policy and regulatory aspects will be investigated in this interdisciplinary roundtable composed of selected experts in the respective fields.


    Kai-Uwe Schrogl
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)France

    Wendell Mendell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Nicola Rohner-Willsch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    E7.7.-B3.8. Joint IAF/IISL Session on Policy and Law of Human Space Missions

    This session hosts papers on topics related to the political and legal aspects of international collaboration in future human space missions and programmes such as the ISS lifetime extension, post ISS activities in LEO or Lunar Exploration. The session provides a forum to discuss the current regulatory framework and implementation of such programmes during their development and operation phases. In addition, papers may address the effects of extending the duration and partnership of the ISS programme, as well as the lessons learned from past collaborative programmes such as Interkosmos or the Shuttle-Spacelab.


    Cristian Bank

    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany


    Luise Weber-Steinhaus


    This Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) will review the progress made in multilingual space terminology and its impact on international cooperation in space. Terminology is a key issue for a better understanding among people using various languages and dialects. Consecutive or simultaneous translation doesn’t remove risk of ambiguity during technical meetings and terminology accuracy is essential during all phases of cooperation. The session will address issues such as standardization of definitions in space science and technology. Specific character of space emerging countries and African countries will be discussed.


    Yasunori Matogawa
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Danielle Candel
    Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)France

    Fabrice Dennemont
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)France


    Tetsuo Yoshimitsu
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan



    Yasunori Matogawa
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Danielle Candel
    Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)France


    Tetsuo Yoshimitsu
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    Fabrice Dennemont
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)France