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    The Space Propulsion Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses sub-orbital, Earth to orbit and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, solid and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, detonation-based propulsion and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems, and propulsion systems dedicated to ultra-small satellites. The Symposium is concerned with component technologies, the operation and application to missions of overall propulsion systems and unique propulsion test facilities.

    IPC members
    • Coordinator: Mr. Giorgio Saccoccia, European Space Agency (ESA), France;

    • Coordinator: Mr. Christophe Bonhomme, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France;

    • Coordinator: Prof. Riheng Zheng, Beihang University, China;

    • Coordinator: Dr. Toru Shimada, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan;

    • Coordinator: Dr. Helen Webber, Reaction Engines Ltd., United Kingdom;





    1. Propulsion System (1)

    2018-10-01 15:00

    ZARM 5

    2. Propulsion System (2)

    2018-10-02 09:45

    ZARM 5

    3. Propulsion Technology (1)

    2018-10-03 09:45

    ZARM 5

    4. Electric Propulsion

    2018-10-03 14:45

    ZARM 5

    5. Propulsion Technology (2)

    2018-10-04 09:45

    ZARM 5

    6. New Missions Enabled by New Propulsion Technology and Systems

    2018-10-04 14:45

    ZARM 5

    7-C3.5. Joint Session on Advanced and Nuclear Power and Propulsion Systems

    2018-10-05 09:45

    ZARM 5

    8-B4.5A. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems

    2018-10-05 13:30

    ZARM 5

    9. Hypersonic Air-breathing and Combined Cycle Propulsion

    2018-10-02 14:45

    ZARM 5

    10. Propulsion Technology (3)

    2018-10-05 13:30

    Bremen 3

    IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUM

    2018-10-04 13:15

    IP Hall