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    IAC-18 — 69th International Astronautical Congress


    This symposium, jointly organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses all aspects of space life sciences research and practice in human and robotic spaceflight, from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to the universe beyond, and from the Big Bang to the lives of future explorers on other planets of our solar system.


    Peter Graef
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Oleg Orlov
    Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)Russian Federation

    A1.1. Behaviour, Performance and Psychosocial Issues in Space

    This session considers psychosocial, interpersonal, cultural, cognitive, sleep, circadian rhythm and human factors issues and countermeasures related to human spaceflight and space exploration.


    Nick Kanas
    University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)United States

    Peter Suedfeld
    University of British ColumbiaCanada


    Gro M. Sandal
    University of BergenNorway

    A1.2. Human Physiology in Space

    This session focuses on physiological effects of short- and long-duration spaceflight, and how this affects general health. Research into mitigation (countermeasures) of space effects are also included.


    Inesa Kozlovskaya
    State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation

    Jens Jordan
    Institute of Aerospace Medicine (DLR)Germany


    Elena Fomina
    State Scientific Center of Russian Federation, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation

    A1.3. Medical Care for Humans in Space

    This session focuses on medical care for astronauts including operational medicine aspects, countermeasure development and applications as well as needs for future care for astronauts during long term stays in space and missions to and on the Moon and Mars. A further focus will lie on medical care for passengers and operators of commercial suborbital and orbital spaceflights.


    Satoshi Iwase
    Aichi Medical UniversityJapan

    Oleg Orlov
    Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)Russian Federation


    Katrin Stang
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A1.4. Medicine in Space and Extreme Environments

    Over the last decades numerous space missions and experiments have taken place. The use of microgravity as a tool to study new fundamentals of life revealed a substantial number of new scientific insights and surprises. Space is the most famous extreme environment but different extreme environments also exist on Earth, such as high altitudes, confined and isolated environments like Antarctica and Arctica or even submarines. Results from research in these environments can be successfully applied for the benefits of human beings both in space and on Earth. This session will cover the latest scientific results and technological achievements from medical-physiological or psychological research in extreme environments for the benefit on Earth.


    Oleg Orlov
    Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)Russian Federation

    Hanns-Christian Gunga
    Charité Universitätsmedizin BerlinGermany


    Christian Rogon
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A1.5. Radiation Fields, Effects and Risks in Human Space Missions

    The major topics of this session are the characterisation of the radiation environment by theoretical modelling and experimental data, radiation effects on physical and biological systems, countermeasures to radiation and radiation risk assessment.


    Lawrence Pinsky
    University of HoustonUnited States

    Günther Reitz
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Premkumar Saganti
    Prairie View A&M UniversityUnited States

    A1.6. Astrobiology and Exploration

    A new era of space exploration will soon expand into a global endeavour to achieve highly ambitious goals such as establishing human bases on the Moon, journeys to Mars and the construction of new infrastructures in space. Astrobiology plays a key role in the strategic search for organic compounds and life on Mars and other planetary objects in our solar system and can provide support in the preparation of human exploration endeavours. The session invites papers of astrobiological content supporting future robotic and human exploration missions.


    Petra Rettberg
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Nicolas Walter
    European Science Foundation (ESF)France


    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States

    Susann Groß
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A1.7. Life Support, habitats and EVA Systems

    This session will address strategies, solutions and technologies in providing Life Support for finally human requirements during future deep space and planetary/lunar surface exploration as well as extreme environments in general. An important task of Life Support is the use of in situ resources. This research and technology development is of utmost interest also for Earth application.


    Klaus Slenzka
    Blue Horizon s.à r.l.Germany

    Liu Hong
    Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion InstituteChina


    Chiaki Mukai
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Michael Becker
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A1.8. Biology in Space

    This session focuses on all aspects of biology and biological systems related to gravity in ground‐based and space flight experiments as well as on topics not covered by other sessions of this symposium.


    Fengyuan Zhuang
    Beihang UniversityChina

    Markus Braun
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany


    Nicole Buckley
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Cora S. Thiel
    University of ZurichSwitzerland

    A1.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF/IAA SPACE LIFE SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Life Sciences addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Cora Thiel
    University of ZurichSwitzerland

    Klaus Slenzka
    Blue Horizon s.à r.l.Germany


    The objective of the Microgravity Science and Processes Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), is to highlight and discuss the state of the art in microgravity (reduced-gravity) physical sciences and processes, as well as to prepare for future orbital infrastructure. Session topics cover all microgravity science disciplines (material science, fluid physics, combustion science, fundamental physics), current results and research perspectives, together with relevant technology developments.


    Nickolay N. Smirnov
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation


    Anastassiia Nikonova
    Russian Academy of SciencesRussian Federation


    Gabriel Pont
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    A2.1. Gravity and Fundamental Physics

    This session is devoted to the search of new fields of research in condensed matter physics and gravitational physics including cryogenic fluids, critical fluids, equivalence principle, atomic clock and plasma crystals.


    Hanns Selig
    Geradts GmbhGermany

    Antonio Viviani
    Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Italy


    Qi Kang
    National Microgravity Laboratory, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.China

    A2.2. Fluid and Materials Sciences

    The main focus of the session is on perspective research fields in fluid and materials sciences, multi-phase and chemically reacting flows including theoretical modelling, numerical simulations, and results of pathfinder laboratory and space experiments.


    Nickolay N. Smirnov
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation

    Satoshi Matsumoto
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    Thomas Driebe
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A2.3. Microgravity Experiments from Sub-Orbital to Orbital Platforms

    This session presents recent results of microgravity experiments from all disciplines using different microgravity platforms, including drop towers, parabolic aircrafts, sounding rockets and capsules.


    Raffaele Savino
    University of Naples "Federico II"Italy

    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Peter Hofmann
    OHB System AG - MunichGermany

    A2.4. Science Results from Ground Based Research

    This session is focused on the results of ground based preparatory experiments from all disciplines.


    Valentina Shevtsova
    University of MondragonSpain

    Antonio Viviani
    Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"Italy


    Nickolay N. Smirnov
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation

    A2.5. Facilities and Operations of Microgravity Experiments

    This session is devoted to new diagnosis developments, new instruments definition and concepts for the future, ground and flight operation (telescience, robotics, hardware & software).


    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Gabriel Pont
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Satoshi Matsumoto
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    A2.6. Life and Microgravity Sciences on board ISS and beyond (Part I)

    Aimed at the presentation of results obtained from large orbital platforms, in particular the ISS, as well as preparation scenarios for further long term flight opportunities, this session includes description and performance of ground and in-orbit infrastructures.


    Bernard Zappoli
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Peter Hofmann
    OHB System AG - MunichGermany


    Angelika Diefenbach
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    A2.7. Life and Microgravity Sciences on board ISS and beyond (Part II)

    Aimed at the presentation of results obtained from large orbital platforms, in particular the ISS, as well as preparation scenarios for further long term flight opportunities, this session includes description and performance of ground and in-orbit infrastructures.


    Angelika Diefenbach
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Cora S. Thiel
    Otto von Guericke University of MagdeburgGermany

    Peter Graef
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Satoshi Matsumoto
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Microgravity Sciences and Processes addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Gabriel Pont
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Qi Kang
    National Microgravity Laboratory, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.China


    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), covers the current and future robotic missions and material plans for initiatives in the exploration of the Solar System.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    A3.1. Space Exploration Overview

    This Session covers Space Exploration strategies and architectures, as well as technology roadmaps. Papers of both national and international perspectives are invited, as are papers dealing with the emerging area of commercial space exploration activities.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Kathy Laurini
    Osare Space Consulting GroupUnited States


    Keyur Patel
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    A3.2A. Moon Exploration – Part 1

    This session will address current and future lunar missions. The session will address orbital missions, robotic surface missions, as well as life sciences on the Moon, resource utilisation and preparatory activities for future solar system exploration.


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Nadeem Ghafoor
    Avalon SpaceCanada

    A3.2B. Moon Exploration – Part 2

    This session will address current and future lunar missions. The session will address orbital missions, robotic surface missions, as well as life sciences on the Moon, resource utilisation and preparatory activities for future solar system exploration.


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Nadeem Ghafoor
    Avalon SpaceCanada

    A3.2C. Moon Exploration – Part 3

    This session will address current and future lunar missions. The session will address orbital missions, robotic surface missions, as well as life sciences on the Moon, resource utilisation and preparatory activities for future solar system exploration.


    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands

    David Korsmeyer
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research CenterUnited States


    Sylvie Espinasse
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Nadeem Ghafoor
    Avalon SpaceCanada

    A3.3A. Mars Exploration – missions current and future

    The planet Mars is being explored now and in the coming years with multiple robotic missions from a variety of nations. This session will cover current results from ongoing Mars missions and the designs for proposed Mars missions.


    Vincenzo Giorgio
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Pierre W. Bousquet
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    Cheryl L.B. Reed
    Northrop Grumman CorporationUnited States

    A3.3B. Mars Exploration – Science, Instruments and Technologies

    The planet Mars is being explored now and in the coming years with multiple robotic missions from a variety of nations. This session will cover science, instruments and technologies for Mars missions including expected experiments. Papers on any aspects of the search for evidence or extinct Martian life, and forward and backward contamination are particularly welcome.


    Vincenzo Giorgio
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Pierre W. Bousquet
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Amalia Ercoli Finzi
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    Cheryl L.B. Reed
    Northrop Grumman CorporationUnited States

    A3.4A. Small Bodies Missions and Technologies (Part 1)

    This session will present the missions and technological aspects related to the exploration of small bodies including a search for pre-biotic signatures.


    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland

    Stephan Ulamec
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Marc D. Rayman
    NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    A3.4B. Small Bodies Missions and Technologies (Part 2)

    This session will present the missions and technological aspects related to the exploration of small bodies including a search for pre-biotic signatures.


    Stephan Ulamec
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland


    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    A3.5. Solar System Exploration

    This session covers robotic missions for Solar System exploration (inner and outer planets and their satellites, and space plasma physics) except the Earth, Moon, Mars, and small bodies covered in other sessions of this symposium. Papers covering both new mission concepts as well as the associated specific technologies are invited.


    Mariella Graziano
    GMV Aerospace & Defence SAUSpain

    Junichiro Kawaguchi
    Australian National University (ANU)Australia


    Charles E. Cockrell Jr.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Alain Ouellet
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    A3.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE EXPLORATION SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Exploration addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Bernard Foing
    ILEWG "EuroMoonMars"The Netherlands


    This symposium, organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), deals with the scientific, technical and interdisciplinary aspects of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) including a discussion of all kinds of contacts. The technical side is not limited to the microwave window, but includes also optical and any kinds of radiation. The interdisciplinary aspects include all societal implications, risk communication and philosophical considerations of any kind of discovery or contact.


    Claudio Maccone
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)Italy

    A4.1. SETI 1: SETI Science and Technology

    All technical aspects involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, including current and future search strategies.


    Michael Albert Garrett
    University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom

    Bill Diamond
    SETI InstituteUnited States


    Andrew Siemion
    Berkeley SETI Research CenterUnited States

    A4.2. SETI 2: SETI and Society

    All aspects concerning the societal implications of extraterrestrial intelligence are considered, including public reaction to a discovery, risk communication and the possible impacts on society.


    Claudio Maccone
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)Italy

    Andrew Siemion
    Berkeley SETI Research CenterUnited States


    J. Emilio Enriquez
    UC Berkeley / Radboud University NijmegenUnited States


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of SETI addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Claudio Maccone
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)Italy


    This Symposium, organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), covers the strategic plans, architectural concepts and technology development for future human exploration of the Moon, Mars, Lagrangian Points and NEO’s.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    A5.1. Human Exploration of the Moon and Cislunar Space

    This session will examine the scenarios and infrastructure required to support human exploration of the Moon and Cislunar space. Papers are invited to discuss technology roadmaps as well as interfaces to allow international cooperation.


    Nadeem Ghafoor
    Avalon SpaceCanada

    Michael Raftery
    Boeing Defense Space & SecurityUnited States


    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    A5.2. Human Exploration of Mars

    This session will examine the scenarios and infrastructure required to support human exploration of Mars and the moons of Mars. Papers are invited to discuss technology roadmaps as well as interfaces to allow international cooperation.


    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly

    Kathy Laurini
    Osare Space Consulting GroupUnited States


    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    A5.3-B3.6. Human and Robotic Partnerships in Exploration - Joint session of the Human Spaceflight and Exploration Symposia

    This session seeks papers on new systems and technologies for current human spaceflight and exploration programmes, and the role of human and robotic partnerships in areas such as onboard robotic assistants, habitat / infrastructure construction support, human mobility support systems (e.g. EVA mobility aids, rovers); and robotic precursor activities to human spaceflights for test, validation, and demonstration of systems. This session also welcomes papers considering how the roles of humans, machines and intelligent systems are likely to evolve in the coming years and the corresponding impact on complex mission design, implementation, and operations.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada


    Mark Hempsell
    The British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    A5.4-D2.8. Space Transportation Solutions for Deep Space Missions

    This joint session will explore space transportation capabilities, existing or under study, for human space exploration missions, new science, programme architectures, technology demonstrations as well as the issues of scientific and political motivations and international cooperation. The session will also deal with worldwide needs, requirements and potential missions enabled by deep space transportation system.


    Ernst Messerschmid
    University of StuttgartGermany

    Kenneth Bruce Morris
    Sierra SpaceUnited States

    Andrew J. Aldrin
    Secure World FoundationUnited States


    Gerhard Schwehm
    ESA (retired)The Netherlands


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Human Exploration of the Solar System addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada

    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    This Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) will address the complete spectrum of technical issues of space debris: measurements, modelling, risk assessment in space and on the ground, reentry, hypervelocity impacts and protection, mitigation and standards, and Space Surveillance.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    J.-C. Liou
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A6.1. Space Debris Detection, Tracking and Characterization

    This session will address advanced ground and space-based measurement techniques, relating processing methods, and results of space debris characterization.


    Frank Di Pentino
    Integrity Applications Incorporated (IAI)United States

    Thomas Schildknecht
    SwissSpace AssociationSwitzerland


    Vladimir Agapov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation

    A6.2. Modelling and Risk Analysis

    This session will address the characterization of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogues, and active avoidance.


    Luciano Anselmo

    Dan Oltrogge
    COMSPOC Corp.United States


    Marlon Sorge
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    A6.3. Impact-Induced Mission Effects and Risk Assessments

    This session addresses disruptions of spacecraft operations induced by hypervelocity impacts including spacecraft anomalies, perturbation of operations, and component failures up to mission loss. It includes risk assessments for impact vulnerability studies and corresponding system tools. Further topics are spacecraft impact protection and shielding studies, laboratory impact experiments, numerical simulations, and on-board diagnostics to characterize impacts such as impact sensors, accelerometers, etc.


    Frank Schaefer
    Fraunhofer - Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI)Germany

    Norman Fitz-Coy
    University of FloridaUnited States


    Darren McKnight
    LeoLabsUnited States

    A6.4. Mitigation and Standards : status, lessons learnt and future with smallsats and constellations

    This session will focus on the definition and implementation of debris prevention and reduction measures and vehicle passive protection. The session will also address space debris mitigation guidelines and standards that exist already or are in preparation at the national or international level, the effect of the existing standards on the population in orbit, the end of life practices and the atmospheric reentry with the associated risks. The session will also cover the necessary evolutions of standards and mitigations rules to answer to the introduction of numerous smallsats and constellations in order to preserve long term sustainability of space activities.


    Holger Krag
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Pierre Omaly


    Igor Usovik
    RUDN UniversityRussian Federation

    A6.5. Post Mission Disposal and Space Debris Removal (1)

    This session will address post-mission disposal and active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and Identify implementation difficulties.


    Fabrizio Piergentili
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    Laurent Francillout
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Fabio Santoni
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    A6.6. Post Mission Disposal and Space Debris Removal (2)

    This session will address post-mission disposal and active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and identify implementation difficulties.


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    Balbir Singh
    Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher EducationIndia


    Luca Rossettini
    D-Orbit SpAItaly

    A6.7. Operations in Space Debris Environment, Situational Awareness

    This session will address the multiple aspects associated to safe operations in Space dealing with Space Debris, including operational observations, orbit determination, catalogue build-up and maintainance, data aggregation from different sources, relevant data exchanges standards and conjunctions analyses.


    Carsten Wiedemann
    TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space SystemsGermany

    T.S. Kelso
    CelesTrakUnited States


    Juan Carlos Dolado Perez
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    A6.8. Policy, Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects of Space Debris Detection, Mitigation and Removal (Joint Session with IAF Space Security Committee)

    This session will deal with the non-technical aspects of space debris mitigation and removal. Political, legal and institutional aspects includes role of IADC and UNCOPUOS and other multilateral bodies. Economic issues including insurance, financial incentives and funding for space debris mitigation and removal. The role of international cooperation in addressing these issues will be considered.


    David Spencer
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Serge Plattard
    University College London (UCL)United Kingdom

    Alexander Soucek
    European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN)Italy

    Samantha Le May
    RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)Australia

    A6.9. Orbit Determination and Propagation

    This session will address aspects of space debris orbit determination related to assessment of raw and derived data accuracy, optical measurements processing and modelling and risk analysis of space debris.


    Seishiro Kibe
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Annamaria Nassisi
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    Heiner Klinkrad
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    A6.10-C1.7. Orbital Safety and Optimal Operations in an Increasingly Congested Environment (Joint Astrodynamics/Space Debris Session)

    This joint session will concern itself with the technical challenges driven by salient problems in space debris and space traffic that can be well informed by contributions from the field of astrodynamics (the science that studies the motion of objects in space). Specific issues regarding long-term population assessments and predictions, safely operating NextGen (large) Constellations, determining the data and modeling requirements to uniquely identify and predict the motion of objects in space (e.g. class specific), discovering and developing improved methods of debris mitigation and remediation founded upon forces and torques, development of semi-analytical theories relevant to specific classes and types of orbital debris, etc. are of relevance to this joint session.


    Yukihito Kitazawa

    Daniel Scheeres
    Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of ColoradoUnited States


    Moriba Jah
    Privateer Space, Inc.United States

    A. K. Anil Kumar
    Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)India

    A6.IP. Interactive Presentations - 16th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE DEBRIS

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Debris addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    Darren McKnight
    LeoLabsUnited States

    Tetsuo Yasaka
    Institute for Q-shu Pioneer of Space, Inc. (iQPS)Japan


    The Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), invites leaders from the science, space industry, and space-agencies community to share information, insights, and planning for future space missions in exoplanets, astronomy, space physics, fundamental physics, and outer-solar-system planetary science. The Symposium will comprise both invited talks and contributed papers in these five areas of scientific endeavor. For each, the Symposium solicits discussion of phenomena coming within our reach over the next decades; their enabling measurement and system technologies, including significant progress made by industry and research laboratories; mission concepts to implement such investigations, and corporate and space agency strategies to prioritize and invest in bringing them into reality.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States

    A7.1. Space Agency Strategies and Plans

    The first session includes invited talks by international space-agency division directors about their long-term views, priorities, and plans to implement developments and missions for the five fields (exoplanets, space astronomy, space physics, fundamental physics, and outer solar system planetary science). The mission scope ranges from flagship-class, large-class, medium-class, and small-class to smallsat platforms. The program scope includes status updates on current programs, near-term investment priorities, and long-range directions, including the relationship to community and guiding research panels.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Pietro Ubertini


    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States

    A7.2. Science Goals and Drivers for Future Exoplanet, Space Astronomy, Physics, and Outer Solar System Science Missions

    The second session includes invited and contributed talks about scientific motivations, goals, opportunities, and needs in the five fields (exoplanets, space astronomy, space physics, fundamental physics, and outer solar system planetary science). New directions for measurements that are being opened by emergent results and newly understood phenomena will be explored, and science roadmaps to pursue them will be discussed.


    Pietro Ubertini

    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States


    Eric Wille
    ESAThe Netherlands

    A7.3. Technology Needs for Future Missions, Systems, and Instruments

    The third session includes invited and contributed talks about the technology challenges and plans required to enable breakthrough science objectives in: exoplanet detection and characterization; astronomy throughout the electromagnetic spectrum and using gravitational waves; space physics including fractional gravity regimes and heliophysics; fundamental physics including relativity; and outer solar system planetary science including gas giants, ice giants, complex planetary systems, primordial body populations, and ocean worlds. Topical focus includes measurement techniques, data types, performance requirements, instrument designs, mission concepts and systems, and associated technology developments.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Eric Wille
    ESAThe Netherlands


    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States


    his session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Astronomy addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    The Earth Observation Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), covers all aspects of Earth observations from space, especially observations related to the Earth’s environment and including mission planning, microwave and optical sensors and technologies, systems for land, oceanographic, and atmospheric applications, ground data-processing.


    Gunter Schreier
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Andrew Court
    TNOThe Netherlands

    B1.1. International Cooperation in Earth Observation Missions

    Focus is on efforts being made by governments, agencies and society to achieve coordination, cooperation and compatibility in the development of space-based Earth observation systems. Presentations are encouraged which involve cooperative efforts with developing countries. Papers on current and ongoing missions involving coordination among commercial, government and other entities are especially encouraged.


    John Hussey
    ConsultantUnited States

    Mukund Kadursrinivas Rao
    Independent consultantIndia


    Brent Smith
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    B1.2. Future Earth Observation Systems

    Emphasis is on technical descriptions of planned and new space systems and missions for experimental and operational Earth observation. Descriptions of new concepts and innovative Earth observation systems are encouraged.


    Timo Stuffler
    OHB System AGGermany

    Alain Gleyzes


    Gunter Schreier
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    B1.3. Earth Observation Sensors and Technology

    Focus is on sensors now being developed or tested for all aspects of Earth observation. Particular emphasis is on new sensors, technologies, instruments or techniques that can provide either new measurements or improved data for science, operational or commercial applications


    Andrew Court
    TNOThe Netherlands

    Roland LeGoff


    Marc Cohen

    B1.4. Earth Observation Data Management Systems

    Focus is on Earth Observation related data systems. Emphasis is on the challenges of new IT and web technologies (e.g. Big Data, Cloud, crowd sourcing) for acquisition, communication, processing, dissemination and archiving systems and concepts needed to address large data volumes. The session also covers innovative methods for the extraction of information from these large data systems and methods for making the results available to decision makers. Presentation of International coordination and programmes - on Earth Observation data -related systems - is also encouraged.


    Gunter Schreier
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    James Graf
    Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States


    Cristian Bank

    B1.5. Earth Observation Applications, Societal Challenges and Economic Benefits

    Focus is on using Earth Observation data to generate value-added products and services, for meeting societal challenges or addressing new commercial approaches. Presentation of algorithms, processing chains and services (specifically based on web technologies) for science and governmental users, as well as for commercial users including consideration of specific investments and commercial benefits in a "New Space" framework are encouraged.


    Luigi Bussolino
    Bussolino and AssociatesItaly

    Paul Kamoun
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Wolfgang Rathgeber
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    B1.6-GTS.1. Citizen Science in Global Earth Observation Systems

    This three hour joint Global Technical Session is the second event in a three year series focusing on the role of Citizen Science and crowd sourcing in Global Earth Observation science investigations. It follows the IAC Global Networking Forum kick-off event at the 2017 IAC, Adelaide. This session includes scientific methodology and results, technical challenges and pitfalls, guidelines for success, policy and educational aspects, and benefits of Citizen Science and crowd sourcing in Global Earth Observation science investigations. Experiences from past and present projects and methods for how to best involve people from around the globe are encouraged. The selected papers may be presented either in person or by virtual participants. During the last hour we will hold a panel discussion to engage the global audience, and invite authors to participate. This joint session is organized through a continuing partnership between IAF Subcommittee on Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and IAF’s Workforce Development and Young Professional Programme (WD/YPP) in collaboration with the Bremen IAC Local Organizing Committee.


    Harry A. Cikanek
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    Jessica Culler
    NASA Ames Research CenterUnited States


    Brent Smith
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    Kate Becker
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    B1.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF EARTH OBSERVATION SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Earth Observation addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the B Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Gunter Schreier
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Andrew Court
    TNOThe Netherlands


    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), examines development in technology, applications and systems as they relate to fixed and mobile communication services, satellite braodcasting, position determinination, navigation and timing, and interactive multimedia provisioning.


    Otto Koudelka
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)Austria

    Manfred Wittig
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    B2.1. Advanced Space Communications and Navigation Systems

    Advanced satellite-based communication and navigation systems, including their architectures, infrastructure and applications are presented.


    Morio Toyoshima
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)Japan

    Amane Miura
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)Japan


    Giovanni B. Palmerini
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    B2.2. Fixed and Broadcast Communications

    Advances in Fixed and Broadcast Satellite Systems will be presented including Ku and Ka band multi-beam high throughput systems, VSAT and radio/television/internet to users from GEO, HEO and LEO constellations.


    Robert D. Briskman
    Sirius XM RadioUnited States

    Desaraju Venugopal
    Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd.India


    Laszlo Bacsardi
    Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT)Hungary

    B2.3. Mobile Satellite Communications and Navigation Technology

    New and emerging technologies for land-mobile, aeronautical and maritime applications (covering different frequency bands), for personal satellite communications and for navigation will be presented.


    Joe M. Straus
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Giovanni B. Palmerini
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly


    Peter Buist
    European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)The Netherlands

    B2.4. Advanced Satellite Services

    The communications, broadcast and navigation transmissions from satellites are used to provide services to users. Advanced services and applications will be presented including global internet, 4K and 3D video, data file compression, autonomous vehicle navigation and rural tele-education as well as tele-medicine.


    Eva Maria Aicher
    HENSOLDT Sensors GmbHGermany

    K.R. Sridhara Murthi


    Enrique Pacheco Cabrera

    B2.5. Space-Based Navigation Systems and Services

    New and emerging systems for satellite-based position, navigation and timing will be presented, including end user applications.


    Rita Lollock
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Kristian Pauly
    OHB SystemGermany


    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria

    B2.6. Near-Earth and Interplanetary Communications

    Systems with relative motion between space and ground systems, in both near-Earth and interplanetary environments, will be discussed with particular emphasis on unique concepts, techniques and technologies.


    Manfred Wittig
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Ramon P. De Paula
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Dipak Srinivasan
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    B2.7. Advanced Technologies for Space Communications and Navigation

    Promising payload and bus technologies for space communications, navigation and data relay systems will be presented, as applied to both existing and future systems. The technologies discussed in this Session cover the whole range of those applicable to micro- or nano- satellites and constellations, all the way up to those earmarked for large high throughput satellites.


    Edward W. Ashford
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)United States

    Elemer Bertenyi
    Canadian Aeronautics and Space InstituteCanada


    Nader Alagha
    ESAThe Netherlands

    B2.8-GTS.3. Space Communications and Navigation Global Technical Session

    A Global session to present and discuss developments in a wide range of satellite communication topics, including fixed, mobile, broadcasting, and data relay technologies and services, as well as those for satellite based position determination, navigation, and timing. Both Earth orbital and interplanetary space communications topics can be addressed. This session is co-sponsored by the Space Communications and Navigation Committee and the Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee.


    Edward W. Ashford
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)United States

    Kevin Shortt
    Airbus Defence & SpaceGermany


    Stephanie Wan
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Communications and Navigation addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the B Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Otto Koudelka
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)Austria

    Manfred Wittig
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    The symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), invites papers on all aspects of on-going and planned human spaceflight including the design, development, operations, utilization and future plans of space missions involving humans. The scope covers past, present and planned space missions and programmes in LEO and beyond, both governmental and private. The Human Spaceflight Symposium will also feature discussions on preparations for launch of new human spaceflight capabilities and collaborative efforts of human and robotic systems and technologies.


    Kevin D. Foley
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States


    Igor V. Sorokin
    S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaRussian Federation

    Peter Batenburg
    Netherlands Space Society (NVR)The Netherlands

    B3.1. Governmental Human Spaceflight Programs (Overview)

    The session provides the forum for updates and annual “Overview” presentations on present and evolving governmental Human Spaceflight programmes. This year, the session is focused on the development and production of exploration hardware systems for the first set of SLS/Orion missions and the Gateway. The session is divided in two parts: • A pitching session, where selected speakers will address topics of relevance with the session theme • A panel discussion with invited panelists that will elaborate on the topics of the pitching session and animate a Q&A session moderated by the B3.1 co-chairs. Selected abstracts will be presented in the first part of the session. Each presentation is a 5 – 10 minutes pitch addressing the fundamental messages, challenges and open questions for further elaboration with the panelists in the second part of the session. (total 45 – 60 minutes). In the second part of the session, panelists will have 1.5 hours to elaborate on the topics addressed in the pitching session. The remaining 45 minutes will be used for Q&A from the floor. Invited panelists are: - W. Gerstenmeier (NASA) -T. Whitmeyer (NASA) -D. Parker (ESA) - W. Pelzer (DLR) -O. Juckenhoefel (Airbus) -M. Howes (Lockheed Martin)


    Carlo Mirra
    Airbus Defence and Space SASThe Netherlands

    Sam Scimemi
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Rainer Willnecker
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    B3.2. Commercial Human Spaceflight Programs

    This session provides a forum for papers describing commercial human orbital and sub-orbital spacecraft and stations in development, as well as human-rated launch vehicles and human-tended modules. Topics include the status of development, testing, and operations; the architecture and performance of various systems; launch infrastructure development; and other pertinent areas of commercial human spaceflight development. Programmes such as Atlas 5, Axiom, BA-330, CST-100 Starliner, Cygnus, Dream Chaser, Dragon, Falcon 9, New Shepard, Spaceplane, SpaceShipTwo, WhiteKnightTwo, and others are appropriate for this session. The session also invites papers on status updates for upcoming operation of crewed vehicle transportation services to the International Space Station.


    Sergey K. Shaevich
    Khrunichev State Research & Production Space CenterRussian Federation

    W. Michael Hawes
    Lockheed Martin CorporationUnited States

    Michael E. Lopez Alegria
    MLA Space, LLCUnited States


    Gene Rice
    RWI - Rice Wigbels Int'lUnited States

    B3.3. Utilization & Exploitation of Human Spaceflight Systems

    This session addresses the utilization and exploitation of space stations and human spacecraft and provides the opportunity to discuss achievements, plans and outlooks. Topics for discussion include proposed or available payload facilities, experiments, research, manufacturing, and other on-orbit activity and its related planning, accommodation, and implementation. Additional items appropriate for discussion include scientific and industrial utilization applications and engineering research and technology demonstrations, as well as uses of space stations (ie. International Space Station and Chinese Space Station Tjangong) and other crewed vehicles as test beds for exploration. We also invite papers on challenges for future sustainability of human space flight which may be investigated through utilization of on-orbit crew and crewed platforms. These may include investigation of in-situ resources and other potential economic and technological enablers, results of advanced manufacturing tests and demonstrations, and reduction and mitigation of risks.


    Cristian Bank

    Eleanor Morgan
    Lockheed Martin Space SystemsUnited States

    B3.4-B6.4. Flight & Ground Operations of HSF Systems (A Joint Session of the Human Spaceflight and Space Operations Symposia)

    This session addresses key challenges and their solutions related to flight and ground operations in governmental and commercial human spaceflight, their systems and elements. Topics include operational problems and solutions, cost reduction, new and proposed ground facilities or infrastructure, and ground segment operations and planning. Also included are logistics and mission planning, ground transportation, and sustainment.


    Dieter Sabath
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Annamaria Piras
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    Thomas A.E. Andersen
    Danish Aerospace Company A/SDenmark

    B3.5. Astronaut Training, Accommodation, and Operations in Space

    This session begins with an Astronaut Roundtable where an international group of astronauts from the various programs will discuss their experiences in a roundtable format. There will be an extended Question and Answer period of interaction with the audience. This session concentrates on all aspects of spaceflight that are unique to the presence of astronauts. It encompasses astronaut activities such as selection, training, workload management, and task division between flight and ground segments. It includes spacecraft systems and robotic tools; interfaces; international command, control and communications; payloads; research; and utilization. It addresses the unique spacecraft systems required to safely accommodate astronauts during intravehicular and extravehicular activities. The session includes astronaut pre-mission, mission, and post mission support of technological and scientific space based research and utilization of human space complexes and the space environment.


    Igor V. Sorokin
    S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation EnergiaRussian Federation

    Alan T. DeLuna
    American Astronautical Society (AAS)United States


    Keiji Murakami
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    B3.6-A5.3. Human and Robotic Partnerships in Exploration - Joint session of the Human Spaceflight and Exploration Symposia

    This session seeks papers on new systems and technologies for current human spaceflight and exploration programmes, and the role of human and robotic partnerships in areas such as onboard robotic assistants, habitat / infrastructure construction support, human mobility support systems (e.g. EVA mobility aids, rovers); and robotic precursor activities to human spaceflights for test, validation, and demonstration of systems. This session also welcomes papers considering how the roles of humans, machines and intelligent systems are likely to evolve in the coming years and the corresponding impact on complex mission design, implementation, and operations.


    Christian Sallaberger
    Canadensys Aerospace CorporationCanada


    Mark Hempsell
    The British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    B3.7. Advanced Systems, Technologies, and Innovations for Human Spaceflight

    This session is designed to examine and identify the potential evolution of key elements of Human Spaceflight missions, especially those driven by advanced technologies and innovations. Papers are solicited that address how to shape the future subsystems, technologies, innovations, logistics, processes, procedures, etc. to enable or significantly improve future human space mission objectives that will include exploration, commercial initiatives, tourism, and industrial undertakings. Also, lessons learned from past missions and their application to future missions are essential topics in this session.


    Juergen Schlutz
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Sébastien BARDE
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Gi-Hyuk Choi
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of

    B3.8-E7.7. Legal framework for collaborative space activities - New ways of launching (micro-launching) and large constellation microsats (Joint IAF/IISL session)

    This session includes both invited and submitted papers on the challenges currently faced by existing systems for licensing space activities in the light of the necessity to ensure their sustainability, and efficient management of scarce frequency resources. It looks at the way in which dialogue is mapped out between governments and the various actors in the space community, and pays particular attention to the latest developments arising from low cost transportation systems and technology. The papers are particularly invited to address the question as to how these challenges can be met, and how to best approach these at national and international level.


    Philippe Clerc
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Tony Azzarelli
    OnewebUnited Kingdom


    Kamlesh Brocard
    Swiss Space Office (SSO)Switzerland

    B3.9-GTS.2. Human Spaceflight Global Technical Session

    The Human Spaceflight Global Technical Session is targeting individuals and organisations with the objective of sharing best practices, future projects, research and issues for the future of Human Spaceflights. This is a Global session co-sponsored by the IAF Human SpaceFLIGHT Committee and the IAF Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee.


    Guillaume Girard

    Andrea Jaime
    Isar Aerospace Technologies GmbHGermany

    B3.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Human Spaceflight addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on digital screens in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the B Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Peter Batenburg
    Netherlands Space Society (NVR)The Netherlands


    « Small Satellite Missions » refers to the class of missions conducted using satellites weighing less than 1000 kg. For clarity, we further classify small satellites as microsats if they weigh less than 100 kg; nanosats or cubesats if they weigh less than 10 kg; and picosats if they weigh less than 1 kg. This Symposium, organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), addresses small satellite missions and projects in science, exploration, and technology for government, industry, and academic programmes. The Symposium scope encompasses space science (B4.2) missions, earth observation missions (B4.4), and exploration/commercialization of space beyond Earth orbit (B4.8), as well as the cross-cutting topics of small satellite programmes in developing countries (B4.1), cost-effective operations (B4.3), affordable and reliable space access (B4.5), and emerging and promising technologies (B4.6A and B4.6B). For IAC 2018, the Symposium will be continuing its reinvigorated Session B4.7 featuring Highly Integrated Distributed Systems in support of the delivery of global utilitarian services to end-users. Also continuing for IAC 2018 are two Joint Sessions: B4.5A-C4.8 Small Satellite Propulsion Systems and B4.9-GTS-5 Small Satellite Missions Global Technical Session. Abstracts highlighting ingenuity or innovation are preferred. Where possible, abstracts should have a wide interest in the community and include transferable knowledge or lessons learned. This is in keeping with our commitment to meeting the needs of the small satellite community. This Symposium will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only.


    Rhoda Shaller Hornstein
    United States

    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    B4.1. 19th Workshop on Small Satellite Programmes at the Service of Developing Countries

    This workshop is organized jointly by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). It shall review the needs that could be satisfied and results achieved by developing nations through using small satellites. National space plans and examples of application results and benefits shall be included. Small satellite programmes in Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe would be of particular interest to the session. The workshop shall also review the results of international cooperation, technology transfer, lessons learned and the extent to which these efforts have contributed to the space maturity of developing countries.


    Sias Mostert
    Space Commercial Services Holdings (Pty) LtdSouth Africa

    Hui Du
    Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China


    Danielle Wood
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States

    Pierre Molette

    Sergei Chernikov
    United Nations Office for Outer Space AffairsAustria

    B4.2. Small Space Science Missions

    This session will address the current and near-term approved small/micro/nano missions whose objective is to achieve returns in the fields of Earth science, solar, interplanetary, planetary, astronomy/astrophysics observations, and fundamental physics. Emphasis will be given to results achieved, new technologies and concepts, and novel management techniques.


    Stamatios Krimigis
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States


    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom

    B4.3. Small Satellite Operations

    This session covers the planning for, and execution of, cost-effective approaches for Small Satellite Operations, with emphasis on new missions with new models of operation to reduce mission lifecycle costs and to minimize the cost impact of mission extensions. Papers addressing innovation, an entrepreneurial approach to new business opportunities, novel finance and business models, management techniques, and international cooperation in support of Small Satellite Operations are particularly encouraged. Papers that discuss the application of novel technology to mission operations, such as automation and autonomy, constraint resolution, and timeline planning, as well as reports on missions recently accomplished and lessons learned, are also welcome. For papers not addressing small satellites, please refer to Symposium B6.


    Andreas Hornig

    Peter M. Allan
    STFCUnited Kingdom


    Norbert Lemke
    OHB System AGGermany

    B4.4. Small Earth Observation Missions

    We call for papers that will present information to decision makers, scientists, engineers, and managers about cost-effective small satellite missions, instruments, technologies, and designs of both current and planned Earth and near-Earth missions. This session addresses the technologies, applications and missions achieved through the use of small, cost-effective satellites to observe the Earth and near-Earth space. Innovative cost-effective solutions to the needs of the science and applications communities are sought. Satellite technologies suited for use on small satellites including those in the single to multiple cubesat range are particularly encouraged. Satellite or technology development efforts that make use of innovative launch opportunities, such as the developing space tourism market and commercial launch capability, hold significant promise for low-cost access to space make Earth observation missions attainable to non-governmental organizations as well as traditional users: papers addressing these evolving opportunities would be welcomed.


    Carsten Tobehn
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States


    Werner R. Balogh
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Marco Gomez Jenkins
    United Kingdom

    B4.5. Access to Space for Small Satellite Missions

    A key challenge facing the viability and growth of the small satellite community is affordable and reliable space access. Topics of interest for this session include utilization of dedicated launches; development of ride-share systems, auxiliary payload systems, and separation and dispenser systems; and responsive integration approaches that will enable efficient small satellite access to space. Includes lessons learned from users on technical and programmatic approaches. For a dedicated discussion of small satellite propulsion systems, please refer to session B4.5A-C4.8. For a discussion of small launchers concepts and operations, please refer to session D2.7.


    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    Philip Davies
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom


    Jeff Emdee
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    B4.5A-C4.8. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems

    This session will pay particular attention to propulsion systems and associated technologies as an enabler to efficient small satellite access to space and orbit change. Papers are invited discussing the particular challenges of design, manufacture, testing, operations and technological developments of small satellite propulsion systems, and the challenges of obtaining high performance within a small volume and mass. The scope includes chemical and electric propulsion systems for major orbit changes, fine orbit control and maintenance, and end-of-life disposal. This sessions will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only. For papers with an emphasis on the small satellite and its system design, refer to other B4 sessions. For focus on other propulsion system and technologies, refer to other C4 sessions.


    Jeff Emdee
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Arnau Pons Lorente
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    B4.6A. Generic Technologies for Small/Micro Platforms

    This session covers emerging and promising generic technologies for small and micro platforms. Real-life examples are particularly encouraged, both recently launched and shortly to be launched (next 3 years).


    Philip Davies
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    Joost Elstak
    ICEYEThe Netherlands


    Jian Guo
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Thomas Terzibaschian

    B4.6B. Generic Technologies for Nano/Pico Platforms

    This session covers emerging and promising generic technologies for nano and pico platforms. Real-life examples are particularly encouraged, both recently launched and shortly to be launched (next 3 years).


    Zeger de Groot
    Innovative Solutions in Space BVThe Netherlands

    Andy Vick
    RAL SpaceUnited Kingdom


    Martin von der Ohe

    Eugene D Kim
    Satrec InitiativeKorea, Republic of

    B4.7. Highly Integrated Distributed Systems

    Small satellites offer important advantages for creating new opportunities for integrated sensor systems. In this session we focus on the new, emerging, enabling technologies that can be used or are being used to create networked data collection systems via small satellites. Session B4.7 focuses on distributed architectures and sensor systems and how this low cost and rapidly delivered technology offers the potential to fulfill complex user needs, working in coordination with other small or large space infrastructures as well as with airborne or terrestrial assets. This hardware system implementation is a key issue and crucial for the success of these systems, featuring for instance, cross-platform compatibility to achieve mission objectives. Papers to be solicited should show how cross-platform compatibility is carried out, the standards that are proposed or adopted, design techniques and standards that enable this cross-platform compatibility, etc. We are particularly interested in the technologies that enable small spacecraft to play an important role in upcoming applications, such as (but not limited to) civil security, telecommunications in remote areas, navigation support (e.g., along the new foreseen routes in the Arctic), natural disaster management (e.g., damage assessment and first responders support). In this regard, the development and usage of Commercia-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies are also of specific interest to the session. The integrated applications of these sensor systems are covered in Symposium Session B5.2, and the broader view of tools and technologies to enable integrated applications are covered in B5.1. In B4.7 authors are also invited to analyze technological enhancements and new developments to guarantee small satellite integration with existing and scheduled assets from both the bus and payload perspectives. Also analysis of inter-operability within integrated systems can be addressed, like payload data management, spacecraft operation.


    Rainer Sandau
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Germany

    Michele Grassi
    University of Naples "Federico II"Italy


    Jaime Esper
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Marco D'Errico
    Seconda Universita' di NapoliItaly

    B4.8. Small Spacecraft for Deep-Space Exploration

    This session focuses on innovative small spacecraft designs, systems, missions and technologies for the exploration and commercialization of space beyond Earth orbit. Target destinations for these miniaturized space probes include the Earth's Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids, as well as other destinations that are targets for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Small exploration probes covered by this session may come in many different forms including special-purpose miniature spacecraft, standard format small platforms such as Cubesats or other microsats, nanosats, picosats, etc. Topics include new and emerging technologies including the use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) technologies, miniaturized subsystems including propulsion, avionics, guidance navigation & control, power supply, communication, thermal management, and sensors and instruments. The main focus of this session is on new and emerging systems, missions, driving technologies and applications that are both government-funded as well as driven by commercial ventures.


    Leon Alkalai
    Mandala Space VenturesUnited States

    Rene Laufer
    Luleå University of TechnologySweden


    Amanda Stiles
    Rocket LabUnited States

    B4.9-GTS.5. Small Satellite Missions Global Technical Session

    The Small Satellite Missions Global Technical Session (GTS) is collaboration between the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Small Satellite Missions Symposium and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee. This session is unique in that it allows for sharing of information on a global scale with presenters and audience both at the IAC venue and online at their home/work/university locations. Abstracts are solicited regarding operational missions or mature proposals for small satellite systems and related topics. These must have clear relevance on an international scale or at a business level, and must also provide young professionals a taste of what the space sector has to offer. Where possible, abstracts should have a wide interest in the community and should include transferable knowledge or lessons learned. Abstracts highlighting ingenuity or innovation are preferred. Examples include space missions utilizing small satellites that address specific new societal, scientific or commercial challenges, or novel technologies that have the potential to revolutionize space missions and/or enable their access to space. Papers are to describe the specific need, the small satellite approach that addresses this need, the benefits of this approach and the use of space technology, and demonstrate that other non-space approaches provide inferior solutions. Papers from, or directed at the young professional community are preferred. This session will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only.


    Matthias Hetscher
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    Norbert Lemke
    OHB System AGGermany


    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom


    Space systems are more and more involved in the delivery of global utilitarian services to end-users. The concept of Integrated Applications encompasses the simultaneous use of basic space services and technologies. This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), will address various aspects of integrated applications. Integrated applications combine different space systems (Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications, etc) with airborne and ground-based systems to deliver solutions to local, national and global needs. They exploit the synergies between different data sources to provide the right information at the right time to the right user in a cost-effective manner and deliver the data to users in a readily usable form. The goal of the symposium is to enable the development of end-to-end solutions by connecting the user communities that are driving toward end-to-end solutions with those that are developing enabling technologies for integrated applications.


    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom

    B5.1. Tools and Technology in Support of Integrated Applications

    The session will focus on specific systems, tools and technology in support of integrated applications and address the various issues associated with the design of space and ground systems, the kind of data they collect, how they collect data, and how the data are integrated and distributed to address key user needs. Possible topics include: ground-truthing of space data; innovative, low-cost tools for space data distribution and access; new ways of distributing integrated data products; data fusion and visualization tools especially those using COTS systems; managing integrated applications programmes; education and outreach for integrated programmes, etc…


    Larry Paxton
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom

    Boris Penne
    OHB System AGGermany


    Beatrice Barresi
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    B5.2. Integrated Applications End-to-End Solutions

    The session will be a forum for end-to-end solutions, including case studies, proof-of-concept missions, and current projects that provide, or could provide, innovative user-driven solutions. Applications that combine ground- and space-based data sources with models to address specific user requirements will be presented. These examples can cover a variety of domains, like disaster/crisis monitoring and management, energy, food security, space situational awareness, transportation, health, etc. The user needs, the structure of the user communities, the value chain, the business case and the sustainability of the solutions are among the many aspects that can be considered. Examples of projects with established partnerships and fluent working relationships between space and non-space stakeholders.


    Boris Penne
    OHB System AGGermany

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom


    Yuval Brodsky
    Newton VR Ltd.Israel

    Beatrice Barresi
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    B5.3. Satellite Commercial Applications

    This session solicits papers pertinent to: - Commercial Space and Space Culture - A Commercial Space Model for Public Users - Atmosphere, Ecosphere, Environment - New Application-Video Optics & Video SAR - New Application-Travellers(Outdoors, Automobiles, Sailboat, General Aviation) - Global communications - Commercialising data about the Earth - Case Analysis of Satellite Commercial Applications


    John M. Horack
    The Ohio State University College of EngineeringUnited States

    Dengyun Yu
    China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)China


    Samuel Malloy
    The Ohio State UniversityUnited States


    The Space Operations Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses all aspects of spaceflight operations. The sessions address both manned and un-manned space operations, from low-Earth and geosynchronous orbit, to lunar, planetary, and exploration missions. The symposium covers both flight and ground systems, and included mission planning, training, and real time operations. Particular focus is provided for commercial space operations, advanced systems, new operations concepts, and small satellite operations.


    John Auburn
    Astroscale LtdUnited Kingdom

    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    B6.1. Ground Operations - Systems and Solutions

    This session focuses on all aspects of ground systems and solutions for all mission types, for both preparation and execution phases.


    Michael McKay
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Mario Cardano
    Thales Alenia Space FranceItaly


    Akos Hegyi
    Airbus Defence & SpaceGermany

    B6.2. New Space Operations Concepts and Advanced Systems

    This session focuses on new space operations, and addresses advanced concepts, systems and tools for operating new types of missions, improving mission output in quality and quantity, and reducing cost.


    Pierre Lods
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Thomas Kuch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Keiichiro Sakagami
    Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS)Japan

    B6.3. Mission Operations, Validation, Simulation and Training

    This session addresses the broad topic of operations, from preparation through validation, simulation and training, including operations concepts, execution and lessons learned.


    Paolo Ferri

    Zeina Mounzer
    Telespazio VEGA Deutschland GmbHGermany


    Borre Pedersen
    Kongsberg Satellite Services ASNorway

    B6.4-B3.4. Flight & Ground Operations of HSF Systems (A Joint Session of the Human Spaceflight and Space Operations Symposia)

    This session addresses key challenges and their solutions related to flight and ground operations in governmental and commercial human spaceflight, their systems and elements. Topics include operational problems and solutions, cost reduction, new and proposed ground facilities or infrastructure, and ground segment operations and planning. Also included are logistics and mission planning, ground transportation, and sustainment.


    Dieter Sabath
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Annamaria Piras
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    Thomas A.E. Andersen
    Danish Aerospace Company A/SDenmark

    B6.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE OPERATIONS SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Operations addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the B Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    John Auburn
    Astroscale LtdUnited Kingdom

    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States


    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses advances in orbital mechanics, attitude dynamics, guidance, navigation and control of space systems.


    Alfred Ng
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Anna Guerman
    Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies (C-MAST)Portugal

    C1.1. Orbital Dynamics (1)

    This theme discusses advances in the knowledge of natural motions of objects in orbit around the Earth, planets, minor bodies, Lagrangian points and more generally natural orbital dynamics of spacecraft in the Solar System. It also covers advances in orbit determination.


    Gerard Gomez
    University of BarcelonaSpain

    Antonio Prado
    National Institute for Space Research - INPE Brazil


    Al Cangahuala
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    C1.2. Orbital Dynamics (2)

    This theme discusses advances in the knowledge of natural motions of objects in orbit around the Earth, planets, minor bodies, Lagrangian points and more generally natural orbital dynamics of spacecraft in the Solar System. It also covers advances in orbit determination.


    Josep J. Masdemont
    Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Spain

    Filippo Graziani
    G.A.U.S.S. SrlItaly


    Simei Ji
    Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina

    C1.3. Attitude Dynamics (1)

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as design, testing and performance of novel attitude sensors and actuators. This theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies, including tethered systems, and in-orbit assembly.


    Arun Misra
    Mc Gill Institute for Aerospace Engineering (MIAE)Canada

    Mikhail Ovchinnikov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation

    C1.4. Attitude Dynamics (2)

    This theme discusses advances in spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, as well as design, testing and performance of novel attitude sensors and actuators. This theme also covers dynamics and control of multiple interconnected rigid and flexible bodies, including tethered systems, and in-orbit assembly.


    James O'Donnell
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight CenterUnited States

    Gianmarco Radice
    Singapore, Republic of


    Shinji Hokamoto
    Kyushu UniversityJapan

    C1.5. Guidance, Navigation & Control (1)

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including formation flying, rendezvous and docking.


    Bernard Lübke-Ossenbeck
    OHB System AG-BremenGermany

    Igor V. Belokonov
    Samara National Research University (Samara University)Russian Federation


    Shoji Yoshikawa
    Mitsubishi Electric CorporationJapan

    Anton de Ruiter
    Ryerson UniversityCanada

    C1.6. Guidance, Navigation & Control (2)

    The emphasis of this theme is on the studies and application related to the guidance, navigation and control of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary spacecraft and rockets, including formation flying, rendezvous and docking.


    Stephan Theil
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Fuyuto Terui
    Kanagawa Institute of TechnologyJapan


    Yong Chun Xie
    Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China

    C1.7-A6.10. Orbital Safety and Optimal Operations in an Increasingly Congested Environment (Joint Astrodynamics/Space Debris Session)

    This joint session will concern itself with the technical challenges driven by salient problems in space debris and space traffic that can be well informed by contributions from the field of astrodynamics (the science that studies the motion of objects in space). Specific issues regarding long-term population assessments and predictions, safely operating NextGen (large) Constellations, determining the data and modeling requirements to uniquely identify and predict the motion of objects in space (e.g. class specific), discovering and developing improved methods of debris mitigation and remediation founded upon forces and torques, development of semi-analytical theories relevant to specific classes and types of orbital debris, etc. are of relevance to this joint session.


    Yukihito Kitazawa

    A. K. Anil Kumar
    Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)India


    Moriba Jah
    Privateer Space, Inc.United States

    Daniel Scheeres
    Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of ColoradoUnited States

    C1.8. Mission Design, Operations & Optimization (1)

    The theme covers design, operations and optimization of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    Johannes Schoenmaekers
    European Space Operations CentreGermany

    Richard Epenoy
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    Massimiliano Vasile
    University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom

    C1.9. Mission Design, Operations & Optimization (2)

    The theme covers design, operations and optimization of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.


    Vincent Martinot
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance

    Xiaoqian Chen
    National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology, Chinese Academy of Military ScienceChina


    Michèle Lavagna
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    Kathleen Howell
    Purdue UniversityUnited States

    C1.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF ASTRODYNAMICS SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Astrodynamics addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the C Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Alfred Ng
    Canadian Space AgencyCanada

    Anna Guerman
    Centre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies (C-MAST)Portugal


    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), provides an international forum for recent advancements in assessment of the latest technology achievements in space structures, structural dynamics and materials. The Symposium addresses the design and development of space vehicle structures and mechanical/thermal/fluidic systems. Future advances in a number of space systems applications for space power, space transportation, astrodynamics, space exploration, space propulsion and space station will depend increasingly on the successful application of innovative materials and the development of structural concepts - particularly those relating to very large deployable (and assembled) space structures. For these applications to occur, increased interaction between these technology communities, and collaboration among technologists and mission planners needs to be pursued. Substantial improvements are essential in a wide range of current technologies, including nanotechnologies, to reduce projected costs and increase potential scientific returns from respective mission system applications. Papers in this symposium will review the projected advances in materials and space structures in this domain for advanced space systems applications.


    Andreas Rittweger
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    Paolo Gasbarri
    University of Rome “La Sapienza”Italy

    C2.1. Space Structures I - Development and Verification (Space Vehicles and Components)

    The topics to be addressed include evaluation of analysis versus test results, spacecraft and launch vehicles system and subsystems, e.g. pressurised structures, tanks, loads introduction, primary structures, fluidic equipment, control surfaces; examination of both on-ground and in-orbit testing, launch dynamic environment as related to structural design, space vehicles development and launch verification such as sine, random and acoustic vibration testing and lessons learned.


    Alwin Eisenmann
    IABG Industrieanlagen - Betriebsgesellschaft mbHGermany

    Andreas Rittweger
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany


    Jochen Albus

    C2.2. Space Structures II - Development and Verification (Deployable and Dimensionally Stable Structures)

    The topics to be addressed include evaluation of analysis versus test results for deployable and dimensionally stable structures, e.g. reflectors, telescopes, antennas; examination of both on-ground and in-orbit testing, thermal distortion and shape control, structural design, development and verification; lessons learned.


    Paolo Gasbarri
    University of Rome “La Sapienza”Italy

    Oliver Kunz
    Beyond GravitySwitzerland


    Pierre Rochus
    CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)Belgium

    C2.3. Space Structures - Dynamics and Microdynamics

    The topics to be addressed include dynamics analysis and testing, modal identification, landing and impact dynamics, pyroshock, test facilities, vibration suppression techniques, damping, micro-dynamics, in-orbit dynamic environment, wave structural propagation, excitation sources and in-orbit dynamic testing.


    Ijar Da Fonseca

    Harijono Djojodihardjo
    Bandung Institut of TecnologyIndonesia


    Antonio Del Vecchio
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    C2.4. Advanced Materials and Structures for High Temperature Applications

    The topics to be addressed include advanced materials and structures for high temperature applications in space related domains. This includes carbon-carbon and ceramic matrix composites, ultra high temperature ceramics, ablative materials, ceramic tiles and insulations, together with innovative structural concepts making use of the above, for propulsion systems, launchers, hypersonic vehicles, entry vehicles, aero capture, power generation. The session covers the full spectrum of material, design, manufacturing and testing aspects.


    Marc Lacoste

    David E. Glass
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Zijun Hu
    China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)China

    C2.5. Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures

    The focus of the session will be on application of smart materials to spacecraft and launch vehicle systems, novel sensor and actuator concepts and new concepts for multi- functional and intelligent structural systems. Also included in the session will be new control methods for vibration suppression and shape control using adaptive structures as well as comparisons of predicted performance with data from ground and in-orbit testing.


    Pavel M. Trivailo
    RMIT University, AustraliaAustralia

    Hiroshi Furuya


    Paolo Gaudenzi
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    C2.6. Space Environmental Effects and Spacecraft Protection

    The focus of the session will be on space environmental effects and spacecraft protection. The effects of vacuum, radiation, atomic oxygen, spacecraft charging, thermal cycling, dissociation, meteoroids and space debris impact on space systems, materials and structures, and microelectronics will be addressed. Protective and shielding technologies, including analysis simulation and testing of debris impact, and susceptibility of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) micro-electronics to space radiation will be covered.


    Giuliano Marino
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    Anatolii Lohvynenko
    Yuzhnoye State Design OfficeUkraine


    Kyeum-rae Cho
    Pusan National UniversityKorea, Republic of

    C2.7. Space Vehicles – Mechanical/Thermal/Fluidic Systems

    The topics to be addressed include novel technical concepts for mechanical/thermal/fluidic systems and subsystems of launchers, manned and unmanned spacecraft, re-entry vehicles and small satellites. Advanced subsystems and design of future exploration missions will be covered, considering issues arising from material selection, cost efficiency and reliability, and advancements in space vehicle development with respect to engineering analysis, manufacturing, and test verification.


    Brij Agrawal
    Naval Postgraduate SchoolUnited States

    Oleg Alifanov
    MAIRussian Federation


    Guoliang Mao
    Beijing Institute of AerodynamicsChina

    C2.8. Specialised Technologies, Including Nanotechnology

    Specialised material and structures technologies are explored in a large variety of space applications both to enable advanced exploration, and science/observation mission scenarios to perform test verifications relying on utmost miniaturisation of devices and highest capabilities in structural, thermal, electrical, electromechanical/ optical performances offered by the progress in nanotechnology. Examples are the exceptional performances at nano-scale in strength, electrical, thermal conduction of Carbon nanotubes which are experiencing first applications at macro-scale such as nano-composite structures, high efficiency energy storage wheels, MEMS and MOEMS devices. Molecular nanotechnology and advances in manipulation at nano-scale offer the road to molecular machines, ultracompact sensors for science applications and mass storage devices. The Session encourages presentations of specialised technologies, in particular of nanomaterial related techniques and their application in devices offering unprecedented performances for space applications.


    Mario Marchetti
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    Pierre Rochus
    CSL (Centre Spatial de Liège)Belgium


    Bangcheng Ai
    China Aerospace Science and Industry CorporationChina

    C2.9. Advancements in Materials Applications and Rapid Prototyping

    The topics to be addressed include advancements in materials applications and novel technical concepts in the rapid prototyping of mechanical systems.


    Giuliano Marino
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    Behnam Ashrafi
    National Research CouncilCanada


    James Tucker
    [unlisted]United States


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Materials and Structures addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the C Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Paolo Gasbarri
    University of Rome “La Sapienza”Italy

    Andreas Rittweger
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany


    Reliable energy systems continue to be key for all space missions. The future exploration and development of space depends on new, more affordable and more reliable energy sources of diverse types ranging from the very small to the extraordinarily large. Moreover, the continuing support for space activities by the public requires that these activities are increasingly inserted into the global challenge to transition current terrestrial energy systems into more environmentally friendly, sustainable ones. The space sector has traditionally served as cutting edge precursor for the development of some renewable power systems. These activities are now put into a much larger space & energy perspective. These range from joint technology development up to visionary concepts such as space solar power plants. The Space Power Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses all these aspects, covering the whole range from power generation, energy conversion & storage, power management, power transmission & distribution at system and sub-system levels including commercial considerations. It will include, but not be restricted, to topics such as advanced solar and nuclear systems for spacecraft power and propulsion, novel power generation and energy harvesting, and examine the prospects for using space-based power plants to provide energy remotely to the Earth or other planets.


    Ming Li
    China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China

    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C3.1. Solar Power Satellite

    This session deals with all aspects of concepts and architectures for space-based solar power plants and concepts integrating space and terrestrial energy activities. It will be structured in two half-sessions, one focusing on advances in the field of space solar power plant architectures and one on activities in the field of space & energy, including all types of conceptual, technical and organisational progress to better integrate space and terrestrial energy activities. It is the primary international forum for scientific and technical exchanges on this topic and thus provides a unique common platform for discussions. Topically it will include all system-level, architectural, organisational and commercial aspects, including modelling and optimization as well as related non-technical aspects.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Ming Li
    China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C3.2. Wireless Power Transmission Technologies and Application

    This session focuses on all aspects of wireless power transmission systems. It covers wireless power transmission technologies, including laser, microwave-based as well as novel wireless power transmission technologies from the short ranges (e.g. within spacecraft or between two surface installations) up the very large distances for space exploration and power transmission from space to ground. The session covers theoretical as well as applied and experimental results, including emitter/receiver antenna architectures and deployment.


    Nobuyuki Kaya
    Kobe UniversityJapan

    Ming Li
    China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China


    Massimiliano Vasile
    University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom

    Haroon B. Oqab
    Space Canada CorporationCanada

    C3.3. Advanced Space Power Technologies

    This session covers all type of advanced space power technologies and concepts. These include technologies and concepts related to power generation (solar, nuclear, other) and harvesting, power conditioning, management and distribution, energy storage, and energy generation.


    Matthew Perren
    Airbus Defence & SpaceUnited Kingdom

    Gary Pearce Barnhard
    Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc.United States


    Lee Mason
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Glenn Research CenterUnited States

    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C3.4. Space Power System for Ambitious Missions

    This session is devoted to emerging concepts ranging from very small power (micro and milli-watt power) to very large power systems toward future ambitious space missions and space utilizations such as future moon village. These include concepts and technology developments of space power system for the increasing spacecraft market by the nano-, micro- and mini spacecraft. This session is dedicated to power systems for such applications as well as for long-duration exploration probes and sensors.


    Massimiliano Vasile
    University of StrathclydeUnited Kingdom

    Shoichiro Mihara
    Japan Space SystemsJapan


    Xinbin Hou

    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C3.5-C4.7. Joint Session on Advanced and Nuclear Power and Propulsion Systems

    This session, organised jointly between the Space Power and the Space Propulsion Symposium, includes papers addressing all aspects related to nuclear power and propulsion for space applications.


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C3.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE POWER SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Power addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the C Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Ming Li
    China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China

    Koji Tanaka
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan


    The Space Propulsion Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses sub-orbital, Earth to orbit and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, solid and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, detonation-based propulsion and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems, and propulsion systems dedicated to ultra-small satellites. The Symposium is concerned with component technologies, the operation and application to missions of overall propulsion systems and unique propulsion test facilities.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Riheng Zheng
    Beihang UniversityChina

    Toru Shimada
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    Helen Webber
    Reaction Engines Ltd.United Kingdom

    C4.1. Propulsion System (1)

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Liquid Rocket Engines.


    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Patrick Danous


    Ozan Kara
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII)United Arab Emirates

    Akira Ogawara
    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.Japan

    C4.2. Propulsion System (2)

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Solid and Hybrid Propulsion.


    Stéphane Henry

    Toru Shimada
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan


    Yen-Sen Chen
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    C4.3. Propulsion Technology (1)

    This session includes all science and technologies supporting all aspects of space propulsion. The emphasis in this session is placed, in particular, on components for propulsion.


    Didier Boury
    ArianeGroup SASFrance

    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands


    John Harlow
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited Kingdom

    Changjin Lee
    Konkuk UniversityKorea, Republic of

    C4.4. Electric Propulsion

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of electric propulsion technologies, systems and applications.


    Garri A. Popov
    Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAIRussian Federation

    Norbert Puettmann
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Nicoletta Wagner
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Vanessa Vial

    C4.5. Propulsion Technology (2)

    This session includes all science and technologies supporting all aspects of space propulsion. An objective is to attract papers from students and young professionals with a more technical rather than programmatic or organisational focus.


    Walter Zinner

    Jacques Gigou
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Max Calabro
    The Inner ArchFrance

    C4.6. New Missions Enabled by New Propulsion Technology and Systems

    The session will explore concepts for new missions that can be enabled by specific advancements in propulsion and/or integration of various propulsion technologies and systems.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Sabrina Corpino
    Politecnico di TorinoItaly


    Elena Toson

    Alexander Lovtsov
    SSC Keldysh Research CentreRussian Federation

    C4.7-C3.5. Joint Session on Advanced and Nuclear Power and Propulsion Systems

    This session, organised jointly between the Space Power and the Space Propulsion Symposiums, includes papers addressing all aspects related to advanced and nuclear power and propulsion systems for space applications.


    Jerome Breteau
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    Constanze Syring
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft-und Raumfahrt, Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR)Germany

    Changjin Lee
    Konkuk UniversityKorea, Republic of

    Vito Salvatore
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Center, CapuaItaly

    C4.8-B4.5A. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems

    This session will pay particular attention to propulsion systems and associated technologies as an enabler to efficient small satellite access to space and orbit change. Papers are invited discussing the particular challenges of design, manufacture, testing, operations and technological developments of small satellite propulsion systems, and the challenges of obtaining high performance within a small volume and mass. The scope includes chemical and electric propulsion systems for major orbit changes, fine orbit control and maintenance, and end-of-life disposal. This sessions will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only. For papers with an emphasis on the small satellite and its system design, refer to other B4 sessions. For focus on other propulsion systems and technologies, refer to other C4 sessions.


    Arnau Pons Lorente
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    Jeff Emdee
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Elena Toson

    Elizabeth Jens
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of TechnologyUnited States

    C4.9. Hypersonic Air-breathing and Combined Cycle Propulsion

    This session covers hypersonic air-breathing and combined cycle propulsion with space applications. The typical types of engine considered in this session include: turbojet, ramjet, Scramjet, denotation engine, Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC), Rocket Based Combined Cycle (RBCC), Hypersonic Pre-cooled Propulsion, Air Turbo Rocket (ATR) and other types of hypersonic combined cycle propulsion.


    Riheng Zheng
    Beihang UniversityChina

    Helen Webber
    Reaction Engines Ltd.United Kingdom


    Salvatore Borrelli
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    C4.10. Propulsion Technology (3)

    This session includes all science and technologies supporting all aspects of space propulsion.


    Norbert Puettmann
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Riheng Zheng
    Beihang UniversityChina


    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Martin Velander
    GKN Aerospace Engine SystemsSweden

    C4.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Propulsion addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the C Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Elizabeth Jens
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of TechnologyUnited States

    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Yen-Sen Chen
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    Mario Kobald
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)Germany


    The Space Systems Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), addresses the present and future development of space systems, architectures, and technologies, with sessions on System Engineering Methods, Processes, and Tools; Enabling Technologies for Space Systems; Significant Achievements in space systems with implications for Lessons Learned and future Training and Practice; Advanced System Architectures; Cooperative Space Systems, and Innovative and Visionary Space Systems of the future.


    Reinhold Bertrand
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Jill Prince
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    D1.1. Innovative and Visionary Space Systems

    This session will explore innovative concepts, and services for space applications in future scenarios. The session objective is to broaden the popportunities for innovation in order to foster the involvement of people, from researchers and subject matter experts to other appropriate stakeholders, in building and advancing the future vision of novel and transformational space systems and relevant applications. In this perspective, the dreams of yesterday are the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. By proposing novel concepts of space systems, and applications, we can broaden today’s paradigm towards preferrable outcomes beyond incremental advancements.


    Tibor Balint
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)United States

    Peter Dieleman
    Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)The Netherlands


    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    D1.2. Space Systems Architectures

    This session addresses current and future space systems architectures designed to realize promising concepts for Earth orbiting or exploration missions, both robotic and crewed. These architectures and their elements and building blocks should aim at an increase in functionality, performance, efficiency, reliability and flexibility of operations, while building on state-of-the-art, innovative or even disruptive technologies. The scope of the session includes architectures for single satellite systems or multiple satellite systems, such as constellations, formations, swarms, distributed systems, and system-of-systems (including hybridization with terrestrial systems). Ground-versus-space allocation of functionality and aspects of autonomy, both on-board and on-ground, may be addressed.


    Franck Durand-Carrier
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Peter Dieleman
    Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR)The Netherlands


    Jill Prince
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    D1.3. Technologies to Enable Space Systems

    This session will focus on innovative, technological developments that are usually high risk, but which have the potential to significantly enhance the performance of existing and new space systems. Enabling innovative technologies for space applications often result from spin-ins which will be discussed during the session, together with potential spin-offs. Examples include instrumentation, biotechnology, components, micro- and nano-technology, MEMs, advanced new structures and software techniques.


    Steven Arnold
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    Xavier Roser
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance


    Eiichi Tomita
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    D1.4A. Space Systems Engineering - Methods, Processes and Tools (1)

    This session will focus on state-of-the-art systems engineering methodologies that reduce the time and cost, and improve the quality of space system design. Of special interest are multi-disciplinary methods, processes, and tools used for System Design, Product Realization, Technical Management, Operations, and Retirement of space systems to improve risk management, safety, reliability, testability, and quality of life cycle cost estimates. Specifically, presentations may include: state of organizational structures, practice methods, processes, tools, training that benefit space system design, development and operations; state of the art systems engineering methodologies for space systems, including space system(s) of systems (SoS); engineering design methods or modeling and simulation tools applied to space system design and optimization; methodologies and processes for technical planning, control, assessment and decision analysis of space system design; advancement in space system development environments, such as concurrent engineering design facilities; and novel methods to improve risk management, earned value management, configuration management, data management, availability, safety, reliability, testability and quality of life cycle cost estimates.


    Dapeng Wang
    Beihang UniversityChina

    Dmitry Payson
    Russian Federation


    Franck Durand-Carrier
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Geilson Loureiro
    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)Brazil

    D1.4B. Space Systems Engineering - Methods, Processes and Tools (2)

    This session will focus on state-of-the-art systems engineering methodologies that reduce the time and cost, and improve the quality of space system design. Of special interest are multi-disciplinary methods, processes, and tools used for System Design, Product Realization, Technical Management, Operations, and Retirement of space systems to improve risk management, safety, reliability, testability, and quality of life cycle cost estimates. Specifically, presentations may include: state of organizational structures, practice methods, processes, tools, training that benefit space system design, development and operations; state of the art systems engineering methodologies for space systems, including space system(s) of systems (SoS); engineering design methods, modelling and simulation tools applied to space system design and optimization; methodologies and processes for technical planning, control, assessment and decision analysis of space system design; advancement in space system development environments, such as concurrent engineering design facilities; novel methods to improve risk management, earned value management, configuration management, data management, availability, safety, reliability, testability and quality of life cycle cost estimates.


    Geilson Loureiro
    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)Brazil

    Norbert Frischauf
    TU GrazAustria


    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    D1.5. Lessons Learned in Space Systems: Achievements, Challenges, Best Practices, Standards.

    This session addresses Lessons Learned in Space Systems on all aspects of life cycle. The learning from the past is the necessary way to ensure mission success of future missions. This retrospective viewpoint includes the achievement of mission accomplishments, the challenges to overcome the difficulties and the best practices to lead the mission success, incorporating documentation of Lessons Learned. The scope of the session also includes the standards in design, development and operation; lessons learned in design, development and operation; achievement from development in project management; achievement from mission success and on-orbit operation; best practices of project management and systems engineering; challenges in project or program development; challenges to overcome the difficulties on orbit; improvement of a Space system from former system development and operation; discussion of standards to assure the mission; and the documentation of learned lessons to preserve and make them available to future missions.


    Eiichi Tomita
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Klaus Schilling
    Zentrum für TelematikGermany


    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    D1.6. Cooperative and Robotic Space Systems

    This session will focus on cooperative and robotic systems as they apply to the space domain. This emerging topic includes concepts such as constellations, multi-satellite architectures, and on-orbit servicing of space systems and technologies. Hosted payloads, where their objectives may be unrelated to the principal mission, are also addressed. Additional areas of interest include collaborative robotic systems, such as space robotic systems and manipulators, robotic/human interactions and distributed multi-agent technologies. Papers in this session will look at current missions and future opportunities, while addressing both benefits and challenges as the world-wide space community moves into these exciting areas.


    Dapeng Wang
    Beihang UniversityChina

    Igor V. Belokonov
    Samara National Research University (Samara University)Russian Federation


    Steven Arnold
    The John Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryUnited States

    D1.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Systems addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the D Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Reinhold Bertrand
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Jill Prince
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Topics of this symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), address worldwide space transportation solutions and innovations. The goal is to foster understanding and cooperation amongst the world’s space-faring organisations.


    Steve Creech
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Markus Jaeger
    Airbus Defence & Space, Space SystemsGermany


    Yuguang Yang
    China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC)China

    D2.1. Launch Vehicles in Service or in Development

    Review of up to date status of launch vehicles currently in use in the world or under short term development.


    Iwao Igarashi
    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.Japan

    Randolph Kendall
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Igor V. Belokonov
    Samara National Research University (Samara University)Russian Federation

    D2.2. Launch Services, Missions, Operations, and Facilities

    Review of the current and planned launch services and support, including economics of space transportation systems, financing, insurance, licensing. Advancements in ground infrastructure, ground operations, mission planning and mission control for both expendable and reusable launch services.


    Francesco Santoro
    Altec S.p.A.Italy

    Jerry Cook
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight CenterUnited States


    Yves Gerard
    Airbus Defence & SpaceFrance

    D2.3. Upper Stages, Space Transfer, Entry and Landing Systems

    Discussion of existing, planned or new advanced concepts for cargo and human orbital transfer. Includes current and near term transfer, entry and landing systems, sub-systems and technologies for accommodating crew and cargo transfer in space.


    Oliver Kunz
    Beyond GravitySwitzerland

    Brian Smith
    Raytheon Canada LimitedCanada


    Oleg Ventskovsky
    Yuzhnoye SDO European Representation in BrusselsUkraine

    D2.4. Future Space Transportation Systems

    Discussion of future overall system designs and operational concepts for both expendable and reusable systems for Earth-to orbit transportation and exploration missions


    José Gavira Izquierdo
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Carina Dorbath
    MT Aerospace AGGermany


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    D2.5. Technologies for Future Space Transportation Systems

    Discussion of technologies enabling new reusable or expendable launch vehicles and in-space transportation systems. Emphasis is on TRL hardware development and verification prior to flight, including ground testing and/or innovative technology prototype demonstrations not yet involving flight.


    Lin Shen
    China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)China

    Florian Ruhhammer
    MT Aerospace AGGermany


    Patrick M. McKenzie

    D2.6. Future Space Transportation Systems Verification and In-Flight Experimentation

    Discussion of atmospheric and in-space flight testing and qualification of system, sub-system, and advanced technologies for future launch venicles and in-space transportation systems. Emphasis is on higher TRL in-flight experimentation, demonstration, and qualification, including test plans and innovative technology prototype demonstrations involving or leading to flight as well as new and unique test platforms and capabilities.


    David E. Glass
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Sreedhara Panicker Somanath
    Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)India


    Tetsuo Hiraiwa
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    D2.7. Small Launchers: Concepts and Operations (Part I)

    Discussion of existing, planned and future Launchers for small payloads ranging from 1500 kg to as low as 1 kg into Low Earth Orbit. Includes innovative solutions such as airborne systems, evolutions from sub-orbital concepts, combinations of existing / emerging elements and new elements, reusable, partially reusable and expendable concepts, and flexible, highly responsive concepts. Includes mission operations, design, development, and specific constraints. For discussion on small satellite missions not focused on launchers and their operations, please refer to session B4.5.


    Harry A. Cikanek
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    Ulf Palmnäs
    Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)Sweden


    Julio Aprea
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    D2.8-A5.4. Space Transportation Solutions for Deep Space Missions

    This joint session will explore space transportation capabilities, existing or under study, for human space exploration missions, new science, programme architectures, technology demonstrations as well as the issues of scientific and political motivations and international cooperation. The session will also deal with worldwide needs, requirements and potential missions enabled by deep space transportation system.


    Ernst Messerschmid
    University of StuttgartGermany

    Kenneth Bruce Morris
    Sierra SpaceUnited States

    Josef Wiedemann
    Isar Aerospace Technologies GmbHGermany

    Andrew J. Aldrin
    Secure World FoundationUnited States


    Gerhard Schwehm
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    D2.9-D6.2. Safe Transportation Systems for Sustainable Commercial Human Spaceflight / Small Launchers: Concepts and Operations (Part II)

    Commercial human space transportation systems must account for technical, economic and policy factors in order to be sustainable. This session will explore both this technical design solutions for reliability and safety, as well as the related economics, policy and regulatory issues involved in producing a human space transportation ecosystem that is sustainable. The discussion can include both suborbital and orbital transportation systems, as well as spaceports and infrastructure.


    Martin Sippel
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Aline Decadi
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Charles E. Cockrell Jr.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Transportation Solutions and Innovations addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the D Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    Daniel L. Dumbacher
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States


    Philippa Davies
    Reaction Engines Ltd.United Kingdom


    This symposium, organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), will involve papers and discussion that traverse a wide range of highly valuable future space capabilities (FSC) – in other words “building blocks” for future space exploration, development and discovery – that could enable dramatic advances in global space goals and objectives. The international discussion of future directions for space exploration and utilisation is fully underway, including activities involving all major space-faring nations. Decisions are now being made that will set the course for space activities for many years to come. New approaches are needed that establish strategies, architectures, concepts and technologies that will lead to sustainable human and robotic space exploration and utilisation during the coming decades. The symposium will examine the possible paths, beginning with current capabilities such as the International Space Station, which may lead to ambitious future opportunities for space exploration, discovery and benefits. The sessions that comprise this symposium are key elements of current or planned International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) studies.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Alain Pradier
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    D3.1. Strategies & Architectures as the Framework for Future Building Blocks in Space Exploration and Development

    Future scenarios for sustainable exploration and development in space will unfold in the context of global conditions that vary greatly from those of the 1950s-1970s (the first generation of space programmes, driven by international competition), or those of the 1980s-2000s (the second generation of space programmes, enabled by international cooperation). Looking to the future, it is likely that space-faring countries will pursue their goals and objectives in a more building-block fashion focused on developing high-value future space capabilities, rather than through massive, geo-politically driven programmes. Increasingly, these developments may also reflect future commercial space opportunities. As a result, it is important that the international community should engage in an ongoing discussion of strategies and architectures to frame a “building block” approach to our future in space. Such a discussion should involve sustainable budgets and multiple-purpose system-of-systems capabilities that lead to a diverse range of future activities of broad benefit to humanity. This session, which is related to a prospective new International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) study group, will address strategies and architectural approaches that may allow a new paradigm, a “building block” approach, to be established among the space-faring countries. Papers are solicited in these and related areas.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    Anouck Girard
    University of MichiganUnited States

    D3.2. Systems and Infrastructures to Implement Future Building Blocks in Space Exploration and Development

    The emergence of novel systems and infrastructures will be needed to enable ambitious scenarios for sustainable future space exploration and utilisation. New, reusable space infrastructures must emerge in various areas include the following: (1) infrastructures that enable affordable and reliable access to space for both exploration systems and logistics; (2) infrastructures for affordable and reliable transportation in space, including access to/from lunar and planetary surfaces for crews, robotic and supporting systems and logistics; (3) infrastructures that allow sustained, affordable and highly effective operations on the Moon, Mars and other destinations; and, (4) supporting in space infrastructures that provide key services (such as communications, navigation, etc.). Papers are solicited in these and related areas.


    Scott Hovland
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Paivi Jukola
    Aalto UniversityFinland


    William H. Siegfried
    The Boeing CompanyUnited States

    D3.3. Novel Concepts and Technologies to Enable Future Building Blocks in Space Exploration and Development

    In order to realise future, sustainable programmes of space exploration, utilisation and commercial development, a focused suite of transformational new concepts and supporting technologies must be advanced during the coming years. The technical objectives to be pursued should be drawn from a broad, forward looking view of the technologies and systems needed, but must be sufficiently well focused to allow tangible progression—and dramatic improvements over current capabilities—to be realised in the foreseeable future. This session will address cross cutting research topics and/or technologies to enable future building blocks in Space Exploration and Development. Papers are solicited in these and related areas.


    Alain Pradier
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Christopher Moore
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Junjiro Onoda

    Alain Dupas
    European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFrance

    D3.4. Space Technology and System Management Practices and Tools

    The effective management of space technology and systems development is critical to future success in space exploration, development and discovery. This session is the next in an ongoing series at the International Astronautical Congress that provides a unique international forum to further the development of a family of ‘best practices and tools’ in this important field. Specific areas of potential interest include: (1) Technology Management Methodologies and Best Practices; (2) R&D Management Software Tools and Databases; and (3) Systems Analysis Methods and Tools. The full range of R&D activities are appropriate for discussion, ranging from technology development long-term planning, through technology R&D programmes, to system development projects, with special emphasis on the transition of new technologies from one stage to the next. Particular topics could include: Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) and Technology Readiness Assessments, Technology R&D Risk Assessments and Management, Advanced Concepts Modeling Approaches and Tools, etc. Either more theoretical discussions, or examples of applications of R&D management techniques and/or tools to specific R&D programmes and projects are of interest for the session.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Paivi Jukola
    Aalto UniversityFinland


    Maria Antonietta Perino
    Thales Alenia Space ItaliaItaly


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the D Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    John C. Mankins
    ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLCUnited States

    Alain Pradier
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands


    This 16th symposium is organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). In Space Activities the focus is usually kept on the short term developments, at the expense of future goals. The Symposium will discuss topics with at least 20 to 30 years prospective lead time and identify technologies and strategies that need to be developed. These developments will be examined with the goal to support also short/medium term projects and to identify priorities required for their development. The Sessions in the Symposium will address innovative technologies and Strategies to develop Space Elevator as well as Interstellar Precursor Missions. A session will address also how Space activities can contribute to the resolution of World Societal Changes as well as to increasing the countries engaged in space activities.


    Giuseppe Reibaldi
    Moon Village Association (MVA)Austria

    Yu Lu
    China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT)China

    D4.1. Innovative Concepts and Technologies

    In order to realize future, sustainable programmes of space exploration and utilisation, a focused suite of transformational new system concept and supporting technologies must be developed during the coming decade. The technical objectives to be pursued should be drawn from a broad, forward looking view of the technologies and system needed, but must be sufficiently focused, to allow tangible progression and dramatic improvements over current capabilities. This session will address cross cutting considerations in which a number of discipline research topics and/or technologies may be successful developed to support transformational new system concept. Papers are solicited in these and related areas


    Roger X. Lenard
    LPSUnited States

    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Xiaowei WANG
    China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)China

    D4.2. Contribution of Space Activities to Solving Global Societal Issues

    The session will discuss the contributions, in the future, of space exploration and utilisation to the solution of global challenges (e.g. energy, population, sustainable development) and how the space systems will support the understanding of the global societal issues. The session will include also the identification of the related technologies that needs to be developed. The definition of a roadmap will be encouraged. Environmental issues including global climate change will not be covered in this particular session.


    Giuseppe Reibaldi
    Moon Village Association (MVA)Austria

    Yu Lu
    China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT)China


    Paivi Jukola
    Aalto UniversityFinland

    D4.3. Conceptualizing Space Elevators and Tethered Satellites

    The development of a system concept for space elevators [and tethered satellites] requires systems engineering and architecture approaches. IAA study (3-24) entitled "Road to Space Elevator Era" is pulling together initial steps for a new look at space elevators. This study will show how to approach mega-projects with engineering discipline leading to the initial phase of a program - Concept Development. The members of the study are all focusing on the early engineering and operational steps towards an operational capability, such as defining the missions and laying out the top-level requirements. This session will suggest strategies to illustrate the space elevator development leading to a phenomenal low cost to space infrastructure. In addition, the session can accept the strategies to leverage space tethers as a viable tool for space systems.


    Peter Swan
    Space Elevator Development CorporationUnited States

    Akira Tsuchida
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)Japan


    Yoji Ishikawa
    Obayashi CorporationJapan

    D4.4. Strategies for Rapid Implementation of Interstellar Missions: Precursors and Beyond

    Knowledge about space beyond our solar system and between the stars—that is interstellar space —is lacking data. Even as IBEX, NASA’s Interstellar Background Explorer, studies the edge of our solar system, it still is confined to earth orbit. Arguably, some of the most compelling data to understand the universe we live in will come from sampling the actual environment beyond our solar system as Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft are on the threshold of doing. In the 36 years since the Voyager probes’ launches, significant advances in materials science, analytical chemistry, information technologies, imaging capabilities, communications and propulsion systems have been made. The recently released IAA study: “Key Technologies to Enable Near-Term Interstellar Scientific Precursor Missions” along with significant initiatives like the DARPA seed-funded 100 Year Starship and the Breakthrough Starshot project, signal the need, readiness and benefits to aggressively undertaking interstellar space missions. This session seeks to define specific strategies and key enabling steps to implement interstellar precursor missions within the next 10-15 years. Suggestions for defined projects, payloads, teams, spacecraft and mission profiles that leverage existing technological capacities, yet will yield probes that generate new information about deep space, rapidly exit the solar system and which can be launched before 2040 are sought.


    Mae Jemison
    100 Year StarshipUnited States

    Giancarlo Genta
    Politecnico di TorinoItaly


    Emeline De Antonio
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    D4.5. Space Resources: Technologies, Systems, Missions and Policies

    The field of space resources is rapidly maturing, in just five years the number of new space ventures has increased by 7000%; new process, patents, technologies and systems concepts are emerging in an unprecedented fashion. In parallel, the legal regime for identifying, extracting and beneficiating resources is undergoing a similarly rapid evolution. Led by the United States and Luxembourg, all aspects of national law fully compliant with the Outer Space Treaty are emerging. The United Nations General Assembly recently approved a non-binding resolution which allowed each nation to form national legislation which comports with the Outer Space Treaty with regard to space resources. The purpose of this session is to provide insight into the current state of the art in technology, systems concepts, economics, law and policy related to Space Resources and how to leverage the present status for the benefit of humanity. This session also deals with shortfalls in capability, that is, what is needed to further to objective of benefitting mankind with the immense resources of space. Our objective is to generate developmental roadmaps anchored in the realities of engineering and economics which can produce commercially viable space industries which are compliant with each nation’s perspectives of space resources in light of their interpretation of the OST. This session has produced two cosmic studies on space mineral resources which have achieved global acclaim.


    Roger X. Lenard
    LPSUnited States

    Peter Swan
    Space Elevator Development CorporationUnited States


    Helen Tung


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Visions and Strategies for the Future addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the D Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Giuseppe Reibaldi
    Moon Village Association (MVA)Austria


    Quality, safety, security… These domains reflect a same concern: how a complex space system can be developed and be operated in order to give its best with the proper robustness. In that environment, where radiations are not the least stress and possible ill-intentioned actions may occur, decreasing the level of failures in space activities is a must. Knowledge management, meaning proper capturing, capitalising, protecting and sharing the knowledge, and application of lessons learned and experience, are key factors. This Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics aims at arousing the discussion between professionals, and raising the awareness of the new generation on the various approaches to obtain and run reliable, and safe space systems: design solutions, validation and tests, software development, validation and security, methods, management approaches, regulations to improve the quality, efficiency, and collaborative ability of space programs and space operations. All aspects are considered: risk management, complexity of systems and operations, knowledge and information management, human factors, economical constraints, international cooperation, norms, and standards.


    Jeanne Holm
    City of Los AngelesUnited States

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom

    D5.1. Quality and safety, a challenge for traditional and new space

    Great or small, ambitious or recurrent, every space program is undertaken with great hopes ! But we are far from 100 % success even if ”Faster, better, cheaper” is 20 years old. Now that the span of the actors of space has enlarged, including lots of newcomers, what are the practices to cope with the risks of failure and the results achieved? This session deals with the methods, tests, lessons learned, standards for analysis and mitigation of such risks to maintain the desired quality. It provides an opportunity for exchanges on all aspects of the life cycle (including design, development and production philosophy, operations) and associated risk management approach. It addresses every kind of space missions: transportation systems, orbital systems, exploration vehicles.


    Manola Romero

    Alexander S. Filatyev
    Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation


    Pierre Molette

    D5.2. Knowledge management for space activities in the digital era

    In the today’s digital era, also space businesses should rethink on the KM approaches to generate a community of shared and useful information and knowledge. More advanced technologies give digital workers the opportunity to communicate and collaborate on a regular basis, in addition the proliferation of mobile devices and social media allows content to be more rapidly shared. This new environment pushes towards understanding what critical knowledge is, how it can help drive down costs and seeing solutions. Key themes addressed during the session are: managing the sharing of the knowledge to develop new projects, what solutions are in place to work securely across corporate and international boundaries, how is knowledge captured, shared, and used to drive innovation and create value to the organization, collaboration and culture, the financial value of KM to the business, processes and technologies that organisations are using to sustain, energise and invigorate their ability to learn, innovate, and share knowledge. Examples of case studies of particular interest include successful projects and innovations in the application of knowledge management, grounded research in knowledge and risk management, methods that allow data, information or knowledge exchange within or amongst organisations in support of actual programmes.


    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom

    Patrick Hambloch
    The Planetary SocietyGermany


    Jeanne Holm
    City of Los AngelesUnited States

    D5.3. Prediction, Testing, Measurement and Effects of space environment on space missions

    Space environment has many natural components such as radiation, plasma, atomic oxygen, planetary dusts, extreme temperature, vacuum, micro-gravity, micrometeoroid and debris, etc. and several spacecraft induced components related to contamination, charging or e.g. plume effects. They strongly impact the quality of space missions. Environmental conditions yield constraints at design phase, and important risks in the course of the mission. The evaluation of the average and worst case conditions to be met, and of their impact on missions and sub-systems are thus of prime importance. This session will encompass the following topics: Space Weather, Plasma, Spacecraft Charging, Radiation, Atomic Oxygen, Planetary Dusts, Contamination, Combined Environments through - flight measurements; - physical processes; - prediction of average or worst case condition; - ground testing; - flight experiments and lessons learnt; - modelling and prediction.


    Jean-Francois Roussel
    Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)France

    Kyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan


    Carlos Soares
    NASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    D5.4. Cyber-security threats to space missions and countermeasures to address them

    The global network connectivity offered by the Internet introduces whole new families of cyber-security threats that can target space missions. To send commands to a spacecraft nowadays one would not need to build a ground station, but just penetrate from home or office the existing ground infrastructures, challenging and bypassing their protection measures. These questions will be addressed in the session: - What is the interest of cyber-crime and cyber-activism with respect to space activities? - How are aerospace organisations managing the ability to introduce the right level of security measures in the process to develop new missions? - What solutions are in place to work securely across corporate and international boundaries? - How is knowledge about security threats captured, shared among the constituency, and used to counteract the evolution of cyber threats? - Which ones of these specific threats are to be expected to target space missions, from the ground and up into space? - What is particularly to be expected from the cyber-space to target outer space? Case studies will focus on cryptography, processes, operational security, supply chain, and other aspects of space missions that are all constituting the technical and organizational measures necessary to make a mission “cyber secure”.


    Stefano Zatti
    University of Rome “La Sapienza”Italy


    Luca del Monte
    ESA - European Space AgencyFrance


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Safety, Quality and Knowledge Management in Space Activities addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the D Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Jeanne Holm
    City of Los AngelesUnited States

    Roberta Mugellesi-Dow
    European Space Agency (ESA)United Kingdom


    Topics of this symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), address commercial safety and regulatory policy issues for orbital and suborbital space transportation and spaceports. The goal is to identify issues common to commercial operators of both human and robotic space vehicles to increase international safety and interoperability.


    John Sloan
    Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST)United States

    Christophe Chavagnac
    Airbus Defence and Space SASFrance

    D6.1. Commercial Spaceflight Safety and Emerging Issues

    Topics for this session cover commercial space transportation and safety issues including human and robotic vehicles, spaceports, reentry vehicles, in-space transportation vehicles, and regulations. Papers related to commercial space transportation are also encouraged on: policy and law; operations and training; best practices and standards; pilot, crew and participant safety; and ground operations and launch site safety.


    John Sloan
    Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST)United States

    Christophe Chavagnac
    Airbus Defence and Space SASFrance


    Gennaro Russo
    Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA)Italy

    D6.2-D2.9. Safe Transportation Systems for Sustainable Commercial Human Spaceflight / Small Launchers: Concepts and Operations (Part II)

    Commercial human space transportation systems must account for technical, economic and policy factors in order to be sustainable. This session will explore both this technical design solutions for reliability and safety, as well as the related economics, policy and regulatory issues involved in producing a human space transportation ecosystem that is sustainable. The discussion can include both suborbital and orbital transportation systems, as well as spaceports and infrastructure.


    Aline Decadi
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Martin Sippel
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    D6.3. Enabling safe commercial spaceflight: vehicles and spaceports

    This session is addresses new and existing spaceports and factors that launch vehicle and spaceplane operators may use in evaluating the selection of a launch and/or landing location. Topics include: safety, air and spaceport facilities, runways, geography, air and space traffic, weather, population density, access to workforce and technical support, customer needs, regulations, and other areas. Papers are welcome from spaceports, airports, space transportation providers, support equipment providers, academia, commercial companies and governments.


    Christophe Chavagnac
    Airbus Defence and Space SASFrance

    John Sloan
    Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST)United States


    Francesco Santoro
    Altec S.p.A.Italy


    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), explores best practice and innovative approaches to space education at all levels. It also considers activities, methods and techniques for informal education, outreach to the general public and workforce development. Each year the symposium will commence with a key note address by the winner of the IAF Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal. This award recognizes the outstanding contribution to space education by an educator who promotes the study of astronautics and space science. When submitting abstracts for consideration, please note that: • Papers should have clear education or outreach content. • Emphasis should be placed on evaluating the learning outcomes of a project, and how these learning outcomes were achieved and evaluated. • Authors are encouraged to clearly identify target groups, benefits, lessons-learned, good practice and include measures of critical assessment • Technical details of projects, even if carried out in an educational context, will not usually qualify. • Papers reporting on programmes/activities that have already taken place will be given preference over papers dealing with concepts and plans for the future. • Papers covering topics/activities which have been reported at a prior IAC must state this explicitly and detail both the additional information to be presented and the added value that this represents.


    Lisa Antoniadis
    Astrocast SASwitzerland

    Naomi Mathers
    Space Industry Association of AustraliaAustralia

    E1.1. Ignition - Primary Space Education

    This session will explore innovative programs for students up to the age of 11 conducted within the formal education system. Emphasis will be placed on programs that effectively engage primary school students in STEM, develop key skills, and foster a long-term passion for space. This session will also consider programs and activities that develop effective and inspirational primary school teachers.


    Kaori Sasaki
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Carol Carnett
    International Space University (ISU)United States


    Gulnara T. Omarova
    Astrophysical InstituteKazakhstan

    Christopher Vasko
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    E1.2. Lift Off - Secondary Space Education

    This session will explore innovative programs for students aged 11 to 18, conducted within the formal education system. Emphasis will be placed on programs that effectively engage secondary school students in STEM, develop key skills, and foster a long-term passion for space. This session will also consider programs and activities that develop effective and inspirational secondary school teachers.


    Seyed Ali Nasseri
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)Canada

    Michaela Gitsch
    Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FGG)Austria


    Carlos Duarte
    Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)Mexico

    Christopher Vasko
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    E1.3. On Track - Undergraduate Space Education

    This session will explore innovative programs for undergraduate students. This can include the development and delivery of innovative courses, project-based work, and work placements. Emphasis should be placed on how the program is structured for maximum impact, how the impact is measured and how the lessons learned are being applied to other courses.


    Hubert Diez

    Camille Alleyne
    NASAUnited States


    Michal Kunes
    Czech Republic

    E1.4. In Orbit - Postgraduate Space Education

    This session will explore innovative programs for postgraduate students. This can include the development and delivery of innovative courses, project-based work, and work placements. Emphasis should be placed on how the program is structured for maximum impact, how the impact is measured and how the lessons learned are being applied to other courses.


    David Spencer
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    Camille Alleyne
    NASAUnited States


    Thierry Dana-Picard
    Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)Israel

    Remco Timmermans
    International Space University (ISU)United Kingdom

    E1.5. Enabling the Future - Developing the Space Workforce

    This session will focus on the challenges, opportunities and innovative approaches to developing the current and future global space workforce.


    Amalio Monzon
    Airbus Defence and SpaceSpain

    Olga Zhdanovich
    ModisThe Netherlands


    Michal Kunes
    Czech Republic

    Hubert Diez

    E1.6. Calling Planet Earth - Space Outreach to the General Public

    This session will focus on activities, programs and strategies for engaging the general public. This session does not include programs that are conducted within the formal education system.


    Jessica Culler
    NASA Ames Research CenterUnited States

    Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
    Karman ProjectUnited Kingdom


    Thierry Dana-Picard
    Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)Israel

    Frank Friedlaender
    Lockheed Martin Space Systems CompanyUnited States

    E1.7. New Worlds - Non-Traditional Space Education and Outreach

    This session will focus on novel and non-standard methods of space education and outreach in non-traditional areas and to non-traditional target groups. This session does not include programs that are conducted within the formal education system.


    Vera Mayorova
    Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussian Federation

    Olga Zhdanovich
    ModisThe Netherlands


    Carol Christian
    STScIUnited States

    E1.8. Hands-on Space Education and Outreach

    Hands-on can be a powerful way to introduce and teach STEM concepts, especially with diverse learners of many backgrounds. This session will demonstrate and share effective hands-on activities and experiments to explore, teach and reinforce space-related concepts. During the session, presenters will actually demonstrate the activity. Full details are available at http://www.iafastro.org/committees/space-education-and-outreach-committee-seoc/.


    Lyn Wigbels
    American Astronautical Society (AAS)United States

    Kevin Stube
    The Planetary SocietyUnited States


    Remco Timmermans
    International Space University (ISU)United Kingdom

    Carol Carnett
    International Space University (ISU)United States

    E1.9. Space Culture – Public Engagement in Space through Culture

    This Session is co-sponsored by the IAF Technical Committee on the Cultural Utilization of Space (ITACCUS) and the IAA Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) permanent committee and will focus the activities of institutions such as museums, space agencies and non-profit organizations involving space that engage the cultural sector. This session focuses on the process, critical thinking and methodologies underlying space education and outreach events. It does not include programs that are conducted within the formal education system.


    Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
    Karman ProjectUnited Kingdom

    Lisa Antoniadis
    Astrocast SASwitzerland


    Nahum Romero

    Carol Oliver
    University of New South WalesAustralia


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Education and Outreach addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Lisa Antoniadis
    Astrocast SASwitzerland

    Carolyn Knowles
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Jessica Culler
    NASA Ames Research CenterUnited States

    Seyed Ali Nasseri
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)Canada


    Presentation of space-related papers by undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international student competition.


    Marco Schmidt
    University WuerzburgGermany

    Franco Bernelli-Zazzera
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    E2.1. Student Conference - Part 1

    Undergraduate and graduate level students (no more than 28 years of age) present technical papers on any project in space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the specific work of the author(s) (no more than two students). The students presenting in this session will compete in the 44th International Student Competition. This session is NOT for team projects. Team project papers should be submitted to session E2.3. French, German, US, British and Canadian students submitting abstracts for the sessions E2.1 and E2.2 should apply via the national coordinators: - for France: Benedicte Escudier at: benedicte.escudier@supaero.fr - for Germany: Marco Schmidt at: schmidt.marco@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de - for USA: Felicia Livingston at: felicial@aiaa.org - for Great Britain: Chris Welch at: Welch@isu.isunet.edu - for Canada: Jason Clement: Jason.Clement@asc-csa.gc.ca The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Franco Bernelli-Zazzera
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly

    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France


    Jeong-Won Lee
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of

    Emmanuel Zenou
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    E2.2. Student Conference - Part 2

    Undergraduate and graduate level students (no more than 28 years of age) present technical papers on any project in space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the specific work of the author(s) (no more than two students). The students presenting in this session will compete in the 44th International Student Competition. This session is NOT for team projects. Team project papers should be submitted to session E2.3. French, German, US, British and Canadian students submitting abstracts for the sessions E2.1 and E2.2 should apply via the national coordinators: - for France: Benedicte Escudier at: benedicte.escudier@supaero.fr - for Germany: Marco Schmidt at: schmidt.marco@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de - for USA: Felicia Livingston at: felicial@aiaa.org - for Great Britain: Chris Welch at: Welch@isu.isunet.edu - for Canada: Jason Clement: Jason.Clement@asc-csa.gc.ca The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Marco Schmidt
    University WuerzburgGermany

    Jeong-Won Lee
    Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea, Republic of


    Benedicte Escudier
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    Carlos Duarte
    Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM)Mexico

    E2.3-GTS.4. Student Team Competition

    Undergraduate and graduate level student teams present papers on any subject related to space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the work of the authors (three or more students). Students presenting in this session will compete for the Hans von Muldau Team Award. The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Emmanuel Zenou
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    Andrea Jaime
    Isar Aerospace Technologies GmbHGermany


    Michelle Mendes
    World Space Week AssociationUnited States

    E2.4. Educational Pico and Nano Satellites

    Proposed session with SUAC.


    Xiaozhou Yu
    Dalian University of Technology (DUT)China


    Franco Bernelli-Zazzera
    Politecnico di MilanoItaly


    This symposium, organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), will provide a systematic overview of the current trends in space policy, regulation and economics, by covering national as well as multilateral space policies and plans. The symposium also integrates the 33rd IAA/IISL Scientific-Legal roundtable.


    Jacques Masson
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
    Leuphana UniversityGermany

    E3.1. International Cooperation for the benefits of developing countries and emerging space nations

    An increasing number of emerging space nations is entering the space arena. The cooperation with established space actors offers new opportunities in international cooperation and space application. The session gives the opportunity to evaluate and highlight the different mechanisms of international cooperation in space, especially in view of benefits for developing countries and emerging space nations. The session will focus on concrete examples of space application and could give rise to new considerations of the space benefit declaration.


    Timiebi Aganaba
    Arizona State UniversityUnited States

    Helena Correia Mendonça
    Vieira de Almeida & AssociadosPortugal


    Alexander Soucek
    Austrian Space ForumAustria

    Peter Stubbe
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    E3.2. Ways ahead in Space Exploration

    International cooperation in space exploration offers a large range of opportunities of participation and capacity building. There is an increasing participation of public and private actors in this field, targeting different destinations and purposes. The session will focus on different models of cooperation and the current plans of future exploration missions of space exploration stakeholders.


    Nicolas Peter
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany


    Devanshu Ganatra
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)United States

    E3.3. Space economy – Stimulating measureable economic activities through space policies and budgets

    This session will focus on new forms of space business and how those alternative models facilitate the access to space. It will offer the opportunity to examine the relationship between government budget priorities at all levels (national, regional and local) and specific industrial/economic effects. The potential of those alternative business cases for the socio-economic development may be discussed. Examples include the wide range of small satellite activities, which allow non-institutional actors to engage in various fields of space application.


    Claire Jolly
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)France

    Henry Hertzfeld
    Space Policy Institute, George Washington UniversityUnited States


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    E3.4. Assuring a Safe, Secure and Sustainable Environment for Space Activities

    Space Activities provide a wealth of increasing benefits for people on Earth. However, space actors have come to realize that the benefits of the space infrastructure for the world community depend on technical, legal, policy and political means to keep a safe, secure and sustainable space environment. This session will explore the progress being made within multilateral fora, the private sector and individual countries in supporting the goal of a safe, secure and sustainable space environment. It will especially focus on outcomes of the LTS Working Group at UNCOPUOS, Guidelines agreed upon and the context of the UNISPACE+50 process.


    Ray A. Williamson
    United States


    Peter Stubbe
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)Germany

    E3.5-E7.6. 33rd Joint IAA/IISL Round Table: Global Cooperation in Planetary Defence

    Invited speakers only. This session looks at the technology and law relating to planetary defense at a time where its exposure to natural and physical threats is of paramount concern. Speakers are invited from various communities across the space sector, from developers, to regulatory and users. The session addresses the dependencies between legal and technical rules in a field whose vulnerability has increased at the rate of society’s dependency on its availability and the benefits it brings.


    Alan Harris
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Yu Takeuchi
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    Nicola Rohner-Willsch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    E3.6. Strategic Risk Management for successful space & defence programmes

    Considering today’s global economic and industrial challenges, more and more organisations have implemented a Corporate Risk Management (also called Enterprise Risk Management - ERM) framework in order to align their strategy with their risk appetite and available resources. In these sectors, and in particular for organisations dealing with large-scale space projects, this cross-organisational process, applies when setting goals across the whole organisation. The process is designed to identify and mitigate potential threats and exploit opportunities in the achievement of the organisation’s goals and objectives, and helps support the decision making of senior management. This session, organised by the ERM Technical Committee, will offer a forum to reflect on the recent trends in strategic risk management and exchange validated practices and lessons learned from organisations that already implement such a framework.


    Maria-Gabriella Sarah
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Ruediger Suess
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    David M. Lengyel
    George Washington UniversityUnited States

    Andrew Court
    TNOThe Netherlands


    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Policy, Regulations and Economics addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Jacques Masson
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
    Leuphana UniversityGermany


    This symposium is organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). History of space science, technology & development, rocketry, personal memoirs. The entire spectrum of space history, at least 25 years old, is covered, as well as history of rocketry and astronautics in Germany. History of preparation and developments for the first Moon landing in 1969.


    A. Ingemar Skoog

    Kerrie Dougherty

    Hannes Mayer
    Karl Franzens Universität GrazAustria

    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States

    E4.1. Memoirs & Organizational Histories

    Autobiographical & biographical memoirs of individuals who have made original contributions to the development & application of astronautics & rocketry. History of government, industrial, academic & professional societies & organisations long engaged in astronautical endeavours.


    Marsha Freeman
    21st Century Science & TechnologyUnited States

    Niklas Reinke
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany


    Michael Ciancone
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space CenterUnited States

    Rachel Tillman
    The Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project (VMMEPP)United States

    E4.2. Scientific & Technical History

    Historical summaries of rocket & space programs, and the corresponding technical & scientific achievements.


    Karlheinz Rohrwild
    Hermann-Oberth-Raumfahrt Museum e.V.Germany

    Nathalie Tinjod
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    John Harlow
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited Kingdom

    Radu Rugescu
    Association Dedicated to Development in Astronautics (A.D.D.A)Romania

    E4.3A. Germany’s Contribution to Astronautics Post WWII

    Technical session with invited & proposed speakers. Origin (technical & political aspects) of the space activities & programs in Germany after Second World War.


    Vera Pinto Gomes
    European CommissionBelgium

    Otfrid G. Liepack
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States


    Kerrie Dougherty

    Piero Messina
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    E4.3B. "Can you believe they put a man on the moon?"

    This technical session welcomes papers focusing on all aspects of the development and preparation for the man arrival on the Moon in 1969. The session seeks papers on topics including but not limited to: technology & scientific aspects (developments, results, spin-offs, etc); reflection on the impacts (political, cultural and societal); contributions from non - US countries and Russia Moon program.


    John Charles
    NASA Human Research ProgramUnited States


    Christophe Rothmund
    Airbus Safran LaunchersFrance

    Hannes Mayer
    Karl Franzens Universität GrazAustria


    This 29th symposium is organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). Presentations will review the impact and benefits of space activities on the quality of life on Earth and in space. A broad range of topics may be covered including arts and culture, space architecture, and society's expectations from space exploration and research, as well as technology and knowledge transfer.


    Geoffrey Languedoc
    Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI)Canada

    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States

    E5.1. Space Architecture: Habitats, Habitability, and Bases

    Space Architecture integrates all topics related to designing and building human environments for use in space. The session welcomes papers in three areas: 1) research, design, prototype testing, manufacture, and operation of habitats for space and analog terrestrial environments; 2) how habitats influence human health, psychology, and efficiency, and requirements based on the “human factor”; 3) fabrication and construction of habitable complexes on planetary surfaces or in orbit.


    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States

    Brent Sherwood
    Blue Origin LLCUnited States


    Anna Barbara Imhof
    Liquifer Systems Group (LSG)Austria

    E5.2. Is Space R&D Truly Fostering A Better World For Our Future?

    This session solicits papers for a panel discussion focusing on the distinct benefits to society from products derived from space research and development (R&D). The goal of this session is to examine and discuss cases of both emerging and established goals, best practices, and associated outcomes of knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and technology commercialization programs as they relate specifically to societal benefits. Presenters will identify distinctive ways their organizations are promoting the relevance of space R&D to diverse societies. Attendees will develop a broader awareness of how they can also identify and promote the benefits of space R&D in order to influence broader support of space R&D investments. Panel Members are asked to introduce novel practices which: - Increase attendee understanding of how innovations resulting from space R&D have changed, and will continue to change, the world. - Promote productive thinking about optimizing space R&D investments in order to maximize societal benefits. - Increase the understanding of technology transfer policies and practices for both space and non-space utilization. - Demonstrate the correlation and synergies between technology transfer and STEM education for interdisciplinary space careers and technical entrepreneurship. - Measurably demonstrate the impact of innovation derived from space R&D when transferred into new products, services and processes.


    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States

    Nona Cheeks
    retired from NASA GSFCUnited States


    Anna Barbara Imhof
    Liquifer Systems Group (LSG)Austria

    E5.3. Contemporary Arts Practice and Outer Space: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

    Since the late 1970s a number of artists have been negotiating access to space facilities and organisations, critiquing or making experiential the exploration and utilisation of space, or re-purposing space technology, materials or data independently or in direct exchange with the space sector. Today this practice is branching into a several directions, ranging from performance, installation, video, or conceptual work situated in the space or space analogous environments themselves, to commercial gallery contexts and the realm of participation and public engagement with science. This session addresses the practice of contemporary artists who have developed new ways to appropriate space for their work, the conceptual and practical foundations of their engagement, and the implications of this emerging aesthetic paradigm for both the fields of space and art. Submissions are welcome from artists and art historians, and from space industry and space agency representatives as well as from the cultural sector facilitating or programming related projects crossing over the increasingly blurred boundaries of creative practice.


    Richard Clar
    Art TechnologiesUnited States

    Tibor Balint
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)United States


    Melanie King
    Royal College of ArtUnited Kingdom

    E5.4. Space Assets and Disaster Management

    This session will explore the role space assets can play in situations requiring disaster management and emergency response. Papers will discuss how space assets and applications can be brought to bear to assist with situation monitoring and assessment, shortening response times and mitigating impact on affected populations.


    Geoffrey Languedoc
    Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI)Canada

    Jillianne Pierce
    Space FloridaUnited States

    E5.5. Space Societies, Professional Associations and Museums

    Space societies, professional associations and museums form a special and important group of IAF members - nearly one quarter of the membership and, as a sector, second in size after space industries. They include professional societies, space museums, space associations, non-profit organisations and other organisations interested in space activities. Some have a large membership of 10 000 or more, others can be small; a few are already a century old, others are just being created. They exist in traditional and emerging space nations. Together they champion the interests of an impressive number of individuals and organizations connected to space. This symposium offers a podium for ideas and proposals to enhance the interaction between the organisations, their members and the Federation. Papers may address proposals to exchange experiences and best practices; sharing articles, exhibitions or educational material; novel ideas to help outreach to the general public, etc. Of particular interest are papers exploring ways to foster communication and collaboration and to develop mutual benefits amongst young societies, representatives of emerging space nations and museums within and outside the IAF family.


    Scott Hatton
    The British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    Jean-Baptiste Desbois
    SEMECCEL Cité de l'EspaceFrance

    Ines Prieto
    SEMECCEL Cité de l'EspaceFrance


    Minoo Rathnasabapathy
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)United States

    E5.IP. Interactive Presentations - 29th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE AND SOCIETY

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space and Society addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Geoffrey Languedoc
    Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI)Canada

    Olga Bannova
    University of HoustonUnited States


    The Business Innovation Symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), is designed to offer papers that observe, study, analyse, describe, and/or propose any topic related to space activities that have commercial objectives, whether from an academic and/or practitioner perspective.


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    E6.1. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Practitioners' Perspectives

    This session will contain a broad spectrum of entrepreneurship presentations from the perspective of the practitioner. Sample topics include new business plans, new projects, recent experiences of startup companies, etc.


    Gary Martin
    International Space University (ISU)United States

    E6.2. Finance and Investment: The Practitioners' Perspectives

    This session will contain the practitioners' presentations regarding topics of finance. Sample topics include ways to fund new firms, financial analyses of markets, descriptions of financing and/or banking enterprises, etc.


    Joerg Kreisel
    JOERG KREISEL International Consultant (JKIC)Germany


    Ian Christensen
    Secure World FoundationUnited States

    E6.3. Innovation: The Academics' Perspectives

    This session will contain academic presentations, at any level of analysis, on any aspect of business, entrepreneurship, innovation, organization theory, investment, etc. These topics will include interim (e.g., working papers) or finished research work performed at any level, from bachelor's to doctoral students, and post-graduates. This work can include theoretical and applied research. In addition to the IAF proposed abstract, authors are requested to submit a 5-page extended abstract (in the academic style; 1 inch/2.5cm margins, 12 pt font, times new roman font, double spaced, etc.) for review prior to acceptance. Please send the extended abstracts to ken.davidian@gmail.com for review. Content should follow the academic chapters of Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Data, Results, Conclusions, etc.


    Ken Davidian
    United States

    Paola Belingheri
    Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E)The Netherlands


    Luigi Scatteia
    PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory (PwC)France

    E6.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF BUSINESS INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Business Innovation addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Ken Davidian
    United States


    This year’s Colloquium places a special focus on the fiftieth anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty, and discusses its main principles in the context of each individual dedicated IISL panel session.


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy

    Diane Howard
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)United States

    Publication officer

    Rafael Moro-Aguilar

    PJ Blount
    Cardiff UniversityUnited Kingdom

    E7.1. 10th Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law and Young Scholars Session

    In the first part of this session, Marco Ferrazzani will deliver the keynote lecture "Space law and international organisations". The second part of this session will be dedicated to the space lawyers of the future and young scholars (under 35 years old) who are invited to present a paper on a relevant topic of space law.


    Kai-Uwe Schrogl
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)France

    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany


    Christopher Johnson
    Secure World FoundationUnited States

    E7.2. Financing space: Procurement, competition and regulatory approach

    This session invites papers with a focus on the subject of competition in the space sector from both the perspective of access and structure of financing space activities, as well as space-related procurement rules. With the increasing number of start-ups, and the growing interest in the micro-satellite sector, the session looks to identify whether and how these three key elements of finance, procurement and competition combine to frame the degree of competition in the space sector at national and/or regional level. Papers may also deliver observations relating to developments in the downstream activities within these sectors.


    Ingo Baumann

    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy


    Gina Petrovici
    German Space AgencyGermany

    E7.3. Integrated space applications, EO telecoms navigation

    This session looks at the increasing reliance of society on all space-based services from the perspective of legal rules, national and international. It invites authors to address the legal issues relating to their use and deployment, from ownership and licensing of intellectual property to availability, integrity and interoperability. Authors are particularly encouraged to examine the access and use of space data in the various fields where it is relied on, highlighting the relation between the law of outer space and the accompanying fields such as communications law.


    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy

    Setsuko Aoki
    Keio UniversityJapan


    Andrea Capurso
    European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)Italy

    E7.4. Space law at Unispace +50: consequences and future perspectives

    This session takes UNISPACE I as its starting point and invites authors to examine the development and contribution of the UNISPACE dialogue, particularly UNISPACE III, from the perspective of its achievements to date , the spectrum and type of legal rules agreed on over the years, and its agenda for the future.


    Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
    Leuphana UniversityGermany

    Yun Zhao
    The University of Hong KongHong Kong SAR, China


    Antonino Salmeri
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)Spain

    E7.5. The relationship between space law and cyberlaw, and other recent developments in space law

    This panel invites submissions on a range of topics focusing on the policy and legal interactions between telecommunications law and outer space law. Papers addressing the following issues will be of particular interest to the IISL’s Cyberspace Law Working Group: technical architecture of cyber space; existence of a (self-contained) specific legal regime for cyber space; entities responsible to regulate cyber space; applicability of space applicable to cyber activities in outer space; legal aspects of cyber security for space assets.


    Stephan Hobe
    University of CologneGermany

    Larry Martinez
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)United States


    Simona Spassova
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg

    E7.6-E3.5. 33rd Joint IAA/IISL Round Table: Global Cooperation in Planetary Defence

    Invited speakers only. This session looks at the technology and law relating to planetary defense at a time where its exposure to natural and physical threats is of paramount concern. Speakers are invited from various communities across the space sector, from developers, to regulatory and users. The session addresses the dependencies between legal and technical rules in a field whose vulnerability has increased at the rate of society’s dependency on its availability and the benefits it brings.


    Alan Harris
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    Hiroshi Takeuchi
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    Nicola Rohner-Willsch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    E7.7-B3.8. Legal framework for collaborative space activities - New ways of launching (micro-launching) and large constellation microsats (Joint IAF/IISL session)

    This session includes both invited and submitted papers on the challenges currently faced by existing systems for licensing space activities in the light of the necessity to ensure their sustainability, and efficient management of scarce frequency resources. It looks at the way in which dialogue is mapped out between governments and the various actors in the space community, and pays particular attention to the latest developments arising from low cost transportation systems and technology. The papers are particularly invited to address the question as to how these challenges can be met, and how to best approach these at national and international level.


    Philippe Clerc
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Tony Azzarelli
    OnewebUnited Kingdom


    Kamlesh Brocard
    Swiss Space Office (SSO)Switzerland

    E7.IP. Interactive Presentations - 61st IISL COLLOQUIUM ON THE LAW OF OUTER SPACE

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Law addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy


    This symposium, organized by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), will review the progress made in multilingual space terminology and its impact on international cooperation in space. Terminology is a key issue for a better understanding among people using various languages and dialects. Consecutive or simultaneous translation does not remove the risk of ambiguity during technical meetings and accuracy in terminology is essential during all phases of cooperation. The session will address issues such as standardisation of definitions in space science and technology. The specific character of emerging space countries will also be discussed.


    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland

    Tetsuo Yoshimitsu
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    E8.1. Multilingual Astronautical Terminology

    This symposium, organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), will review the progress made in multilingual space terminology and its impact on international cooperation in space. Terminology is a key issue for a better understanding among people using various languages and dialects. Consecutive or simultaneous translation does not remove the risk of ambiguity during technical meetings and accuracy in terminology is essential during all phases of cooperation. The session will address issues such as standardisation of definitions in space science and technology. The specific character of emerging space countries will also be discussed.


    Susan McKenna-Lawlor
    Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd.Ireland

    Tetsuo Yoshimitsu
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan


    Fabrice Dennemont
    International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)France


    The Global Technical Symposium (GTS) is designed to offer a modern and eclectic platform at the IAC for sharing technical content to an open minded audience on-site but also online! Oriented towards young and talented space professionals, it allows for sharing of information on a global scale with presenters and audience both at the IAC venue and online at their home/work/university locations. The Global Technical Sessions are similar to the conventional technical sessions with abstract selection and paper submissions. They are jointly organized by associated technical committees and co-chaired by seasoned experts and young professionals in order to stimulate the interaction with the authors. The Global Technical Sessions are the IAC cradle for future talents and a modern session to speak with a larger audience thanks to the real-time broadcast online. It can also allow the authors who can’t come to IAC to present their paper to the onsite audience at the IAC and is recorded for further use and personal branding by the presenter.


    Kathleen Coderre
    Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company)United States

    Guillaume Girard

    Stephanie Wan
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    Seyed Ali Nasseri
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)Canada

    GTS.1-B1.6. Citizen Science in Global Earth Observation Systems

    This three hour joint Global Technical Session is the second event in a three year series focusing on the role of Citizen Science and crowd sourcing in Global Earth Observation science investigations.This session includes scientific methodology and results, technical challenges and pitfalls, guidelines for success, policy and educational aspects, and benefits of Citizen Science and crowd sourcing in Global Earth Observation science investigations. Experiences from past and present projects and methods for how to best involve people from around the globe are encouraged. The selected papers may be presented either in person or by virtual participants. During the last hour we will hold a panel discussion to engage the global audience, and invite authors to participate. This joint session is organized through a continuing partnership between IAF Subcommittee on Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and IAF’s Workforce Development and Young Professional Programme (WD/YPP) in collaboration with the Bremen IAC Local Organizing Committee.


    Jessica Culler
    NASA Ames Research CenterUnited States

    Harry A. Cikanek
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States


    Kate Becker
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    Brent Smith
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)United States

    GTS.2-B3.9. Human Spaceflight Global Technical Session

    The Human Spaceflight Global Technical Session is targeting individuals and organisations with the objective of sharing best practices, future projects, research and issues for the future of Human Spaceflights. This is a technical session co-sponsored by the IAF Human Spaceflight Committee and the IAF Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee.


    Guillaume Girard

    Andrea Jaime
    Isar Aerospace Technologies GmbHGermany

    GTS.3-B2.8. Space Communications and Navigation Global Technical Session

    A Global session to present and discuss developments in a wide range of satellite communication topics, including fixed, mobile, broadcasting, and data relay technologies and services, as well as those for satellite based position determination, navigation, and timing. Both Earth orbital and interplanetary space communications topics can be addressed. This session is co-sponsored by the Space Communications and Navigation Committee and the Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee.


    Edward W. Ashford
    Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)United States

    Kevin Shortt
    Airbus Defence & SpaceGermany


    Stephanie Wan
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    GTS.4-E2.3. Student Team Competition

    Undergraduate and graduate level students teams present papers on any subject related to space sciences, industry or technology. These papers will represent the work of the authors (three or more students). Students presenting in this session will compete for the Hans von Muldau Team Award. The guidelines for the student competition will be distributed from the session chairs to the authors after abstract acceptance.


    Emmanuel Zenou
    Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE)France

    Andrea Jaime
    Isar Aerospace Technologies GmbHGermany


    Michelle Mendes
    World Space Week AssociationUnited States

    GTS.5-B4.9. Small Satellite Missions Global Technical Session

    The Small Satellite Missions Global Technical Session (GTS) is collaboration between the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Small Satellite Missions Symposium and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee. This session is unique in that it allows for sharing of information on a global scale with presenters and audience both at the IAC venue and online at their home/work/university locations. Abstracts are solicited regarding operational missions or mature proposals for small satellite systems and related topics. These must have clear relevance on an international scale or at a business level, and must also provide young professionals a taste of what the space sector has to offer. Where possible, abstracts should have a wide interest in the community and should include transferable knowledge or lessons learned. Abstracts highlighting ingenuity or innovation are preferred. Examples include space missions utilizing small satellites that address specific new societal, scientific or commercial challenges, or novel technologies that have the potential to revolutionize space missions and/or enable their access to space. Papers are to describe the specific need, the small satellite approach that addresses this need, the benefits of this approach and the use of space technology, and demonstrate that other non-space approaches provide inferior solutions. Papers from, or directed at the young professional community are preferred. This session will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only.


    Alex da Silva Curiel
    Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)United Kingdom

    Norbert Lemke
    OHB System AGGermany


    Matthias Hetscher
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany