rootbrowseIAC-19symposium B4B4. 26th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SMALL SATELLITE MISSIONSSessions1. 20th Workshop on Small Satellite Programmes at the Service of Developing Countries10-A6.10. Joint Small Satellite/Space Debris Session to promote the long-term sustainability of space2. Small Space Science Missions3. Small Satellite Operations4. Small Earth Observation Missions5. Access to Space for Small Satellite Missions5A-C4.8. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems6A. Generic Technologies for Small/Micro Platforms6B. Generic Technologies for Nano/Pico Platforms7. Constellations and Distributed Systems8. Small Spacecraft for Deep-Space Exploration9-GTS.5. Small Satellite Missions Global Technical SessionIP. Interactive Presentations:26th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SMALL SATELLITE MISSIONS